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Grammar Page | 1


Q.1.A. Fill in the blanks with coordinating conjunctions
1. Walk quickly, else you will not overtake him.
2. He must obey, otherwise he will be punished.
3. He was found guilty; therefore he was punished.
4. It is time to go; so let us start.
5. We stayed at home and watched television.
6. He, as well as you, is guilty.
7. Wise men love truth, whereas fools shun it.
8. Hurry up, otherwise you will be late for school.
9. You must be bold or you will not be able to face the world.
10. She will rise in her life for she is sincere and hardworking.
B. Fill in the blanks with subordinating conjunctions.
1. The driver lost control when he was taking a right turn.
2. A sincere person creates goodwill wherever he goes.
3. As soon as I pressed the button, the water gushed out of the tap.
4. She said that she is confident of her success.
5. The gates were locked after the guests had left.
6. While there is life, there is hope.
7. Turn off the gas as soon as the water starts boiling.
8. He is wearing woolen clothes lest he should catch cold.
9. She is humble though she is rich.
10. I wont accept this job even if they offered double the salary.
C. Fill in the blanks with suitable conjunctions
1. Man proposes ____ God disposes. (so, and, but)
2. The train was derailed _______ nobody was hurt. (still, otherwise, for)
3. The kind man _______ gave food to the beggar _____ offered him some money. (in order---that,
Either----or, not only --- but also)
4. I believe him ____ he is truthful. (so, for, but)
5. His plans ____ vast, were never visionary. (therefore, as well as, however)
6. She was afraid of being late _____ she ran to the bus stop. (therefore, for, nevertheless)
7. _____ Harry ____ Larry passed the exam. (Neither --- nor, so---that, Either ----or)
8. She went to the doctor ---- she might be cured.
A. Because
B. although
C. so that
9. I will wait for you ---------- you return.
B. until
C. provided that
10. You can borrow the book ------ you return it tomorrow.
provided that
B. unless
C. so that
11. She walks ----------- she is slightly lame.
so that
B. as though C. in fact
11. The teacher punished him ------------ he had broken the window pane.
A. although
B. if
C. because
I shall buy a new bicycle -------- I can go to school on time.
A. if
B. because
C. so that
I would have gone to the party ------ I had been invited.
A. so that
B. if
C. although
I was so tired ----------- I at once fell sleepy.
B: until
C: before
I shall not return the book to her ------------ she asks for it.

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a. if
B. unless
C. although]
When I reached the bus stand, I discovered that I had missed my usual bus. -----------------I reached
the office on time.
A. However
B. consequently
C. therefore
He works --------------- he may earn money.
A. lest, B. because,
C, in order that
She went to the doctor ---- she might be cured.
A. Because
B. although
C. so that
I will wait for you ---------- you return.
A. Unless
B. until
C. provided that
Such an act would not be appreciated---------- it was just.
A. as though B. even if
C. so that
Ashok has not answered all questions. ---------------he hopes to pass in Mathematics.
B. nevertheless
C. in any case
You should start early. -------------- you are likely to miss the train. A.indeed
B. otherwise, C.
in fact]
D. Join the sentences with suitable conjunctions.
1. Trust in God. Do the right. [and]
Trust in God and do the right.
2. A canal was dug. The farmers could get water for their fields. [so that]
A canal was dug so that the farmers could get water for their fields.
3. We work. We may earn our living.[that]
We work that we may earn our living.[that]
4. The thief took to his heels. He should not be caught. [lest]
The thief took to his heels lest he should be caught.
5. This is Gods will. Let it be done. [if]
If this is Gods will let it be done.
6. You tell me the truth. I shall not forgive you. [unless]
Unless you tell me the truth I shall not forgive you.
7. I shall help you. You help me. {provided]
I shall help you provided you help me.
8. He loves her. He does not want to marry her. [though/although]
Although he loves her he does not want to marry her. [though/although]
9. I began my work. The telephone bell rang. [no soonerthan]
No sooner di I begin my work, than the telephone bell rang.
10. He has made sincere effort. He is sure to succeed. [therefore]
He has made sincere effort therefore he is sure to succeed.
E.Fill up the blanks with appropriate conjunctions.

Wisdom is better than rubies.

I would rather suffer than apologize.
Unless you work hard, you will not pass
Many new things have happened since I came here.
Either this boy or that girl has stolen my watch.
No sooner had the train stopped than he stepped out
He is not so clever as you think him to be.
Unless you tell me the truth, I shall punish you.
I would rather be a good scholar than a wealthy prince.
She had no other hobby than that of playing with the affections of her lover.
She is beautiful but not vain.

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Give me the water to drink, else I shall die of thirst.

I cannot give you any more money as I have none.
Many are called, but few are chosen.
She has a lot of faults; still I admire her.

Q.2. Put semicolon wherever necessary.

1. Preeti is quiet and hardworking Kanika is noisy and active.
Preeti is quiet and hardworking; Kanika is noisy and active.
2. The machine made a strange noise then it just stopped.
The machine made a strange noise; then it just stopped.
3. You havent returned the earlier loans nevertheless I will not disappoint you.
You havent returned the earlier loans; nevertheless, I will not disappoint you.
4. The family is going on a picnic father carries the rugs mother the food and the children the rest of the things.
The family is going on a picnic; father carries the rugs; mother, the food; and the children, the rest of the
5. Yesterday I lost my keys I found them today.
Yesterday I lost my keys; I found them today.
6. I have lost my bags I dont know what to do.
I have lost my bags; I dont know what to do.
7. The sky looked threatening I took an umbrella.
The sky looked threatening; I took an umbrella.
8. Dad has gone out he hasnt come home yet,
Dad has gone out; he hasnt come home yet.
9. The villagers were poor they had too little to eat.
The villagers were poor; they had too little to eat.
10. It is nice to get up in the morning it is nice to stay in bed.
It is nice to get up in the morning; it is nice to stay in bed.
11. Mum enjoys sports she is a nice tennis player.
Mum enjoys sports; she is a nice tennis player.
12. I am practising piano everyday my exam is on Sunday.
I am practising piano everyday; my exam is on Sunday.
1. What a terrible storm it is! he said.
He exclaimed that it was a terrible storm.
2. She said, Alas! How foolish I have been.

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She confessed with regret that that she had been very foolish.
3. He said, Goodbye friends,
He bade goodbye to his friends.
4. She said, O, for a glass of cold water!
She cried out for a glass of cold water.
5. He said, God save the king!
He prayed that God might save the king.
6.He said, How I wish I could come!
He exclaimed that he wished they would come.
7.They said, Hurrah, we have won the match!
They exclaimed with delight that they had won the match.
8.He said, Farewell my countrymen.
He bade farewell to his countrymen.
9. He said, May God bless her with a long life and prosperity!
He prayed that God might bless her with a long life and prosperity.
10. He said, Bravo! You have done well.
He applauded him by saying that he had done well.
11. He said to me, May God bless you.
He prayed that God might bless me.
12. He said, Alas I am undone.
He exclaimed with sorrow that he was undone.
13. He said, Hurrah! My friend has passed.
He exclaimed with delight that his friend had passed.
14. He said, Alas! I perish by the people I made.
He confessed with regret that he perished by the people he had made.
15. He exclaimed, Wonderful!
He exclaimed it was wonderful
16. The sage said, O! for a lodge in the wilderness.
The sage cried out for a lodge in the wilderness.
17The old man said, Alas! My happy youth is gone.
The old man cried that his happy youth was gone.
18. How stupid I have been! said the boy.
The boy confessed with regret that he had been stupid.
19 Turning to his friend, he said, And thou, too, farewell.
With sorrow he turned and bade his friend farewell.

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20What a piece of work is Man! said Hamlet.

Hamlet exclaimed that man was a great piece of work.
1. He said to me, Do you know the way?
He inquired of me if I knew the way.
2. The teacher said to me, What are you doing?
The teacher asked me what I was doing.
3. Ali said to me, When will you return?
Ali asked me when I would return.
4. He said to me, Why did you write such an insulting letter?
He demanded of me why I had written such an insulting letter.
5. He said to us, Will you listen to such a fool?
He asked us whether we would listen to such a fool.
6. He said to us, Are you going out today?
He inquired of us whether we were going out that day.
7. He said to me, Do you play football?
He asked me whether I played football.
8. He asked me, How will you fight that powerful enemy?
He asked me how I would fight that powerful enemy.
9. He said to me, Can you meet me tomorrow at the railway station?
He asked me if I could meet him the next day at the railway station.
10. The policeman said to the beggar, Do you know the shortest way to the inn?
The policeman asked the beggar if he knew the shortest way to the inn.
11. Do you suppose you know better than your teacher? jeered the angry headmaster.
The angry headmaster inquired if I was supposed to know more than my teacher.
12. He said to Mohan, What do you mean by abusing me this way?
He asked Mohan what he meant by abusing him that way.
13. What does it matter if I do not win the first prize in English? said Bimla.
Bimla inquired would it matter if she did not win the first prize in English.
14. Have you ever seen a balloon rising in the sky? asked the teacher.
The teacher asked me if I had ever seen a balloon rising in the sky.
15. I said to the porter, When does the next train come in?
I asked [inquired] the porter, when the next train was going [would come] to come in.
16. The teacher said to the boys, Have you been reading today or not?
The teacher asked the boys if they had been reading that day or not.

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17. He said, What will you do when you leave the school?
He asked me what I would do when I leave school.
18. He said, Will you please follow me?
He asked them/me whether they/I would follow him.
19. I said to her, Do you think that is a proper answer to give?
I asked her whether it was a proper answer to be given.
20. The boy said to the teacher, What is my fault for which I am being punished so severely in the presence
of the whole class?
The boy asked the teacher what his fault was for which he was being punished so severely in the presence of
the whole class.
Q.4.A. Change the voice from active to passive.
1. Somebody wants Aditi on telephone.
Aditi is wanted on telephone by somebody.
2. The parents of all the prize- winning students attended the function.
The function was attended by the parents of all the prize-winning students.
3. They shouted at the naughty boy.
The naughty boy was shouted at by them.
4. We water these plants everyday in the morning.
These plants are watered by us everyday in the morning.
5. The driver applied the brake immediately.
The brake was applied immediately by the driver.
6. The loud noise of the passing vehicles will disturb the child.
The child will be disturbed by the loud noise of the passing vehicles.
7. The company was promoting a new product.
A new product was being promoted by the company.
8. The members are discussing the problems seriously
The problems are being discussed seriously by the members.
9. The boy is climbing the cliff.
The cliff is being climbed by the boy.
10. The curator of the museum showed us some ancient coins.
Some ancient coins were shown us by the curator.
Q.4.B. Passive to active.
1. The teacher was pleased with the boys work.
The boys work pleased the teacher.
2. The building was damaged by the fire.
The fire damaged the building.
3. The first railway was built by George Stephenson.
George Stephenson built the first railway.
4. The child has been knocked down by a car.
A car has knocked down the child.
5. The trees are blown by the wind.
The wind blows the trees.
6. The streets were thronged by the spectators.
The spectators thronged the street.
7. These letters will be posted by me tomorrow.
I will post these letters tomorrow.
8.The match is being shown live by them.

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They are showing the match live.

9.The important information is kept on our computer by us.
We keep important information on our computer.
10.He was given a reward by the Principal.
The Principal gave him a reward.
Exercise no 1 Change the voice
1. He looked at the fence [change the voice]
A] Tthe fence is being looked at by him.
B] The fence were looked at by him.
C] The fence was being looked at by him.
D] The fence was looked at by him.
2. I will get the water. [change the voice]
A] The water should be got by me.
B] The water will be got by me.
C] The water would be got by me.
D] The water can be got by you.
3] She wont hurt you. [change the voice / begin with You]
A] You wont be hurt by her.
B] You wont have been hurting her.
C] You wont be hurting her.
D] You wont hurt her.
4. He looks at it.
A] It is looked at by him.
B] It is being looked at by him.
C] It has been looked at by him.
D] Let it be looked at by him.
5. He took the plaything.
A] The plaything had been taken by him.
B] The plaything is taken by him.
C] The plaything was taken by him.
D] The plaything is being taken by him.
6. Ben was eating an apple.
A] An apple was being eaten by Ben.
B] An apple will be eaten by Ben.
C] An apple had been eaten by Ben.
D] An apple is being eaten by Ben.
7. He was making noises like those of a big river boat.
A] Noises like those of a big river boat are being made by Ben.
B] Noises like those of a big river boat have been made by Ben.
C] Noises like those of a big river boat had been made by Ben.
D] Noises like those of a big river boat were being made by Ben.
8. Tom is moving his brush.
A] Toms brush is being moved by him.
B] Toms brush was being moved by him.
c] Toms brush had been moved by him.
D] Toms brush has been moved by him.
9. Ben watched it.
A] Let it be watched by Ben.

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B] It was watched by Ben.

C] It must be watched by Ben.
D] It is watched by Ben.
10. Paint the fence.
A] The fence is being painted.
B] The fence had to have been painted.
C] Let the fence be painted by you.
D] Let you paint the fence.
11. We passed the orders properly.
A] The orders were passed properly by us.
B] The orders are passed properly by us.
C] The orders had been passed properly by us.
D] The orders were being passed properly by us.
12. The orders were passed only to complete the formalities.
A] They passed orders only to complete the formalities.
B] They were passing the orders only to complete the formalities.
C] They had been passing the orders only to complete the formalities.
D] They will pass the orders only to complete the formalities.
13. Use of the parking zone is mostly limited to the employees of the corporation and a few nearby banks.
A] They limit the use of the parking zone to the employees of the corporation and a few nearby banks.
B] They have been limiting the use of the parking zone to the employees of the corporation and a few nearby
C] They have limited the use of the parking zone to the employees of the corporation and a few nearby
D] They limited the use of the parking zone to the employees of the corporation and a few nearby banks.
14. The parking areas were constructed on a build-operate-transfer basis.
A] They constructed the parking areas on a build-operate-transfer basis.
B] They construct the parking areas on a build-operate-transfer basis.
C] They have constructed the parking areas on a build-operate-transfer basis.
D] They had been constructing the parking areas on a build-operate-transfer basis.
1. A deep sadness settled upon his heart.
A] doesnt it? B] couldnt it? C] hadnt it? D] didnt it?
2. She wont hurt you
A] would she? B] wont she? C] wouldnt she? D] will she?
3. You should not be afraid of her.
A] should you B] shouldnt you? C] wouldnt you? D] would you?
4. Tom keeps on working.
A] didnt he? B] dont he? C] doesnt he? D] cant he?
5. He would shout loudly.
A] should he? B] shouldnt he? C] wouldnt he? D] wouldnt you?
6. Jim was singing happily.
A] isnt he? B] werent he? C] was he? D] wasnt he?
7. His hands moved more slowly.
A] did they? B] didnt his hands? C] dont they? D] didnt they?
8. Aunt Polly talks about it.
A] doesnt Aunt Polly? B] Does she? C] does Aunt Polly? D] doesnt she?
7. We passed the orders properly.

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A] couldnt we? B] did we? C] didnt we? D] hadnt we?

8. It is not our job to police the streets.
A] is it? B] isnt it? C] was it? D] wasnt it?
9. Rainak Bazaar and Dilkusha Market with their narrow lanes and heavy vehicular flow have turned into a
nightmare for the shoppers.
A] had they? B] havent they? C] didnt they? D] have they?
EXERCISE NO.3 USE No sooner, hardly, as soon as, unless
1. He came close to Tom and stopped. [no sooner]
A] No sooner did he come closely to Tom than he stopped.
B] No sooner did he stop than he came close to Tom.
C] No sooner does he come close to Tom than he stops.
D] No sooner did he come close to Tom than he stopped.
2. Soon the other boys would come and laugh at him. [no sooner]
A] No sooner would the other boys come then they would laugh at him.
B] No sooner would the other boys come than they would laugh at him.
C] No sooner would the other boys come when they would laugh at him.
D] No sooner would the other boys laugh at him than they would come.
3. He took his brush and went quietly to work. [no sooner]
A] No sooner did he take his brush then he went quietly to work.
B] No sooner did he take his brush when he went quietly to work.
C] No sooner did he take his brush than he went quietly to work.
D] No sooner did he take his brush so he went quietly to work.
4. He took his brush and went quietly to work [use hardly]
A] Hardly had he gone quietly to work than he took his brush.
B] Hardly had he taken his brush than he went quietly to work.
C] Hardly had he taken his brush then he went quietly to work.
D] Hardly had he taken his brush when he went quietly to work.
5. He came closer to Tom and stopped.
A] Hardly had he come close beside Tom than he stopped.
B] Hardly had he come close beside Tom when he stopped.
A] Hardly had he come close beside Tom than he stopped.
A] Hardly had he came close beside Tom than he stopped.
6. He took his brush and went quietly to work. [ use as soon as]
A] As soon as he took his brush when he went quietly to work.
B] As soon as he took his brush then he went quietly to work.
c] As soon as he took his brush than he went quietly to work.
d] As soon as he took his brush, he went quietly to work.
7. I will get water, if you will paint. [use unless]
A] Unless you will get water, I will paint.
B] Unless you will not paint, I will get water.
C] I wont get water unless you will paint.
D] I will get water unless you will paint.

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8. If it was the fence behind the house, you could help. [ use unless]
A] Unless it was not the fence behind the house, you couldnt help.
B] Unless it was the fence behind the house, you couldnt help.
C] Unless it was the fence behind the house, you could help.
D] Unless you couldnt help it was the fence behind the house.

DO AS DIRECTED [name the parts of speech for the underlined words]

1. The vehicles were parked in a haphazard manner .

A] verb B] adverb C] adjective D] preposition
2. The Tribune visited the parking area. [type of part of speech]
A] verb B] noun C] adjective D] preposition
3. The area is very busy.
A] verb B] adverb C] adjective D] preposition
4. People do not abide by the traffic rules
A] verb B] adverb C] adjective D] preposition
5. The parking area was constructed by the Corporation
A] verb B] adverb C] adjective D] preposition
6. A passing student told this reporter.
A] verb B] adverb C] adjective D] preposition
7. We have passed the orders properly.
A] noun B] adverb C] adjective D] preposition
EXERCISE 4 Change into indirect speech
1. Tom said, Jim, I will get the water, if you will paint the fence.
1. Tom told Jim that he would get the water, if he would paint the fence.
2. Jim said, No, I must get the water.
2. Jim disagreed and said that he had to get the water.
3. Tom said, Jim, are you afraid of Aunt Polly?
3. Tom asked Jim if/whether he was afraid of unt Polly.
4. Ben said, Hello Tom! You are in trouble here.
Ben greeted Tom and exclaimed that he was in trouble there.
5. Ben said, Hello Tom, must you work today?
Ben greeted Tom and asked if he should work that day.
6. Tom said, Oh Ben, I did not see you.
6. Tom told Ben with regret that he had not seen him.
7. Ben said, Tom, do you mean that you enjoy it?
7. Ben asked Tom if he meant that he enjoyed it.

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8. Ben said, I am going swimming now. Do you wish you could go with me?
8. Ben said that he was going swimming then and asked if he wished he could go with him.
9. Tom said, What do you mean?
9. Tom asked what he meant.
10. Tom said, Does a boy have a chance to paint a fence every day?
10. Tom asked did a boy have a chance to paint a fence every day.
11. Ben said, Tom, let me paint a little.
Ben requested Tom to let him paint a little.
12. Tom said, No, Ben, Aunt Polly wants this fence to be perfect.
12. Tom disagreed with Ben and said that Aunt Polly wanted that fence to be perfect.

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