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Promoting Your Guest House

I. Discussion points.
1. If you were a tourist where would you like to stay: in a hotel or in a guest house?
2. Have you ever been to a guest house? If yes, describe what you saw there.

II. Project work. Work in groups.

Situation: A group of teachers and students from a foreign high school are coming to your region for a short visit and
they need accommodation.
a. Imagine you are the co-owners of a guest house. You think it is the best place for this group. Discuss what aspects
make your guest house most attractive.
b. You have to produce a leaflet to introduce your guest house and to persuade the visitors to come to your place.
Here is an example of a leaflet plan. Add your own ideas. Be creative and realistic at the same time.
Name of the guest house
Number of rooms
Type of rooms

Facilities in the rooms

Traditional food menu

Hosting family and business events

Night rates and special offers

village, region, country

Contact details:


Distance to the nearest town/city
Main points of attraction/sights in
the region
Description of the landscape

Opportunities for leisure time

Chances for a memorable holiday

c. Display the leaflet. Present it to the class and be prepared to answer questions about the information and the
pictures on the page.
d. Students listening: Put yourselves in the role of the foreign visitors, and ask questions to each group about their
guest house. Decide which guest house you will stay in, based on the quality of the leaflets and the information
they provide.

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