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Dante Kempenaers

Radima Akhmetova
Brend De Wever


nr 8
nr 1
nr 6

Strangers are more stranger the poorer they are (Hans Magnus Enzensberger)
We live in a world where money is equal to power. You have an easier life when you have enough
money, when you are poor it doesnt get accepted by the community these days. So when you are a
refugee with money most of the time you get accepted immediately. Sadly, money is the biggest
priority these days. We cant imagine what it is like to be a refugee, thats why we put money in
front. We think we need to focus a little bit more on the human aspect instead of getting richer and
only think about ourselves. We are such judgmental people, if you are rich its easier to complain
about others, in case you are poor it is not that easy.
Refugees not only need a proper job, they also need an education because knowledge is also
powerful. Education is also expensive and the poor cant afford it, so they are disadvantaged.
This is why poor strangers are more stranger, we dont think this is right and our society must
change, the world has more poor people than there are rich people and so on the world cant exist
without the poor who get accepted.
Human rights have to be equal for all of us.

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