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Gaelscoil an Eiscir Riada

Sil ar Scoil/Walk to school

29 l de

Sbhilteacht ar
ar an
an idirlon

Ar an 11 l de Samhain thosaiomar ag Sil ar

Internet Safety
Scoil. Shil 136 duine ar scoil an l sin, ach le
gairid, nl ach 32 duine ag sil ar scoil. Nlimid an- T An NPC ag reachtil oche eolais do thusit go bhfuil
T An NPC ag reachtil oche eolais do thusit go bhfuil
ssta le seo agus ba bhre linn bhur gcabhair a fhil pist
acu sa bhunscoil in stn na Cirte ar an 29 l
pist acu sa bhunscoil in stn na Cirte ar an 29 l
chun feabhas a chur ar seo. Le bhur dtoil dean de
Feabhra ag 7.30in. T s soar in aisce. T filte
de Feabhra ag 7.30in. T s soar in aisce. T filte
iarracht mhr siul ar scoil ar an gCadaoin, T an roimh
tuist. Is fidir du ar line chun it a chuir in
roimh tuist. Is fidir du ar line chun it a chuir in ireamh
aimsir ag fil nos fearr agus bheadh s an-deas sil ireamh ag Internet Safety session in a venue near you.
ag Internet Safety session in a venue near you. M t
t aon ceisteanna agat is fidir glaoch ar Sharon ag :
ar scoil anois don Earrach. Is fidir linn m M
aon ceisteanna agat is fidir glaoch ar Sharon ag : 01
NPC is running an Internet
dhanann muid iarracht.
session for Parents of Primary school
On November the 11 2015, we launched Walk to
children in the Court Hotel, on the 29 of February
School on Wednesdays. We had an amazing 2016
NPC at
is 7.30pm.
running an
Internet Safety
is FREE!
All parents
number of walkers to school as many as 136 at one welcome.
for ParentsOnline
of Primary
children on
in the
point. That has decreased disappointingly recently website
Hotel, on
the 29 Safety
of February
at 7.30pm.
session 2016
in a venue
near you. If
FREE! please
All parents
to as few as 32 walkers las Wednesday. The you
have anyisqueries
Sharon Online
at 01
booking isoravailable
on the NPC website Internet Safety
weather is getting better and it is the ideal time to 8874475
walk to school now. Lets all make a big effort to session in a venue near you. If you have any queries
contact Sharon at 01 8874475 or
keep active by walking to school together every please
Glas/Renewal of Green Flag
Wednesday from now to the end of the year.
Timid ar bs agus beagn neiirbhseach mar go mbeidh
Dearbhaile agus Lucy Rang a 6

N dan dearmad:
Sil ar Scoil gach Cadaoin

Dont forget:
Walk to school every Wednesday

cigire glas ag teacht chuig na scoile ar an Mhirt, an 1 l

de Mhrta. Rachaidh Mieke (an cigire glas) timpeall chuig
gach rang chun labhairt leis na dalta faoi nithe glasa.
Siceilfidh s go bhfuil an obair ar fad danta ag gach
rang I dtaobh nithe glasa. M t sise ssta beimid in ann
na tr brat glas at againn a choinneil agus an ceathr
brat a fhil. T an-chuid oibre danta againn ar feadh
dh bhlian anuas. T sil againn go gnthaigh muid an
ceathr brat. Bheadh muid for bhuoch m chabhraonnn
gach duine tr na ceisteanna at ag an cigire a fheagairt
chomh maith is at sibh in ann agus tr filte fial a chuir
roimpi ar an Mhirt.

We are very excited and a little nervous as we have an

inspector coming on Tuseday, 1st of March. Mieke, (the
greens schools inspector) will be coming to each class to
Cruinni faoi lle Padraig
speak to us about green issues and to ask us questions on
Meeting about St. Patricks Day
the work we have done so far. If she is satisfied with the
Beidh cruinni ag Cumann na dTuist ar an
work we will keep our three green flags and she will
Dardaoin seo, an 3 l de Mrta ag 7.30in sa scoil grant us our fourth flag. We have worked hard over the
chun obair a dhanamh don mrshil Lle
past two years and hope that we have done enough to
Padraig. T breis cabhar ag teastil dean teagbhil earn our fourth flag. We would appreciate it if you
would help us by making sure that your child welcomes
le Cumann na dTusist ar 087 6946313.
Mieke to the school when she arrives and by making sure
There will be a meeting this Thursday, the 3 of
that they do their best to answer all her questions as best
March, at 7.30pm in the school to work on the St.
you can.
Patricks day parade. Volunteers are needed please
phone 0876946313 for further infomation

Inniu an 29 l de Feabhra a thagann uair gach ceithre bliana. Is Blian Bhisigh seo agus inniu..

l bhisigh.
Today is the 29th of February which comes around once every four years. This is a leap year. Today
is .. Leap Day



Ceolchoirm Peace Proms

Peace Proms Concert
Beidh na dalta ar fad rang a 3 go rang a 6 ag
dul chuig Cill Chiannaigh ar an Domhnach, an 6
l de Mhrt don ceolchoirm Peace Proms. Beidh
na dalta ar fad at ag glacadh pirt ag du lar
bhus a bheas ag fgil na scoile ag 10am. Beidh
an ceolchoirm ar sil ag 2in. Beidh an bhus ar ais
sa scoil thart ar 6 in. Is fidir le tuist ticid a
cheannach ag
The pupils from rang a 3 to rang a 6 will be going
to Kilkenny on Sunday the 6th of March for the
Peace Proms concert. All the pupils who are
participating will leave the school on a bus at
10am on Sunday. The concert will begin at 2pm.
It should be over at 4.30. We hope to be back at
the school at 6pm. If parents wish to buy tickets
for the concert they are available at

Seamrg do l le Pdraig

Findri Chumann na dTuist

Cash for Clobber
T cumann na dTuist ag eagr Cash for Clobber ars
don tarma seo. Iarrtar ar thuist ada nach bhfuil ag
teastil nos m a thabhairt isteach chuig na scoile roimh
amrach, an Mhirt, an 1 l de Mhrta. Is fidir do mala
fin a sid n is fidir na mla leis an Nuachtlitir seo a
sid. Mle buochas as ucht do chomhoibri. Beidh an
t-airgead d sid I gcir imeachta scoile.
Cumann na dTuist are organising Cash for Clobber
again this term. You can help by putting old
clothes/clothes that are no longer needed in bags and
bringing them into the school by tomorrow, Tuesday, the
1st of March. You can use your own bags or there are
bags available from the school. The money that is raised
will be used for the school activities. Thank you for your

FREE Triple P Parenting Programme

St. Patricks Day Shamrock

N dan dearmad na carta don seamrg l le
Padraig a bheith ar ais roimh amarach an Mhirt an
1 l de Mhrta, ms mian leat seamrg a ord do
L le Padraig.

Please return cards by tomorrow Tuesday, the 1 of

March if you want to order shamrock for St.
Patricks Day. If you have lost the card you can still
order it by sending in a note youre your name and
number along with 4 per shamrock ordered. Thank
you for your cooperation.

FREE Triple P Parenting Programme

For Parents of Children 0-7 Years
Triple P gives you tips and strategies to make family life
less stressful with young children and a good
understanding of positive parenting with plenty of
ideas to make parenting easier. The Triple P Discussion
Group takes 2 hours and you can choose the topic that
is relevant to your family needs. See the list over for

Topic Developing Good Bedtime Routines

Date Wednesday 9 March 2016


Topic Dealing with Disobedience

Date Wednesday 9 March 2016
Time 7.30-9.30pm
Triple P Group Programme takes 7 weeks. Each
session lasts 2 hrs. After 4 weekly sessions, you have 2
weeks to practice Triple P at home with support
phone calls.
Date Tuesday 12 April 2016
Time 7.30-9.30pm
Venue Arden View Family Resource Centre,
Booking and Information
To book your place call office on 090 6434070 or Helen
0879875107/Deirdre 0860274837 if you would like more
information, you can ring or look at our website

Timid ar an idirlon!
Fach orainn ag
Were on the Web!
See us at:

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