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SPRING 2016 - CS 353

Airline Company Data Management System
Abdullah Alperen
Ali Burak Erdoan
Yusuf Said Canbaz


1.Introduction and Problem Statement...........................3

4.E/R Diagram............................................................5

1. Introduction and Problem Statement

Airline Company Data Management System (ACD) is a web based software for
flight reservations of an airplane company. It includes end-user and administrative user
interfaces. Its aim is to offer a simple service for users where they can complete their
operations online. By users, we mean passengers, company staffs and crews.
Passengers are able to manage their reservations and view some information about
plane, and flight. Company staff is going to have 2 different departments: sales and
manager. Sales staffs could be able to add or remove reservations. Managers could be
able to add or remove flights and reservations.

ACD stores and manages data about reservations, planes, airports, flights, crews,
passengers and company staffs. ACD also stores a history for each of its passengers and
makes some suggestions about customers like giving a promotion or showing connected

2. Requirements

Passengers are able to make multiple reservations.

Passengers are able to cancel their own reservations after a certain

Passengers will be penalized for cancellations.

Passengers are able to buy extra luggage with additional fee.
Passengers are able to search/view flights, planes, airports.
Sales staffs are able to add or remove a reservation.
Sales staffs are able to search/view flights, planes, airports, crews,


passengers, company staffs.

Manager staffs are able to add/remove reservation, flight, plane,

airport, crew.

Manger staffs are able to modify flights/planes/airports/crews.

Manager staffs are able to add/remove/modify staff which have ranked

below themselves.

There are two class of a seat: it is either a economy class seat or a

business class seat.

One can demand a right to bring an extra luggage during reservation.

Penalty fee of canceling a ticket depends on canceling time and the

bought price of it.

Based on their loyalty, customers might be rewarded with a promotion


A flight leg has a departure time and a arrival time.

3. Limitations

Reservation is non-modifiable. It either could be added or removed.

Passengers can not search/view crews, passengers, company staffs.
Sales staffs can not add/remove flights, planes, airports, crews.
A flight should include at least one flight leg.

A customer cannot have more than one reserved seat for a flight.
Reservations cannot be canceled unless a certain time has passed

after reservation.

Flight time intervals of a airplane for different flight legs cannot overlap
each other.

Pilots and hostesses cannot choose their flight details.

Passengers will not be able to view the list of people that reserves the

same flight.

A promotion code cannot be used multiple times.

No seat can be reserved by two or more passengers.

4. E/R Diagram

Airline Company Data Management System (ACD) is planned to be used by both
customers and administrative staffs of the company. We try to keep the database structure
as simple as possible without reducing the effectiveness of the overall system. The
database design will continue to improve according to the needs, and the design in this
proposal report will certainly be changed over time.
The website of our project is given below, it only includes the proposal at this
moment but it will be updated as the project proceeds.

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