Boss ME-8 - OM

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OBOSS ME- 8 im MULTIPLE EFFECTS For the UK. IMPORTANT: THE WIRES IN THIS MAINS LEAD ARE COLOURED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CODE. BLUE: NEUTRAL BROWN: LIVE {As the colours of th wires in the mains lead of his apparatus may rot correspond with the coloured markings ideniying {he torminals in your pug, proceed as fotows: ‘The ra nich i cloute@ BLUE must be connectd othe terminal which is marked withthe ater Nor coloured BLACK. ‘The wre whichis coloured BROWN must be connacte othe tarminal whch 's ark wih the eter Lor coloured RED. Under ne ereumetanees must sther ofthe stove wir be conocod loth earth terminal fa tree pc plug, ‘This product compli wth he equiementsof European Diecive 60/395/EEC SS For Europe ~ For the USA FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION RADIO FREQUENCY INTERFERENCE STATEMENT ‘This equoment nas bean tested and found to comply with the limits for @ Class 8 cigta device, purcuant lo Part 15 ofthe FOG ‘Rules. Thess tits are designed Yo. provide reasonable protecion against harmiul niererance Io a residential ‘retataton. This equpment generates, uses. and can fade rado Wrequency energy and, net Insalod and uso In {Bocordance wits the nsvuctne, may cause harm! lefeance to rad communicators. However, here no guarantee {hat interference wil no occur ina parieular inetallaton. I he agapment Gove cause harmulilerference to radio of television reception, which can be determined by tuning the equipment off anc en, he user i encouraged to ty to caroct he Intererence by ene of mat a he flowing measures Rooron or rlocato tho fecoving arta. = Iperoase the soparaton between the equbrent and receiver = Cones tne eurpment nto an easton a crautderent om that to which the rcelver is connected = Goneult he doar ofan experienced rado/TV technician for hel ‘Unauthorized changes or roaiicaon fo his system can void he users author to porate this equipment ‘This equipment raqures eheided interace cablos in ode to moet FCC das B Limit. For Ceneda— CLASS B NOTICE “This digtal apparalus does not exceed the Class B limits for radio lee emissions set ut in the Radio Intrforence FRogulatons othe Canadian Department of Communications, CLASSE B AVIS Col appara rate ne dépasee pas es its dea classe Bau niveau ds Gisions de brs racoslectiques ‘tte dao le Ragman es gna paras pare rate canadien dos Camricaton. For Australa “The supply cord of his transformer cannot be eplaad the cord is damaged, the anstormer shuld be discarded Thank you, and congratulations on your choice of the BOSS ME-8 Guitar Multiple Effects Toensure proper operation, and years of rouble-ree service, please take thetime to read through this Owner's Manual before starting Features Control Pedal for Independent Control In addition tothe pedals used for switching Patches, the ME-B also comes with a Control pedal that allows you to control a selected function separately. How the Contol pedal is to be used can be set independently for each Patch. “Harmonist" Creates Three-Note Harmo- nies Provides a Harmonist function, which adds two notes of harmony (matching the key of the song) tothe existing guitar sound. ‘Great Selection of Distortion Effects Offers five differen distortion effects produced by analog Circuitry. Equipped also with an “External Overdeive” jack, which can be used for hooking up a distortion effect unit you already have, and include it for use by a Patch, Provides 23 Different Effects Contained onboard are 23 effects, including the newly devel ‘oped “Humanizer" effect which simulates the human voice, anda “Ring Modulator” which produces a metallic sound. You (Can use up to 11 ofthese effects simultaneously Allows You to Store 50 Versions of Your Settings ‘Once you have a variety of settings that you lke, you can store the whole set ofthem as a Patch, Upto 50 such Patches can be placed into the ME-8's internal memory. Any Patch can be ‘quickly and easily recalled using the Pedal/Patch burtons. Copyright © 1995 BOSS Corporation Manual Mode Provides an Array of Pedal Effects Inthe Manual made, you can switch on or off each internal effect by stepping on a corresponding pedal. This means you canuse the ME-Basifitwere anarray of several compacteffects pedals Pedals Can Control Tempo Delay and Rate The Tempo Delay/Tempo Rate functions allow you to change the delay time orate by changing the tempo at which you depress the pedal. Now you can change the delay time or rate quickly and easly even during live performances. Chromatic Tuner Built-In Since the ME-B includes a chromatic tuner, you can rapidly tune up without having to change any connections. Natural Patch Selection — Transitional Delay/Reverb Even when switching from a Patch that uses Delay/Reverb to fone that doesn, the effect sound will not be cut off in. an ‘unnatural way, All tights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the witten permission of BOSS. ‘CORPORATION. Important Notes Be sure to use only the AC adaptor supplied with the unit. Use ‘of any other AC adaptor could result in damage, malfunction, or clecricshock, Power Supply Belore connecting this uittocther devices, tur ofthe powerto all units this wil help prevent damage or malfunction + Donotusethisuntonthesame powercircuitwithanydevicethat will generate line noise; an elecc motor or variable ighting system for example +The power requirement for this units indicated on its nameplate (rear panel, Ensure thatthe voltage in your instalation meets this requirement. + Avoid damaging the power cord: do not sep anit place heavy objects on it ete. “+ When disconnecting the AC adaptor rom he power outlet, gasp the plug isel; never pull onthe cord ifthe unit is to remain unused for an extended petod of time, ‘unplug the power cord. Placement + Do not subject the unit to temperature exremes (eg, dliect Sunlight in an enclosed vehicle), Avoid using or soring the unit industy or humid areas, or areas that ae subject a high levels of vibration. “+ Using the unit near power amplifiers forether equipment contain: Ing large power transformers! may induce hur + Thisdevice may interiere with radio and television reception. Oo ‘ot use this device in he vicinity of such receives. + Dont expose the unit to temperature extremes or install t near devices that radiate heat. Direct sunlight in an enclosed vehicle an deform or discolor the unt. Maintenance + For everyday cleaning wipe the unit with a sof dey clth or one thot has beer slightly dampened with water. To remove ssbborn dirt, use 4 mid, non-abrasve detergent. Aiterwards, be sure to ‘wipe the unit thoroughly wih aso dry cloth + Never use benzene, thinners alcohol or solvents of any kind to v0id the possibilty of discalration andor deformation, Additional Precautions + Protect the unit om sang impact + Do net allow objects oF liquids of any kind to penetrate the unit Inthe eventof such an occurence, dcantinueuseimaved ately Contact qualified service personnel as soon a possible + efre using the uoit ina foreign county, consul with qualied service personnel + Should malfunction occur, rf you suspect there is a pele, clscontinve use immediately. Comact qualified service person nel as soon as possible To avoid the risk of electric shock, donot open the unit ots AC adaptor Table of Contents FOCRUIES reese Important Notes Table of Contents. Panel Descriptions .. Connections.. Playing the Guitar Using the ME-8 — Play Modo Selecting Patches Editing the Effect Settings — Edit Mode How to Edita Patch Storing Your Etfecis Settings — Write Procedure ......10, How fo Cancel Editing... Copying Etfects Settings ‘Adding Effects — Control Ettects Setting the Control Effects How to Use the Control Effects Control Efeets. 13 ‘Changing the Delay Time ot Rate During Live Peformance —Tempo Delay/Tempo Rate ....15 Delay Time linterval) and Rate ofthe Delayed Sound .15 Hor to Set he Patch fr Using the Tero Delay Tempo Rate... 16 Setting the Basic Tempo 16 Using the ME-8 Like Compact Etfects — Manual Mode 17 Changing to the Manual Mode 7 ‘Manual Mode Operation 7 Direct Out he Guitor Sound — Bypass Mode 18 How fo Use the Tuner — Tuner Mode 8 Switching to the Tuner Mode. 18. Display in the Tuning Mode 19 How to Tune .. 19 Viewing/Changing the Standard Pitch 19 How Each Effect Works 129 Reference 29 Troubleshooting 7 23 Initialization : 29 reprogrammed Settings. 30 How the Effects Are Connected . 32 Blank Char : . 3 Specifications 34 Topical index... 35 Index... 35, Information

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