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Zachary Davis

Stonewall Jackson
November 12, 2015
U.S. History
Mr. Deitelbaum
Zach Davis

Grade: 92

Effort: 1

Character: Thomas Stonewall Jackson

You immediately dove into this project, identifying a character who intrigued you, that you could probe their Civil
War experience to work into your monologue. You continue to demonstrate refined research skills, identifying
appropriate sources and building notes with depth. As a result, you earned an A- for this portion of the project.
Your writing skills are sound, and you build a monologue with both purpose and tension, which is not easy to
do. With each rehearsal, you grew stronger, understanding the importance of pace and projection. We will
continue to work on public speaking skills, as you have a real presence to work with. You saved your strongest
performance for December 11, and really impressed the audience. Well done!

Setting: Just after the first manassas..

Writing a letter to second wife Mary Anna Morrison after the battle. :
Sitting in a room with an aid preparing to write a letter to wife. :
Beginning to speak the letter but changing and continuously disagreeing with what Im
saying. :
Yelling at aid to leave so I can be with myself to think about my letter:
Standing up, pacing back and forth talking about how well the war went and thinking of
how to word it to my wife:

"Stonewall Jackson." A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 19 Oct. 2015.
Council on Foreign Relations. Council on Foreign Relations, n.d. Web. 19 Oct. 2015.

Basic Research:

Thomas Stonewall Jackson (1824-63).

Born on jan. 21, 1824 in Clarksburg, Viginia which is now in West Virginia.
Rough childhood Sister died when he was 2, Dad also died.
Mom left with three kids.
He graduated from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, New York
Fought in mexican american war.
When Virginia seceded from the Union in 1861, he joined the

Confederates and quickly got reputation for fearlessness and tenacity during the
battle at Shenandoah Valley Campaign.
Served for General Robert E. Lee for a good portion of the war.

In 1851, Jackson left his military position and accepted a teaching position
at Virginia Military Institute in Lexington, Virginia.
Got his nickname at the first battle of bull run when he closed a gap in the
Army when the union was attacking. Other soldiers thought we was like a
stone wall.
Jackson organized successful military missions at Front Royal,
Winchester, Cross Keys, and Port Republic in the spring of 1862.
May 2, 1863 he was wounded by friendly fire and died 8 days later from
from pneumonia.
Confederate General in the Civil War
Born January 21, 1824 Clarksburg Virginia
Followed the General of Robert E Lee
Considered to be one of the most gifted tactical generals
Attended Military Point academy
Started as a second lieutenant in the Mexican-American war.
Was not revered by African Americans at the time until the actual civil war
In the beginning of the Civil war, he was a drill master for new recruits.
First battle of Bull Run.
His military career includes the Valley Campaign of 1862 which is still
known as one of the kickstarters for his and his service as a corps commander in
the Army of Northern Virginia under Robert E. Lee. Confederate pickets
accidentally shot him at the Battle of Chancellorsville on May 2, 1863. However,
he lived with the loss of the arm to the amputation that he needed, but died from
pneumonia eight days later.
His death was a huge setback for the Confederacy because of how much
of a help he was, but also the morale of its army and of the general public.
Jackson in death became an icon of Southern heroism and commitment,
becoming a mainstay in the pantheon of the "Lost Cause".

In depth Questia Source and Research:

Rafuse, Ethan S. Stonewall Jackson: A Biography. Santa Barbara, CA: Greenwood,
2011. Questia School. Web. 22 Oct. 2015.
Thomas was bullied and beaten as a child by his parents at the boarding
school he attended, was known as one of the mischievous children attending the
school. Because of this fact, his parents quickly decided that maybe the military,
which would be a good disciplinary place for him, would be the place they wanted
their child to end up.
His early military dealings were kept alive by the great words his elders
had to say about him, he was a great soldier which lead him to becoming a
lieutenant and then a general because. Because of how quickly he was
continuously promoted in his sector, which gave him a sense of pride to continue
on with the great work he was doing.
Martin, David G. Jackson's Valley Campaign: November 1861-June 1862.
Conshohocken, PA: Combined, 1994. Questia School. Web. 26 Oct. 2015.
One of Jacksons other large battles that were of great significance for him
was the first Battle of Kernstown, him and the confederacy lost this battle which
was really shown in Washington for the congress people who were for slavery.
He specifically thought that this battle would be an easy win for the Confederate
army, however the Union came at the Confederacy with a lot more soldiers than
they had predicted.
Even though Jackson was known as one of the best Generals, he didnt
always go into battles with a great plan created,

Council on Foreign Relations. Council on Foreign Relations, n.d. Web. 28 Oct. 2015.

Fighting raged throughout the day as Confederate forces were driven

back, despite impressive efforts by Colonel Thomas Jackson to hold important

high ground at Henry House Hill, earning him the nom de guerre Stonewall.
Although victorious, Confederate forces were too disorganized to pursue.
By July 22, the shattered Union army reached the safety of Washington. The
Battle of Bull Run convinced the Lincoln administration and the North that the
Civil War would be a long and costly affair.
First battle of Bull Run Setting:
First manassas name used by the confederates.
Battle where Thomas Jackson was given the name Stonewall Jackson
Fought on July 21, 1861, in Prince William County, Virginia, near the city
of Manassas, not far from the city of Washington, D.C. It was the first major battle
of the American Civil War. The Union's forces were slow in positioning
themselves, allowing Confederate reinforcements time to arrive by rail.
Mcdowell, a union general, had planned for a surprise attack following the
War at Fort Sumter, on the Confederate left was poorly executed by his officers
and men; nevertheless, the Confederates, who had been planning to attack the
Union left flank, found themselves at an initial disadvantage.

Stonewall: Brig. Gen Thomas J. Jackson's Virginia brigade came up in

support of the disorganized Confederates around noon, accompanied by Col.
Wade Hampton and his Hampton's Legion, and Col. J.E.B. Stuart's cavalry.
Jackson posted his five regiments on the reverse slope of the hill, where they
were shielded from direct fire, and was able to assemble 13 guns for the
defensive line, which he posted on the crest of the hill; as the guns fired, their
recoil moved them down the reverse slope, where they could be safely reloaded.
"American Civil War." Civil War: First Battle of Bull Run. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Nov. 2015.
Interesting Facts
The battle is also known as the First Battle of Manassas, the
name given to it by the Confederacy.
People of the North were so sure they would win the battle,
many of them took picnics and watched from a nearby hill.
A Confederate spy named Rose Greenhow provided
information on Union army plans that helped the Confederate generals
during the battle.
During Stonewall Jackson's attack at Henry House Hill, the
Confederate soldiers charged with their bayonets and screamed a

terrifying high pitched battle cry that later became known as the "rebel
The Confederates won the battle, but both sides suffered
casualties. The Union suffered 2,896 casualties including 460 killed. The
Confederates had 1,982 casualties with 387 killed. The battle left both
sides realizing that this would be a long and horrible war. The day after the
battle, President Lincoln signed a bill that authorized the enlistment of
500,000 new Union soldiers.
My men have sometimes failed to take a position, but to
defend one, never!

Annotated Bibliography Page:

Conshohocken, PA: Combined, 1994. Questia School. Web. 26 Oct. 2015.

This was a source I wouldnt advise using to most people trying to find info on a specific
character. It gave what happened in the war a very broad sense, and it seemed to have
a certain biased opinion towards one side more than the other. It again, showed a more
one-sided opinion which wasnt very helpful to me.
Martin, David G. Jackson's Valley Campaign: November 1861-June 1862.
This was another book I used in my research, however, this book was relative to a
campaign that Jackson took part in during the beginning of the war. It was useful to
decipher what was going on earlier in the war, however, it seemed extremely factual and
wasnt very helpful for anything else.
Rafuse, Ethan S. Stonewall Jackson: A Biography. Santa Barbara, CA:
Greenwood, 2011. Questia School. Web. 22 Oct. 2015.
This was a biographical source on my character Stonewall Jackson, which I found using
questia school. This biography was the most helpful source for me throughout my
learning. While it may not be the most notes I received from this source, it really gave
me the lifestyle and personality I needed to represent my character.

"American Civil War." Civil War: First Battle of Bull Run. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Nov.
This source was another helpful piece for my research. It showed my main focus on the
battle and setting I was using for my monologue. It was real basic and factual

information at first, but then when I continued reading it got into more important and less
known facts.
Council on Foreign Relations. Council on Foreign Relations, n.d. Web. 19 Oct.
This source enabled me to see other sides of relations with my character. Its specific
notes were from the side of Union which allowed me to visualize what was happening in
the case of Union leaders, compared to my confederate leader.
"Stonewall Jackson." A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 19 Oct.
This source was very useful for my first set of notes. It gave me a lot of factual items
that were going to be useful for my deeper understandings of my character later on in
my notes.

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