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Ans 1.

One method is to set the system up so that whenever a user logs in, the system
prints out the date and time

the user was logged on to the system. The user can then verify whether the last
log in time looks right, and

change his or her password and take other steps if the last log in time looks

Silberschatz et al. exercise 19.4 The UNIX program “COPS” scans a given system
for possible security

holes and alerts the user to possible problems. What are the potential hazards of
using such a system for

security? How can these problems be limited or eliminated?

(1) The COPS program itself could be modified by an intruder to disable some of
its features or even to take

advantage of its features to create new security flaws. (2) Even if COPS is not
cracked, it is easy for hackers

to get a copy of COPS, study it, and find other security breaches which COPS
does not detect. The hacker

could then prey on systems in which the management depends on COPS

(thinking it is providing security).

For problem (1), COPS could be stored on a read only media or file system to
avoid its modification.

For problem (2), its distribution could be limited to bona fide systems managers,
to prevent it from falling

into the wrong hands. Neither of these is a foolproof solution, however.

Silberschatz et al. exercise 19.7 Make a list of security concerns for a computer
system for a bank. For

each item on your list, state whether this concern relates to physical security,
human security, or operating
system security.

The system should be in a protected, well-guarded location (physical, human).

The network should be

tamperproof (physical, human, operating system). Modem access should be

eliminated or limited (physical,

human). Unauthorized data transfers should be prevented or logged (human,

operating system). Backup

media should be protected and guarded (physical, human). Programmers and

data entry personnel should

be trustworthy (human).

Why do buffer overrun attacks often target programs running setuid root on Unix

Since setuid programs run in the protection domain of the program’s owner, a
well-crafted attack against a

setuid root program can give a hacker complete control over the system.

Ans 2

Ans 3 Almost all of us have encountered a situation where it was necessary to

fully reinstall Windows.

This may have been due to the operating system’s functioning being disrupted
by software

failure, a virus attack, or a mistake made by an inexperienced user, the system

password for a

user account was lost or a user profile was deleted. In this case, all encrypted
data in the old

configuration would most likely be lost.

Consider the following typical scenarios in detail:

1. the system is not booting due a component having been replaced or failed or
due to

operating system failure. For example, the motherboard is out of order, the boot

is damaged, system files are corrupted, some “half-baked” updates or a different

piece of software was installed. In this case, the hard drive can be connected to a

computer and the data can be read off it, but if it is EFS encrypted, this would
not work.

2. the system administrator at the company or the user has reset the user
password. In

this case, access to EFS-encrypted data would also be lost.

3. the user profile was deleted. In this case, the files (and the user keys) may still
be on the

disk, but the system cannot see them, even if the user is recreated with the
same name, a

different ID will be assigned to the account, which is used in the encryption

process. In this

situation, access to the data encrypted using EFS will also be lost.

4. the user is migrated to a different domain (is authenticated through a different

server). If

the user encryption keys were stored on the server at the times of the migration
(usually this

is the case), then an unprofessional migration can result in the loss of access to
the EFS-

encrypted data.

5. system reinstallation. In this case, access to EFS-encrypted data would

naturally be lost.

If a backup copy of the entire system disk is made at the time, or at least of the
user profile

(“Documents and Settings”), then access could be restored with the use of
special software,

but only if the keys are not damaged.

It is fairly common for the system itself to be stored on one disk, while encrypted
files are stored

on a different disk. When the administrator reinstalls the operating system,

usually a backup of

just the disk with the data is made and then the system is reinstalled. Obviously,
in this case the
keys are lost and with them goes the access to encrypted data

ans 4


Security mechanisms are based on three techniques


Used to conceal information

Used in support of authentication

Used to implement digital signatures


Validate the identity of the sender

Access Control

Allow resources to be accessed only by authorized individuals


Authentication: Are you who you claim to be?

Authorization: Are you authorized to do this?

Integrity: Is the message what the user has sent?

Confidentiality: Can one read this?

Availability (Denial-of-service attacks)

Accountability (Non-repudiation): How can we prove that the message was

indeed sent by the sender?


Cryptography: Symmetric and asymmetric

Symmetric: A single secret key for encryption and decryption

Asymmetric: A key pair: Public key and private key; sender encrypts using key
owner’s public key; key owner decrypts using corresponding private key

Tools (contd.)

Encryption/Decryption algorithms

Digital signatures: Sender uses private key to generate a special tag and
appends to the message. Receiver cross checks the integrity by rechecking with
the sender’s public key. (Third party can resolve a dispute)

Message authentication code (MAC): Secret key, when applied on a message,

gives MAC. The receiver can regenerate the MAC and ensure the integrity of the

Cryptographic hash functions


Persons managing the security of a valued resource consider

Prevention: taking measures that prevent damage.

E.g., one-time passwords (s/key)

Detection: measures that allow detection of when an asset has been damaged,
altered, or copied.

E.g., intrusion detection, network forensics

Risk assessment: the value of a resource should determine how much effort (or
money) is spent protecting it.

E.g., If you have nothing in your house of value do you need to lock your doors
other than to protect the house itself?

If you have an $16,000,000 artwork, you might consider a security guard.

Threats and Form of Attacks

Security threats common to computer systems fall into four broad classes


Acquisition of information by unauthorized parties


The unauthorized alteration of information

Resource Stealing

use of facilities without authorization


interference with proper operation

2 main categories of attack: passive and active.

Passive Attacks

Eavesdropping on transmissions to obtain information

Release of message contents

Outsider learns content of transmission

Traffic analysis

By monitoring frequency and length of messages, even encrypted, nature of

communication may be guessed

Difficult to detect

Can be prevented
Active Attacks


Pretending to be a different entity


Modification of messages

Denial of service

Easy to detect

Detection may lead to deterrent

Hard to prevent

Methods of attack










Methods of attack cont.











The most widely used tool for securing information and services is cryptography.
Cryptography relies on ciphers: mathematical function used for encryption and
decryption of a message.

Encryption: the process of disguising a message in such a way as to hide its


Ciphertext: an encrypted message

Decryption: the process of returning an encrypted message back into plaintext.








Example Ciphers

Caesar cipher: each plaintext characters is replaced by a character k to the right.

“Watch out for Brutus!” => “Jngpu bhg sbe Oehghf!”

Only 25 choices! Not hard to break by brute force.

Substitution Cipher: each character in plaintext is replaced by a corresponding

character of ciphertext.

E.g., cryptograms in newspapers.

plaintext code: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

ciphertext code: m n b v c x z a s d f g h j k l p o i u y t r e w q

26! Possible pairs.


For some message M, let’s denote the encryption of that message into cipher
text as

Ek(M) = C

Similarly, the decryption into plain text as

Dk(C) = M


Dk(Ek(M)) = M symmetric key algorithms.

Some algorithms use different keys for each operation:

Dk1(Ek2(M))= M public-key algorithms.

Figure 16.1 Simplified Model of Symmetric Encryption


Plain text

Encryption algorithm

Secret key

Cipher text

Decryption algorithm
Requirements for Security

Strong encryption algorithm

Even if known, should not be able to decrypt or work out key

Even if a number of cipher texts are available together with plain texts of them

Sender and receiver must obtain secret key securely

Once key is known, all communication using this key is readable

Attacking Encryption


Relay on nature of algorithm plus some knowledge of general characteristics of

plain text

Attempt to deduce plain text or key

Brute force

Try every possible key until plain text is achieved

ans 5

Access Matrix Implementation

• Lock-key mechanism

œ Objects have list of unique bit patterns, called locks

œ Domains have list of unique bit patterns, called keys

œ Process executing in a domain can access an object

only if the domain has a key that matches one of the

locks of the object

œ As with capabilities, users cannot examine or

manipulate locks and keys directly

ans 6 Yes, this approach is equivalent to including the access privileges of
domain B in those of domain A as long as the switch privileges associated with
domain B are also copied over to domain A.

ans 7 The principle of least privilege allows users to be given just enough
privileges to perform their tasks. A system implemented within the framework of
this principle has the property that a failure or compromise of a component does
the minimum damage to the system since the failed or compromised component
has the least set of privileges required to support its normal mode of operation.

ans 8 The principle of least privileges only limits the damage but does not
prevent the misuse of access privileges associated with a module if the module
were to be compromised. For instance, if a system code is given the access
privileges to deal with the task of managing tertiary storage, a security loophole
in the code would not cause any damage to other parts of the system, but it
could still cause protection failures in accessing the tertiary storage.

ans 9

Redundancy is achieved by either writing the same data to multiple drives

(known as mirroring), or writing extra data (known as parity data) across the
array, calculated such that the failure of one (or possibly more, depending on the
type of RAID) disks in the array will not result in loss of data. A failed disk may be
replaced by a new one, and the lost data reconstructed from the remaining data
and the parity data. Organizing disks into a redundant array decreases the
usable storage capacity. For instance, a 2-disk RAID 1 array loses half of the total
capacity that would have otherwise been available using both disks
independently, and a RAID 5 array with several disks loses the capacity of one
disk. Other types of RAID arrays are arranged so that they are faster to write to
and read from than a single disk.

There are various combinations of these approaches giving different trade-offs of

protection against data loss, capacity, and speed. RAID levels 0, 1, and 5 are the
most commonly found, and cover most requirements.

RAID 0 (striped disks) distributes data across several disks in a way that gives
improved speed and no lost capacity, but all data on all disks will be lost if any
one disk fails. Although such an array has no actual redundancy, it is customary
to call it RAID 0.

RAID 1 (mirrored settings/disks) duplicates data across every disk in the array,
providing full redundancy. Two (or more) disks each store exactly the same data,
at the same time, and at all times. Data is not lost as long as one disk survives.
Total capacity of the array equals the capacity of the smallest disk in the array.
At any given instant, the contents of each disk in the array are identical to that
of every other disk in the array.

RAID 5 (striped disks with parity) combines three or more disks in a way that
protects data against loss of any one disk; the storage capacity of the array is
reduced by one disk.
RAID 6 (striped disks with dual parity) (less common) can recover from the loss
of two disks.

RAID 10 (or 1+0) uses both striping and mirroring. "01" or "0+1" is sometimes
distinguished from "10" or "1+0": a striped set of mirrored subsets and a
mirrored set of striped subsets are both valid, but distinct, configurations.

RAID can involve significant computation when reading and writing information.
With traditional "real" RAID hardware, a separate controller does this
computation. In other cases the operating system or simpler and less expensive
controllers require the host computer's processor to do the computing, which
reduces the computer's performance on processor-intensive tasks (see "Software
RAID" and "Fake RAID" below). Simpler RAID controllers may provide only levels
0 and 1, which require less processing.

RAID systems with redundancy continue working without interruption when one
(or possibly more, depending on the type of RAID) disks of the array fail,
although they are then vulnerable to further failures. When the bad disk is
replaced by a new one the array is rebuilt while the system continues to operate
normally. Some systems have to be powered down when removing or adding a
drive; others support hot swapping, allowing drives to be replaced without
powering down. RAID with hot-swapping is often used in high availability
systems, where it is important that the system remains running as much of the
time as possible.

RAID is not a good alternative to backing up data. Data may become damaged or
destroyed without harm to the drive(s) on which they are stored. For example,
part of the data may be overwritten by a system malfunction; a file may be
damaged or deleted by user error or malice and not noticed for days or weeks;
and, of course, the entire array is at risk of physical damage.
Term paper of o/s
Iphone o/s
The iPhone OS or OS X iPhone is the operating system developed by Apple Inc. for the
iPhone and iPod Touch. Like Mac OS X, from which it was derived, it uses the Darwin
foundation. iPhone OS has four abstraction layers: the Core OS layer, the Core Services
layer, the Media layer, and the Cocoa Touch layer. The operating system takes less than half
a gigabyte (GB) of the device's total memory storage.

This operating system did not have an official name until the release of the first beta version
of the iPhone SDK on March 6, 2008. Before then, Apple marketing literature simply stated
that the "iPhone uses OS X," a reference to Apple's desktop operating system, Mac OS X.

As of February, 2009, there are over 20,000 applications officially available for the iPhone
and over 500 million have been downloaded from the App Store.

User interface
The iPhone OS's user interface is based on the concept of direct manipulation, using multi-
touch gestures. Interface control elements consist of sliders, switches, and buttons. The
response to user input is supposed to be immediate to provide a fluid interface. Interaction
with the OS includes gestures such as swiping, tapping, pinching, and reverse pinching.
Additionally, using internal accelerometers, rotating the device on its y-axis alters the screen
orientation in some applications.

A home screen with application icons, and a dock at the bottom of the screen, showing icons
for the applications the user accesses the most, is presented when the device is turned on or
whenever the home button is pressed. The screen has a status bar across the top to display
data, such as time, battery level, and signal strength. The rest of the screen is devoted to the
current application. There is no concept of starting or quitting applications, only opening an
application from the home screen, and leaving the application to return to the home screen. It
is possible to force an application to quit by holding down the home button, however. While
some multitasking is permitted it is not obtrusive or obvious. Third-party apps are quit when
left, but with a future software update, notifications will be able to be pushed from Apple's
servers to the iPhone or iPod touch. Many of the included applications were designed to work
together; allowing for the sharing or cross-propagation of data from one application to
another (e.g., a phone number can be selected from an email and saved as a contact or dialed
for a phone call.)

Application support
The central processing unit used in the iPhone and iPod Touch is an ARM-based processor
instead of the x86 (and previous PowerPC or MC680x0) processors used in Apple's
Macintosh computers, and it uses OpenGL ES 1.1 rendering by the PowerVR 3D graphics
hardware accelerator co-processor. Mac OS X applications cannot be copied to and run on an
iPhone OS device. They need to be written and compiled specifically for the iPhone OS and
the ARM architecture. However, the Safari web browser supports "web applications," as
noted below. Authorized third-party native applications are available for devices with iPhone
OS 2.0 through Apple's App Store.

Included applications

In version 2.2, the iPhone home screen contains these default applications: SMS (Text
messaging), Calendar, Photos, Camera, YouTube, Stocks, Maps (Google Maps with Assisted
GPS), Weather, Clock, Calculator, Notes, Settings, iTunes (with access to the iTunes Music
Store and iTunes Podcast Directory), App Store and Contacts. Four other applications
delineate the iPhone's main purposes: Phone, Mail, Safari, and iPod.

The iPod Touch retains many of the same applications that are present by default on the
iPhone, with the exception of the Phone, SMS, and Camera apps. The "iPod" App present on
the iPhone is split into two apps on the iPod Touch: Music, Videos and Podcasts. The bottom
row of applications is also used to delineate the iPod Touch's main purposes: Music, Videos,
Photos, and iTunes.

Web applications

At the 2007 Apple Worldwide Developers Conference Apple announced that the iPhone and
iPod Touch will support third-party "applications" via the Safari web browser, referred to as
web applications. The applications can be created using web technologies such as AJAX.
Unsupported third-party native applications

Currently, the iPhone and iPod Touch can only officially install full programs through the
App Store. However, from version 1.0 unauthorized third-party native applications are
available. Such applications face the possibility of being broken by any iPhone OS update,
though Apple has stated it will not design software updates specifically to break native
applications (other than applications that perform SIM unlocking). The main distribution
methods for these applications are the Installer and Cydia utilities, which can be installed on
the iPhone after major methods of jailbreaking.

iPhone SDK

iPhone SDK included in Xcode 3.1 final.

On October 17, 2007, in an open letter posted to Apple's "Hot News" weblog, Steve Jobs
announced that a software development kit (SDK) would be made available to third-party
developers in February 2008. The SDK was released on March 6th, 2008, and allows
developers to make applications for the iPhone and iPod Touch, as well as test them in an
"iPhone simulator". However, loading an application onto the devices is only possible after
paying an iPhone Developer Program fee. Since the release of Xcode 3.1, Xcode is the
development environment for the iPhone SDK.

Developers are free to set any price for their applications to be distributed through the App
Store, of which they will receive a 70% share. Developers can also opt to release the
application for free and will not pay any costs to release or distribute the application except
for the membership fee.

SDK history

The iPhone SDK was officially announced on March 6, 2008, at an Apple Town Hall
meeting. The first Beta release of the SDK, with iPhone OS version 1.2b1 (build 5A147p),
was made available immediately, while the launch of the App Store required a firmware
update which was released on July 11, 2008. This update was free for iPhone users; however,
there was a nominal charge for iPod Touch owners due to the accounting rules used to track
sales of the devices.

Date OS
SDK details
released version
March 27, iPhone OS Release for iPhone OS version 2.0b2 (build 5A225c), which added
2008 2.0b2 Beta Interface Builder, an application for building graphical user interfaces
2 for iPhone applications.
iPhone OS
April 8,
2.0b3 Beta Release for iPhone OS version 2.0b3 (build 5A240d).
Release for iPhone OS version 2.0b4 (build 5A258f). This version of
iPhone OS the SDK supports OpenGL 3D graphics, primarily used to make
April 23,
2.0b4 Beta games, and indications that some applications will be allowed to run
4 in the background (as the iPod, Phone, and Mail applications do),
something that Apple had previously stated was not possible.
iPhone OS
May 6, 2008 2.0b5 Beta Release for iPhone OS version 2.0b5 (build 5A274d).
Release for iPhone OS version 2.0b6 (build 5A292g). The code in
iPhone OS
May 29, this update gave hints about updates to Apple's .Mac service and also
2.0b6 Beta
2008 gave a first reference to the upcoming version of Mac OS X, version
10.6 Snow Leopard.
Release for iPhone OS version 2.0b7 (build 5A331), which unlocked
iPhone OS
Apple's .Mac replacement, MobileMe. This release was for WWDC,
June 9, 2008 2.0b7 Beta
Apple's developer's conference, which is noted as part of the name of
the iPhone OS beta download.
iPhone OS
June 26,
2.0b8 Beta Release for iPhone OS version 2.0b8 (build 5A345).
Release for iPhone OS version 2.1 (build 5F90). Apple notes that
July 24, iPhone OS
applications built using the 2.1 SDK will not run on the iPhone 2.0
2008 2.1 Beta 1
software, and will not yet be accepted into the App Store.
July 30, iPhone OS
Release for iPhone OS version 2.1.
2008 2.1 Beta 2
August 8, iPhone OS
Release for iPhone OS version 2.1.
2008 2.1 Beta 3
September iPhone OS
Release for iPhone OS version 2.2 (Build 5G29).
25, 2008 2.2 Beta 1
November iPhone OS
Release for iPhone OS version 2.2 (build 9M2621).
20, 2008 2.2
January 27, iPhone OS
Release for iPhone OS version 2.2.1 (build 9M2621a).
2009 2.2.1

SDK contents

As the iPhone is based on a variant of the same XNU kernel that is found in Mac OS X, the
tool chain used for developing on the iPhone is also based on Xcode.

The SDK is broken down into the following sets:

• Cocoa Touch
o Multi-touch events and controls
o Accelerometer support
o View hierarchy
o Localization (i18n)
o Camera support
• Media
o OpenAL
o Audio mixing and recording
o Video playback
o Image file formats
o Quartz
o Core Animation
o OpenGL ES
• Core Services
o Networking
o Embedded SQLite database
o GeoLocation
o Threads
• OS X Kernel
o Sockets
o Power management
o File system
o Security

Along with the Xcode toolchain, the SDK contains the iPhone Simulator, a program used to
emulate the look and feel of the iPhone on the developer's desktop. Originally called the
Aspen Simulator, it was renamed with the Beta 2 release of the SDK. Note that the iPhone
Simulator is not an emulator and runs code generated for an x86 target.

The SDK requires an Intel Mac running Mac OS X Leopard. Other operating systems,
including Microsoft Windows and older versions of Mac OS X, are not supported.


The SDK itself is a free download, but in order to release software, one must enroll in the
iPhone Developer Program, a step requiring payment and Apple's approval. Signed keys are
given to upload the application to Apple's App Store. Applications can be distributed in three
ways: through the App Store, through enterprise deployment to a company's employees only,
and on an "Ad-hoc" basis to up to 100 iPhones.

This distribution model for iPhone software appears to make it impossible to release software
based upon code licensed with GPLv3. Any code that modifies code licensed under GPLv3
must also be licensed as GPLv3. Also, a developer is not able to distribute an application
licensed under the GPLv3 without also distributing the signing keys (which Apple owns) to
allow upload of modified versions of that software to be run.

Core Location

Core Location is a software framework in Mac OS X. It is primarily used by applications on

the iPhone OS 2.0 for detection of the device's location.
It was announced as part of the iPhone Software Roadmap event on March 6, 2008, and was
made available as part of the iPhone SDK.


Apple has not announced any plans to enable Java to run on the iPhone. Sun Microsystems
announced plans to release a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) for iPhone OS, based on the Java
Platform, Micro Edition version of Java. This would enable Java applications to run on
iPhone and iPod Touch.

Soon after the announcement, developers familiar with the SDK's terms of agreement
believed that by not allowing 3rd-party applications to run in the background (answer a phone
call and still run the application, for example), allowing an application to download code
from another source, or allowing an application to interact with a 3rd-party application
(Safari with JVM, for example), it could hinder development of the JVM without Apple's
cooperation. It is clear that Java running on the iPhone is outside the bounds of the iPhone
SDK Agreement. The guideline in question is rule 3.3.2, which reads:

3.3.2 — An Application may not itself install or launch other executable code by any means,
including without limitation through the use of a plug-in architecture, calling other
frameworks, other APIs or otherwise. No interpreted code may be downloaded and used in an
Application except for code that is interpreted and run by Apple’s Published APIs and built-
in interpreter(s).

However, some iPhone users have shown that it was possible to install and use a J2ME stack
on a iPhone, though it involved jailbreaking[36][37].

It has also been revealed that there were talks between Sun and Apple concerning the
availability of Java on the iPhone, and that Sun was working in that intent with a company
called Innaworks[38][39]. Curiously, the ARM processor used in the iPhone includes an
environment for accelerated Java execution built into the hardware[40].

[edit] Flash

The iPhone OS does not support Flash. Adobe has announced plans to release a version of its
Flash Lite software as a third-party application for the iPhone, though it has not yet launched.
Furthermore, Flash Lite supports only a subset of the features of standard Flash. Unofficially,
Flash videos can be viewed by using a jailbroken iPhone with certain third-party applications.


Mobile Safari supports SVG starting with the iPhone firmware 2.1. The SVG support features
scripting and most of the static parts of the SVG 1.1. specification. SMIL animation is not yet
supported for SVG graphics. It will be delivered after the Webkit SMIL implementation is
mature enough. In addition to SVG, the HTML Canvas is supported.

[edit] Hacking and jailbreaking

Main article: Jailbreak (iPhone)
The iPhone OS has been subject to a variety of different hacks for a variety of reasons,
centered around adding functionality not supported by Apple.

Jailbroken first generation iPod Touch, running iPhone OS version 1.1.1.

With the advent of iPhone OS 2.0, the focus of the jailbreaking community has shifted
somewhat. Prior to iPhone 2.0's release, jailbreaking was the only way to allow third-party
applications on the device. Now with iPhone 2.0, native applications are allowed under
certain rules imposed by Apple. This has lead to the jailbreaking community focusing on
providing functionality disallowed on the device, under Apple's SDK terms. These functions
include background applications, or the ability for third-party applications to run after
appearing to have closed, and the ability to alter the applications written for the device by
Apple. Some began attempts to disable Apple's kill switch[41], although these efforts were
largely abandoned once the kill switch was proven to only disable Core Location[citation needed].

There has been a notable shift away from jailbreaking with the new App Store's debut, in
most part due to users' acceptance of Apple's compromise on opening up the platform[citation
, although there has still been substantial interest from the jailbreaking community,
especially with the release of Pwnage Tool from the "iPhone Dev Team" which was released
soon after firmware 2.0 for the iPod Touch and iPhone. Some jailbreakers also attempt to
pirate paid App Store applications; this new focus has caused some strife within the
jailbreaking community.

The other major focus of jailbreaking since 2.0 has been to reverse the SIM Lock that is
forced onto most iPhones. The first generation iPhone can be fully unlocked with the iPhone
Dev Team's BootNeuter application, and the iPhone 3G can be unlocked with a new beta
effort dubbed "yellowsn0w"[42] and quickPWN 2.2.1.

The iPhone is an internet-connected multimedia smartphone designed and marketed by
Apple Inc. with a flush multi-touch screen and a minimal hardware interface. The device does
not have a physical keyboard, so a virtual keyboard is rendered on the touch screen instead.
The iPhone functions as a camera phone (including text messaging and visual voicemail), a
portable media player (equivalent to an iPod), and Internet client (with email, web browsing,
and local Wi-Fi connectivity). The first generation phone hardware was quad-band GSM with
EDGE; the second generation also adds UMTS with HSDPA.[9]

Apple announced the iPhone on January 9, 2007.[10] The announcement was preceded by
rumors and speculation that circulated for several months.[11] The iPhone was initially
introduced in the United States on June 29, 2007 and has since been introduced worldwide. It
was named Time magazine's "Invention of the Year" in 2007.[12] On July 11, 2008, the iPhone
3G was released. It supports faster 3G data speeds and Assisted GPS.[9]

History and availability

Main article: History of the iPhone

iPhone quarterly sales

Worldwide iPhone availability: Original iPhone was available; now 3G iPhone 3G

only Available later

Development of iPhone began with Apple CEO Steve Jobs' direction that Apple engineers
investigate touchscreens.[13] Apple created the device during a secretive and unprecedented
collaboration with AT&T Mobility—Cingular Wireless at the time—at a development cost of
US$150 million over thirty months. Apple rejected the "design by committee" approach that
had yielded the Motorola ROKR E1, a largely unsuccessful collaboration with Motorola.
Instead, Cingular gave Apple the liberty to develop the iPhone's hardware and software in-
house. Numerous codenames and even fake prototypes were devised to keep the project

Jobs unveiled iPhone to the public on January 9, 2007 in a keynote address. Apple was
required to file for operating permits with the FCC, but such filings are available to the
public, so the announcement came several months before the iPhone received approval. The
iPhone went on sale in the United States on June 29, 2007. Apple closed its stores at 2:00 pm
local time to prepare for the 6:00 pm iPhone launch, while hundreds of customers lined up at
stores nationwide.[1] On launch weekend, Apple sold 270,000 iPhones in the first thirty hours.
The original iPhone was made available in the UK, France, and Germany in November
2007, and Ireland and Austria in spring of 2008.

On July 11, 2008, Apple released the iPhone 3G in twenty-two countries, including the
original six.[17] Forty-eight more are expected to follow in the months afterwards.[18] Apple
sold 1 million iPhone 3Gs in its first 3 days on sale,[19] enough to overload Apple's United
States iTunes servers.[20]
On October 21, 2008 Apple announced sales of 6.89 million iPhone 3Gs in the fourth quarter
of 2008, totaling 13 million iPhones to date.[21] iPhone sales from that quarter surpassed
RIM's BlackBerry sales of 5.2 million units. By revenue, Apple is the third largest mobile
phone manufacturer, after Nokia and Samsung.[22] Within Apple's fiscal fourth quarter, up to
September 30, 2008, the iPhone represented 39 percent (US$4.6 billion) of the company's
total quarterly revenues, although some of this income is deferred.[23]


Rear view of an original iPhone. The back is made of metal and black plastic.

Size comparison, from top to bottom, between:

-a first generation iPod Nano
-a first generation iPhone
-a fourth generation iPod


Apple publishes a full description of the iPhone 3G's technical specifications.[8] Specifications
for the original model were available before the release of the 3G model.[24]

Features common to both versions

• Screen size: 3.5 in (89 mm)

• Screen resolution: 480×320 pixels at 163 ppi, with 3:2 aspect ratio
• Input devices: Multi-touch screen interface plus a "Home" button and "Sleep/Wake"
located on the top of the iPhone.
• Built-in rechargeable, non-removable battery
• 2 megapixel camera
• Location finding by detection of cell towers and Wi-Fi networks
• Samsung S5L8900 (412 MHz[5] ARM 1176 processor, PowerVR MBX 3D graphics
• Memory: 128 MB DRAM[7]
• Storage: 8 GB or 16 GB flash memory
• Operating System: iPhone OS
• Quad band GSM / GPRS / EDGE: GSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900
• Wi-Fi (802.11b/g)
• Bluetooth 2.0 with EDR
• 20Hz to 20kHz frequency response (both internal and headset)

A highlighted view of the proximity and ambient light sensors on the first-generation iPhone.

Original model

• 4 GB model (discontinued after two months), 8 GB model or 16 GB model

• Size: 4.5 inches (115 mm) (h) × 2.4 inches (61 mm) (w) × 0.46 inch (11. mm) (d)
• Weight: 135 g (4.8 oz)
• Battery has up to 8 hours of talk, 6 hours of Internet use, 7 hours of video playback,
and up to 24 hours of audio playback, lasting over 250 hours on standby.[26]
• Headphone jack (recessed)
• Digital SAR of 0.974 W/kg[27][28]

3G model

The proximity and ambient light sensors on the iPhone 3G.

• Color: Black (8 GB or 16 GB) or white (16 GB)

• Size: 4.5 inches (115.5 mm) (h) × 2.4 inches (62.1 mm) (w) × 0.48 inch
(12.3 mm) (d)
• Weight: 133 g (4.7 oz)
• Headphone jack (non-recessed)
• Battery has up to 10 hours of 2G talk, 5 hours of 3G talk, 5 (3G) or 6 (Wi-Fi) hours of
Internet use, 7 hours of video playback, and up to 24 hours of audio playback, lasting
over 300 hours on standby.[8]
• 3G for broadband data speeds (Tri band UMTS / HSDPA: UMTS 850 / 1900 / 2100)
• Assisted GPS, with preference to location based on Wi-Fi or cell towers
• Digital SAR Rating: 1.38 W/kg

Screen and input

The 9 cm (3.5 in) liquid crystal display (320×480 px at 6.3 px/mm, 160 ppi) HVGA
touchscreen with scratch-resistant glass[26] is specifically created for use with a finger, or
multiple fingers for multi-touch sensing. Because the screen is a capacitive touchscreen, bare
skin is required. Most gloves or a stylus prevent the necessary electrical conductivity. The
screen is also capable of rendering up to 262,144 colors.[29][30][31][32]

The display responds to three sensors. A proximity sensor shuts off the display and
touchscreen when the iPhone is brought near the face during a call. This is done to save
battery power and to prevent inadvertent inputs from the user's face and ears. An ambient
light sensor adjusts the display brightness which in turn saves battery power. A 3-axis
accelerometer senses the orientation of the phone and changes the screen accordingly.[33]
Photo browsing, web browsing, and music playing support both upright and left or right
widescreen orientations.[34] Later, a software update allowed the first generation iPhone to use
cell towers and Wi-Fi networks for location finding despite lacking a hardware GPS. The
iPhone 3G supplements those methods with A-GPS.

The iPhone has three physical switches on the sides: wake/sleep, volume up/down, and ringer
on/off. These are made of plastic on the original iPhone and metal on the iPhone 3G. A single
"home" hardware button below the display brings up the main menu. The touch screen
furnishes the remainder of the user interface.

The back of the original iPhone was made of brushed metal with a black plastic accent. The
iPhone 3G features a full plastic back to increase GSM signal strength.[35] The plastic is black
for the 8 GB model, but the 16 GB version is also available in white.


Loudspeakers are located above the screen and the left side of the bottom of the unit; the
microphone is located on the right. Volume controls are located on the left side of the unit
and as a slider in the iPod application. Both speakers are used for handsfree operations and
media playback.

The 3.5 mm TRS connector for the headphones is located on the top left corner of the device.
The headphone socket on the original iPhone is recessed into the casing, making it
incompatible with most headsets without the use of an adapter.[36][37] The iPhone 3G has a
flush mounted headphone socket.

The iPhone's headphones are similar to those of most current smartphones, incorporating a
microphone. A multipurpose button in the microphone can be used to play or pause music,
skip tracks, and answer or end phone calls without touching the iPhone; newer versions also
incorporate volume controls. A small number of third-party headsets specifically designed for
the iPhone also include a microphone and control button.[38] Wireless earpieces that use
Bluetooth technology to communicate with the iPhone are sold separately. They do not
support stereo audio.

Composite or component video at up to 576i and stereo audio can be output from the dock
connector using an adapter sold by Apple.[39] Unlike many similar phones, the iPhone requires
third party software to support voice recording.


The iPhone features an internal rechargeable battery. It is not user-replaceable, similar to the
batteries of existing iPods, and unlike those of most existing cellular phones.[36][40] If the
battery malfunctions or dies prematurely, the phone can be returned to Apple and replaced for
free while still under warranty.[41] The warranty lasts one year from purchase and is extended
to two years with AppleCare. The cost of having Apple provide a new battery and replace it
when the iPhone is out of warranty is slightly less than half the cost of a new 8 GB iPhone.[42]

Since July 2007 third party battery replacement kits have been available[43] at a much lower
price than Apple's own battery replacement program. These kits often include a small
screwdriver and an instruction leaflet, but as with many newer iPod models the battery in the
original iPhone has been soldered in. Therefore a soldering iron is required to install the new
battery. The iPhone 3G uses a different battery fitted with a connector, although replacing the
battery oneself still voids the warranty.[44]

The original iPhone's battery was stated to be capable of providing up to seven hours of
video, six hours of web browsing, eight hours of talk time, 24 hours of music or up to 250
hours on standby.[26] Apple's site says that the battery life "is designed to retain up to 80% of
its original capacity after 400 full charge and discharge cycles",[45] which is comparable to the
iPod batteries.

The iPhone 3G's battery is stated to be capable of providing up to seven hours of video, six
hours of web browsing on Wi-Fi or five on 3G, ten hours of 2G talk time, or five on 3G, 24
hours of music, or 300 hours of standby.[8]

The Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights, a consumer advocate group, has sent a
complaint to Apple and AT&T over the fee that consumers have to pay to have the battery
replaced.[46] Though the battery replacement service and its pricing was not made known to
buyers until the day the product was launched,[46][47] a similar service had been well
established for the iPods by Apple and various third party service providers.

SIM card

See also: iPhone SIM Lock removal

The original iPhone's SIM card slot shown as open, with ejected SIM card.

The SIM card is located in a slot at the top of the device. It can be ejected with a paperclip or
a tool included with the iPhone 3G.[48] In most countries, the iPhone is usually sold with a
SIM lock, which prevents SIM cards from being used on different mobile networks.


The iPhone was initially released with two options for internal storage size: 4 GB or 8 GB.
On September 5, 2007, Apple discontinued the 4 GB models.[49] On February 5, 2008, Apple
added a 16 GB model.[50] All data is stored on an internal flash drive; the iPhone does not
contain any memory card slots for expanded storage.

Included items

Both the iPhone and the iPhone 3G include (or included) written documentation, stereo
earbuds with microphone, a dock connector to USB cable, and a cloth for cleaning the screen.
The original iPhone also included a dock to hold the iPhone upright; it is not compatible with
the iPhone 3G, for which a slightly different dock is sold separately. The iPhone 3G includes
a tool to eject the SIM card; the original model required a paperclip for this purpose. Both
versions include a USB power adapter, although iPhone 3Gs sold in North America, Japan,
Colombia, Ecuador, or Peru[51][52] include a more compact version than those bundled with
iPhone 3Gs sold elsewhere, or the original model.

Main article: iPhone OS
See also: iPhone OS version history

The default Home screen of the iPhone shows applications provided by Apple. Users can
download additional applications from the App store, create Web Clips, and rearrange the
icons as they please.

iPhone OS is the operating system running on the iPhone (both original and 3G models) and
the iPod Touch. It is based on a variant of the same basic Mach kernel that is found in Mac
OS X. iPhone OS includes the software component "Core Animation" from Mac OS X v10.5
which, together with the PowerVR MBX 3D hardware, is responsible for the interface's
smooth animations. The operating system takes up less than half a GB of the device's total
8 GB or 16 GB storage.[53] It is capable of supporting bundled and future applications from
Apple, as well as from third-party developers. Software applications cannot be copied from
Mac OS X but must be written and compiled specifically for the iPhone.

Like the iPod, the iPhone is managed with iTunes version 7.3 or later, which is compatible
with Mac OS X version 10.4.10 or later, and 32-bit or 64-bit Windows XP or Vista.[54] The
release of iTunes 7.6 expanded this support to include 64-bit versions of XP and Vista,[55] and
a workaround has been discovered for previous 64-bit Windows operating systems.[56] Apple
provides free updates to the iPhone's operating system through iTunes, in a similar fashion to
the way that iPods are updated.[53] Security patches, as well as new and improved features, are
released in this fashion.[57] For example, iPhone 3G users initially experienced dropped calls
until an update was issued.[58][59]


The interface is based around the home screen, a graphical list of available applications.
iPhone apps normally run one at a time, although most functionality is still available when
making a call or listening to music. The home screen can be accessed at any time by a
hardware button below the screen, closing the open application in the process.[60] By default,
the Home screen contains the following icons: Text (SMS messaging), Calendar, Photos,
Camera, YouTube, Stocks, Maps (Google Maps), Weather, Clock, Calculator, Notes,
Settings, iTunes (store), and App Store. Docked at the base of the screen, four icons for
Phone, Mail, Safari (Internet), and iPod (music) delineate the iPhone's main purposes.[61] On
January 15, 2008, Apple released software update 1.1.3, allowing users to create "Web
Clips", home screen icons that resemble apps that open a user-defined page in Safari. After
the update, iPhone users can rearrange and place icons on up to nine other adjacent home
screens, accessed by a horizontal swipe.[62] Users can also add and delete icons from the dock,
which is the same on every home screen. Each home screen holds up to sixteen icons, and the
dock holds up to four icons. Users can delete Web Clips and third-party application, but not
Apple's default programs, at any time.

Almost all input is given through the touch screen, which understands complex gestures using
multi-touch. The iPhone's interaction techniques enable the user to move the content up or
down by a touch-drag motion of the finger. For example, zooming in and out of web pages
and photos is done by placing two fingers on the screen and spreading them farther apart or
bringing them closer together, an gesture known as "pinching". Scrolling through a long list
or menu is achieved by sliding a finger over the display from bottom to top, or vice versa to
go back. In either case, the list moves as if it is pasted on the outer surface of a wheel, slowly
decelerating as if affected by friction. In this way, the interface simulates the physics of a real
3D object. Other visual effect include horizontally sliding sub-selection, the vertically sliding
keyboard and bookmarks menu, and widgets that turn around to allow settings to be
configured on the other side. Menu bars are found at the top and bottom of the screen when
necessary. Their options vary by program, but always follow a consistent style motif. In
menu hierarchies, a "back" button in the top-left corner of the screen displays the name of the
parent folder.

The iPhone making a call presents a number of options. When held close to the face, the
screen is disabled.

The iPhone allows audio conferencing, call holding, call merging, caller ID, and integration
with other cellular network features and iPhone functions. For example, if a song is playing
while a call is received, it gradually fades out, and fades back when the call has ended. The
proximity sensor shuts off the screen and touch-sensitive circuitry when the iPhone is brought
close to the face, both to save battery and prevent unintentional touches. The iPhone only
supports Voice dialing through third party applications[citation needed] and video calling is not
supported at all.

The iPhone includes a visual voicemail (in some countries) feature allowing users to view a
list of current voicemail messages on-screen without having to call into their voicemail.
Unlike most other systems, messages can be listened to and deleted in a non-chronological
order by choosing any message from an on-screen list. AT&T, O2, T-Mobile Germany, and
Orange modified their voicemail infrastructure to accommodate this new feature designed by
Apple.[citation needed]

A music ringtone feature was introduced in the United States on September 5, 2007. Users
can create custom ringtones from songs purchased from the iTunes Store for a small
additional fee. The ringtones can be 3 to 30 seconds long from any part of a song, can fade in
and out, pause from half a second to five seconds when looped, or loop continuously. All
customizing can be done in iTunes, and the synced ringtones can also be used for alarms.
Custom ringtones can also be created using Apple's GarageBand software 4.1.1 or later
(available only on Mac OS X)[63] and third-party tools.[64] Custom ringtones are not supported
in some countries.


The layout of the music library is similar to that of an iPod or current Symbian S60 phones.
The iPhone can sort its media library by songs, artists, albums, videos, playlists, genres,
composers, podcasts, audiobooks, and compilations. Options are always presented
alphabetically, except in playlists, which retain their order from iTunes. The iPhone uses a
large font that allows users to touch their selection. Users can rotate their device horizontally
to access Cover Flow. Like on iTunes, it shows the different album covers in a scroll-through
photo library. Scrolling is achieved by swiping a finger across the screen.
The iPhone supports gapless playback.[65] Like the fifth generation iPods introduced in 2005,
the iPhone can play video, allowing users to watch TV shows and films. Unlike other image-
related content, video on the iPhone plays only in the landscape orientation, when the phone
is turned sideways. Double tapping switches between wide-screen and full-screen video

The iPhone allows users to purchase and download songs from the iTunes Store directly to
their iPhone over Wi-Fi with the iTunes Wi-Fi Music Store, and as of Macworld San
Francisco 2009, over the cellular data network.[66]

Internet connectivity

Wikipedia Main Page on iPhone's Safari in landscape mode

Internet access is available when the iPhone is connected to a local area Wi-Fi or a wide area
GSM or EDGE network, both second-generation (2G) wireless data standards. The iPhone
3G also supports third-generation UMTS and HSDPA 3.6,[67] but not HSDPA 7.2 or HSUPA
networks. AT&T introduced 3G in July 2004,[68] but as late as 2007 Steve Jobs felt that it was
still not widespread enough, and the chipsets not energy efficient enough, to be included in
the iPhone.[30][69] The iPhone 3G has a maximum download rate of 1.4 Mbp/s.[70] Support for
802.1X, an authentication system commonly used by university and corporate Wi-Fi
networks, was added in the 2.0 version update.[71]

By default, the iPhone will ask to join newly discovered Wi-Fi networks and prompt for the
password when required. Alternatively, it can join closed Wi-Fi networks manually.[72] The
iPhone will automatically choose the strongest network, connecting to Wi-Fi instead of
EDGE when it is available.[73] Similarly, the iPhone 3G prefers 3G to 2G, and Wi-Fi to either.
Users can disable all wireless connections by activating Airplane Mode.

Safari is the iPhone's native web browser, and it displays pages similar to its Mac OS X
counterpart. Web pages may be viewed in portrait or landscape mode and supports automatic
zooming by pinching together or spreading apart fingertips on the screen, or by double-
tapping text or images.[75][76] The iPhone supports neither Flash[77] nor Java.[78] Consequently,
the UK's Advertising Standards Authority banned an advertisement claiming the iPhone
could access "all parts of the Internet" on grounds of false advertising.[79] The iPhone supports
SVG, CSS, HTML Canvas, and Bonjour.[80][81]

The maps application can access Google Maps in map, satellite, or hybrid form. It can also
generate directions between two locations, while providing optional real-time traffic
information. Support for walking directions, public transit, and street view was added in the
version 2.2 software update.[58] During the iPhone's announcement, Jobs demonstrated this
feature by searching for nearby Starbucks locations and then placing a prank call to one with
a single tap.[13][82] Apple also developed a separate application to view YouTube videos on the
iPhone, which streams videos over Wi-Fi, 2G, or 3G after encoding them using the open
H.264 codec. Simple weather and stock quotes also tap in to the Internet.

iPhone users can and do access the internet frequently, and in a variety of places. According
to Google, the iPhone generates 50 times more search requests than any other mobile handset.
According to Deutsche Telekom CEO René Obermann, "The average Internet usage for an
iPhone customer is more than 100 megabytes. This is 30 times the use for our average
contract-based consumer customers."[84]

Text input

Virtual keyboard on the original iPhone's touchscreen.

For text input, the iPhone implements a virtual keyboard on the touchscreen. It has automatic
spell checking and correction, predictive word capabilities, and a dynamic dictionary that
learns new words. The keyboard can predict what word the user is typing and complete it,
and correct for the accidental pressing of keys adjacent to the presumed desired key. The keys
are somewhat larger and spaced farther apart when in landscape mode, which is supported by
only a limited number of applications. Holding a finger over a section of text brings up a
magnifying glass, allowing users to place the cursor in the middle of existing text. The
iPhone does not support cut, copy, or pasting text.[85] The virtual keyboard can accommodate
21 languages, including character recognition for Chinese.[86] A lack of focus on text-
messaging is widely considered a chief weakness of the iPhone, although a large number of
users evidently have no issue using the device for this purpose.[87]


The iPhone also features an e-mail program that supports HTML e-mail, which enables the
user to embed photos in an e-mail message. PDF, Word, Excel, and Powerpoint attachments
to mail messages can be viewed on the phone.[88] Apple's MobileMe platform offers push
email, which emulates the functionality of the popular BlackBerry email solution, for an
annual subscription. Yahoo! offers a free push-email service for the iPhone. IMAP (although
not Push-IMAP) and POP3 mail standards are also supported, including Microsoft
Exchange[89] and Kerio MailServer.[90] In the first versions of the iPhone firmware, this was
accomplished by opening up IMAP on the Exchange server. Apple has also licensed
Microsoft ActiveSync and now supports the platform (including push email) with the release
of iPhone 2.0 firmware.[91][92] The iPhone will sync e-mail account settings over from Apple's
own Mail application, Microsoft Outlook, and Microsoft Entourage, or it can be manually
configured on the device itself. With the correct settings, the e-mail program can access
almost any IMAP or POP3 account.[93]

Camera and photos

The photo display application

The iPhone features a built in 2.0 megapixel camera located on the back for still digital
photos. It has no optical zoom, flash or autofocus, and does not support video recording.
Version 2.0 of iPhone OS introduced the capability to embed location data in the pictures,
producing geocoded photographs.

The iPhone includes software that allows the user to upload, view, and e-mail photos. The
user zooms in and out of photos by sliding two fingers further apart or closer together, much
like Safari. The Camera application also lets users view the camera roll, the pictures that have
been taken with the iPhone's camera. Those pictures are also available in the Photos
application, along with any transferred from iPhoto or Aperture on a Mac, or Photoshop in

Third party applications

See also: iPhone SDK and App Store

At WWDC 2007 on June 11, 2007 Apple announced that the iPhone would support third-
party "web applications" written in AJAX that share the look and feel of the iPhone interface.
On October 17, 2007, Steve Jobs, in an open letter posted to Apple's "Hot News" weblog,
announced that a software development kit (SDK) would be made available to third-party
developers in February 2008. The iPhone SDK was officially announced on March 6, 2008,
at the Apple Town Hall facility.[95] It allows developers to develop native applications for the
iPhone and iPod Touch, as well as test them in an "iPhone simulator". However, loading an
application onto the devices is only possible after paying a Apple Developer Connection
membership fee. Developers are free to set any price for their applications to be distributed
through the App Store, of which they will receive a 70 percent share.[96] Developers can also
opt to release the application for free and will not pay any costs to release or distribute the
application beyond the membership fee. The SDK was made available immediately, while the
launch of applications had to wait until the firmware update which was released on July 11,
2008.[92] The update was free for iPhone users, but not for iPod Touch owners, whose devices
can run iPhone applications only after paying a small fee.[97]

Once a developer has submitted an application to the App Store, Apple holds firm control
over its distribution. For example, Apple can halt the distribution of applications it deems
inappropriate as has happened with a US$1000 program that has as sole purpose to
demonstrate the wealth of its user.[98]
Apple has been criticized for banning third party applications that enable a functionality that
Apple doesn't want the iPhone to have. In 2008, Apple rejected Podcaster, which allowed
iPhone users to download podcasts directly to the iPhone claiming it duplicated the
functionality of iTunes.[99] Apple has since released a software update that grants this
capability.[58] NetShare, another rejected app, would have enabled users to tether iPhones to
laptop (or desktop) computers and thereby use the iPhone as an Internet modem.[100]

Many third-party Safari "applications" and unsigned native applications are also available.[101]
The ability to install native applications onto the iPhone outside of the App Store will not be
supported by Apple. Such native applications could be broken by any software update, but
Apple has stated it will not design software updates specifically to break native applications
other than applications that perform SIM unlocking.[102] As of September 15, 2008, iPhone
software version 2.1 is still "exploitable" by the same method that enabled unsigned
applications in software versions as early as version 1.1.3, indicating that Apple is making
good on their promise not to intentionally cripple unofficial development.


The built-in Bluetooth 2.x+EDR supports wireless earpieces, which requires the HSP profile,
but notably does not support stereo audio (requires A2DP), laptop tethering (requires DUN
and SPP), or the OBEX file transfer protocol (requires FTP, GOEP, and OPP). The lack of
these profiles prevent iPhone users from exchanging multimedia files with other bluetooth-
enabled cell phones, including pictures, music and videos.

Text messages are presented chronologically in a mailbox format similar to Mail, which
places all text from recipients together with replies. Text messages are displayed in speech
bubbles (similar to iChat) under each recipient's name. The iPhone currently has built-in
support for e-mail message forwarding, drafts, and direct internal camera-to-e-mail picture
sending. However, it does not yet have capabilities for delivery reports, MMS, or
copy/cut/paste.[103][85] Support for multi-recipient SMS was added in the 1.1.3 software update.


The iPhone can enlarge text to make it more accessible for vision-impaired users,[104] and can
accommodate hearing-impaired users with closed captioning and external TTY devices.[105]
Nevertheless, Apple states that "[e]ffective use of the iPhone requires a minimal level of
visual acuity, motor skills, and an ability to operate a few mechanical buttons. Use of iPhone
by someone who relies solely on audible and tactile input is not recommended."[106] The
iPhone 3G has not been rated under the United States Federal Communication Commission
guidelines for hearing aid compatibility at either level M3 or T3.[106]

Intellectual property
Apple has filed more than 200 patents related to the technology behind the iPhone.[107][108]

LG Electronics claimed the iPhone's design was copied from the LG Prada. Woo-Young
Kwak, head of LG Mobile Handset R&D Center, said at a press conference, “We consider
that Apple copied Prada phone after the design was unveiled when it was presented in the iF
Design Award and won the prize in September 2006.”[109]

On September 3, 1993, Infogear filed for the U.S. trademark "I PHONE"[110] and on March
20, 1996 applied for the trademark "IPhone".[111] "I Phone" was registered in March 1998,[110]
and "IPhone" was registered in 1999.[111] Since then, the I PHONE mark had been abandoned.
Infogear's trademarks cover "communications terminals comprising computer hardware
and software providing integrated telephone, data communications and personal computer
functions" (1993 filing),[110] and "computer hardware and software for providing integrated
telephone communication with computerized global information networks" (1996 filing).[112]
Infogear released a telephone with an integrated web browser under the name iPhone in 1998.
In 2000, Infogear won an infringement claim against the owners of the
domain name.[114] In June 2000, Cisco Systems acquired Infogear, including the iPhone
trademark.[115] On December 18, 2006 they released a range of re-branded Voice over IP
(VoIP) sets under the name iPhone.[116]

In October 2002, Apple applied for the "iPhone" trademark in the United Kingdom,
Australia, Singapore, and the European Union. A Canadian application followed in October
2004 and a New Zealand application in September 2006. As of October 2006 only the
Singapore and Australian applications had been granted. In September 2006, a company
called Ocean Telecom Services applied for an "iPhone" trademark in the United States,
United Kingdom and Hong Kong, following a filing in Trinidad and Tobago.[117] As the
Ocean Telecom trademark applications use exactly the same wording as Apple's New
Zealand application, it is assumed that Ocean Telecom is applying on behalf of Apple.[118]
The Canadian application was opposed in August 2005 by a Canadian company called
Comwave who themselves applied for the trademark three months later. Comwave have been
selling VoIP devices called iPhone since 2004.[115]

Shortly after Steve Jobs' January 9, 2007 announcement that Apple would be selling a
product called iPhone in June 2007, Cisco issued a statement that it had been negotiating
trademark licensing with Apple and expected Apple to agree to the final documents that had
been submitted the night before.[119] On January 10, 2007 Cisco announced it had filed a
lawsuit against Apple over the infringement of the trademark iPhone, seeking an injunction in
federal court to prohibit Apple from using the name.[120] More recently, Cisco claimed that the
trademark lawsuit was a "minor skirmish" that was not about money, but about

On February 2, 2007, Apple and Cisco announced that they had agreed to temporarily
suspend litigation while they hold settlement talks,[122] and subsequently announced on
February 20, 2007 that they had reached an agreement. Both companies will be allowed to
use the "iPhone" name[123] in exchange for "exploring interoperability" between their security,
consumer, and business communications products.[124]

SIM Lock removal
Unlocked iPhone firmware version 2.0 using GrameenPhone Network in Bangladesh.

While initially iPhones were only sold on the AT&T network with a SIM lock in place,
various hackers have found methods to "unlock" the phone; more recently some carriers have
started to sell unlocked iPhones.[125] More than a quarter of iPhones sold in the United States
were not registered with AT&T. Apple speculates that they were likely shipped overseas and
unlocked.[126] AT&T has stated that the "iPhone cannot be unlocked, even if you are out of

On November 21, 2007, T-Mobile in Germany announced it would sell the phone unlocked
and without a T-Mobile contract, caused by a preliminary injunction against T-Mobile put in
place by their competitor, Vodafone.[128] On December 4, 2007, a German court decided to
grant T-Mobile exclusive rights to sell the iPhone with SIM lock, overturning the temporary
injunction.[129] In addition, T-Mobile will voluntarily offer to unlock customers' iPhone after
the termination of the contract.[130]

On carriers where removal of the iPhone's SIM lock is allowed, the carrier can submit a
request to Apple which will then remove the carrier locking on the next restore of the iPhone
through iTunes. Note that in certain countries, where unlocked phones are required to be
available by law, the iPhone is sold without a contract and without a SIM lock; on average,
such units carry prices of US$700+ for the 8 GB model. Examples include Hong Kong, Italy,
New Zealand, and Russia.[131] In Australia, all three carriers (Optus, Telstra, and Vodafone)
will also provide an unlock after requesting it from the carrier.[131]


The iPhone normally prevents access to its media player and web features unless it has also
been activated as a phone with an authorized carrier. On July 3, 2007, Jon Lech Johansen
reported on his blog that he had successfully bypassed this requirement and unlocked the
iPhone's other features with a combination of custom software and modification of the iTunes
binary. He published the software and offsets for others to use.[132]

Unlike the original, the 3G iPhone must be activated in the store in most countries.[133] This
need for in-store activation, as well as the huge number of first-generation iPhone and iPod
Touch users upgrading to iPhone OS 2.0, caused a worldwide overload of Apple's servers on
July 11, 2008, the day on which both the iPhone 3G and iPhone OS 2.0 updates were
released. After the update, devices were required to connect to Apple's servers to authenticate
the update, causing many devices to be temporarily unusable.[134]

Users on the O2 network in the United Kingdom, however, can buy the phone online and
activate it via iTunes as with the previous model.[135] iPhones purchased in Australia as a pre-
paid kit likewise do not require in-store activation, but require activation online at the Optus
website and iTunes.[136] Buyers can also activate iPhones via iTunes on Spain's Movistar
network. Shops usually offer activation for the buyer's convenience.

Third party applications

The iPhone's operating system is designed to only run software that has an Apple-approved
cryptographic signature. This restriction can be overcome by "jailbreaking" the phone,[137]
which involves replacing the iPhone's firmware with a slightly modified version that does not
enforce the signature check. Doing so may be a circumvention of Apple's technical protection
measures. [138] Apple, in a statement to the United States Copyright Office in response to EFF
lobbying for a DMCA exception for this kind of hacking, claimed that jailbreaking the
iPhone would be copyright infringement due to the modification of system software needed
to jailbreak the iPhone.[139]

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