Chapter 2

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1) Using specific tools and components are needed to run an application

and debug application.

2) a) 7
3) A event-Driven Application executes code in response to an even.
4) 1. Label-displays text that cannot be changed by the user.
2. Button-objects are used to preform an action.
3. Group Box-used to group related radio buttons.
4. Menu Strip-object displays a menu at run time.
5. Radio Button-an application to enable the user to choose from a set
of options.
5) The difference between the design of a form in the window is when
something is clicked you cant type anything but only change the size and
location. In run time you are able to type and close the form by clicking a
coded close button.
6) 1. You are able to close it by clicking quit.
2. It is able to make an event by clicking on something.
7) The name property identifies a control for the programmer and how the
object is referred to in the program code. The text property of a control
displays specified text on the control object at run time.
8) Using Me displays control names in an IntelliSense list when a dot is
typed, which can save time and reduce typing errors in code.
9) lblMessage.Text = The Sum of 5 and 3 is
lblResult.Text = 5+3
lblMessage.Text = The Difference of 5 and 3 is
lblResult.Text = 5 - 3

10) The second line with the data needs a single quotation mark at the
beginning of the line to make it a comment. Second, the entire last line is a
comment and should not be. The Display Greeting text needs to be moved
after the assignment statement or placed on a separate line. For example:
Me.lblMessage.Text = Hi There Display greeting
11) a. False, it consists of several files.
b. True
c. True
d. True
e. True
f. True
g. False, it adds another Object
h. False, its called a statement
i. True
j. False, it typed in a code window
k. False, the toolbox is used to put on the form.
l. True
m. False, it indicates that a procedure cannot be access from outside the
form1 class
n. True
o. True
p. True
q. False, its used to group related radio buttons.
r. False, it has no effect on the Application
s. True
t. True

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