What Is Cardiovascular Disease?"

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24 February 2016
There are over thousands of diseases in the world, some are even untreatable. What is a
disease? Disease is a condition that affects normal function in a person, animal or plant. A
disease causes an imbalance disrupting homeostasis.Why does that happen? You body is trying
to regulate itself but can't because of the abnormal circumstances. Your body has a mechanism
called homeostasis. Homeostasis is when you body is trying to regulate to be normal and keep
the body stable. When your body recognizes a change, it tries to compensate to make the body
normal again. Diseases arise because the body is unbalanced and is lacking something. The
control systems lose efficiency which slowly increase the risk of disease. Some diseases are
caused by imbalance like obesity, cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
With an unbalanced body, your body can become unhealthy and develop diseases.
Cardiovascular disease is one example. From the article What Is Cardiovascular Disease?"
Cardiovascular disease, also known as heart disease can be related to atherosclerosis, a condition
when plaque builds up in the arteries. The blood begins to slow down and a clot can form easily.
In heart disease heart attacks, strokes are common. Other types of cardiovascular diseases heart
failure, bodys need for oxygen isnt met; Arrhythmia, abnormal rhythm; and heart valve
problems; valve doesn't close properly causing blood to flow backwards. Obesity is another
common disease. Obesity is when you have too much body fat and is greater than normal.
Obesity is caused by inactivity, genetics, family lifestyle, lack of sleep, unhealthy diet and eating
habits according to "Understanding Adult Overweight and Obesity. Blood pressure and high
blood sugar is increased and heart disease, strokes, diabetes and certain cancers become easier to

develop. Obesity is considered when the body mass is over 30. A last disease, Diabetes is
described when the body has a lack of insulin and is a metabolism disorder. According to
Disease as Homeostatic Imbalance." A person with diabetes may experience polyuria (frequent
urination), polydipsia(frequent thirst), and polyphagia(frequent hunger). The difference between
Type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes is that type 1 produce no insulin and type 2 diabetes does not
produce enough insulin with proper function.
Heart disease, Obesity and Diabetes is very common throughout the world, especially
America. According to statistics 382 million people have diabetes, 78 million adults are obese,
and 610,000 die of heart disease. Diabetes from 2001-2009 went up 23%. 2008-2012, the highest
was in the south was 452,000 to 846,000. Type 2 diabetes is higher in the South from 11.9% to
15.4% and is the west in the west from 6.3%-9.2%. From Obesity and Diabetes: Across States, a
Clear Relationship Obesity men was 33.5% in 2011-12, 35.5% in 2009-10; in women 36.1% in
2011-12,35.8% in 2009-10. Obesity is higher in the South 29.4% to 33.1% and the lowest is near
19.6% to 24.1% in the West. Heart disease varies in the states as said from Heart Disease and
Diet. In the West near California, Arizona, New Mexico is around 122.5-306,000.2 annual rates.
Around Louisiana, Alabama is around 452-846,000.1.
Heart Disease and Diet says a healthy diet can prevent these diseases. For heart disease
the heart is a muscle so exercise can strengthen it. People who don't exercise are 2 times likely to
get heart disease. Obesity can be managed. A person needs to exercise at least 30 min day. A
colorful diet can help reduce more fat from being stored in the body. Also it can give the vital
nutrients the person has been missing from eating so much fast foods. Diabetes also needs a
healthy diet and exercise to prevent your body from making little insulin.

I don't think I am susceptible to obesity. Although diabetes and heart disease runs in my
family. but in my lifestyle I exercise a few times week and try to eat less oily and fatty foods, eat
more fatty foods. Some asians usually have it easy and are considered very healthy because of
their healthy diet and exercise. Since my family is has a history of heart disease and diabetes I
have a chance of developing the diseases if I am not careful.
Socio-economic stares and culture can influence disease. Because of different kinds of
environment and food, it affects how we live. For example the South has high obesity and
diabetes, but in the area Louisiana has many oily foods and fried foods. So society gets used to
eating those fried food everyday, but since the food is not as healthy people start to have an
unbalanced diet. A person can get influenced by their environment to eat unhealthy food because
it's there right in front of them. And eating so much unhealthy food causes them to not watch
their diet and create bad eating habits. So it's difficult for a family to make healthy choices when
around them is unhealthy but good tasting food
Works Cited
"Disease as Homeostatic Imbalance." Boundless, 21 July 2015. Web. 27 Feb. 2016. <Disease
as Homeostatic Imbalance Source: Boundless. Disease as Homeostatic Imbalance.
Boundless Anatomy and Physiology. Boundless, 21 Jul. 2015. Retrieved 27 Feb. 2016
from https://www.boundless.com/physiology/textbooks/boundless-anatomy-andphysiology-textbook/introduction-to-human-anatomy-and-physiology-1/homeostasis32/disease-as-homeostatic-imbalance-285-9170/>.

"What Is Cardiovascular Disease?" American Heart Association. 18 Dec. 2014. Web. 27 Feb.

"Understanding Adult Overweight and Obesity." NIDDK, Nov. 2008. Web. 25 Feb. 2016.

Ogden, Cynthia L. "Prevalence of Obesity Among Adults: United States, 20112012." CDC, Oct.
2013. Web. 24 Feb. 2016. <http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/databriefs/db131.htm>.

Witters, Dan. "Obesity and Diabetes: Across States, a Clear Relationship." GALLUP, 20 Aug.
2009. Web. 24 Feb. 2016. <http://www.gallup.com/poll/122405/obesity-diabetes-acrossstates-clear-relationship.aspx>.
"Heart Disease and Diet." MedlinePlus. Web. 24 Feb. 2016.

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