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Mobile GIS Technology

In Mapping New Installations for Pipelines

Mobile GIS Technology

Architecture that provides . . .
Low cost data collection devices
Simple software
Access to up-to-date facilities information
Real-time data submittal from the field
Minimal back-office processing

Mobile GIS for Mapping New


Tablet device with GIS-based data collection software

High accuracy GPS receiver
Application to convert barcode into asset attributes
to auto
populate the GIS
Barcode scanner
Disconnected editing

Automates the entire data collection process for documenting new installations
In less than one minute . . .
Read, decrypt barcode on asset and create gas GIS feature (main, service,
valve, fitting, CP feature, etc.)
Populated asset attribute information (material type, batch number, etc. from
Additional asset information automatically added to asset record from
predefined job/work order
Define asset position geospatially using decimeter quality real-time GPS
Post data in GIS in real-time

Data Collection Workflow



Mapping new installations
Reduces time required to get data into the GIS
Improves data quality through automation
Asset tracking and traceability
Reduces risk of manufacturer recalls
Reduces risk through asset performance tracking
Excavation damage prevention
Reduces the risk of inaccurate locates and incorrect maps
Update existing records
Correct GIS data from the field
Eliminate records backlog

Final Thoughts
The combination of tablet computers and mobile GIS is
disruptive innovation for the pipeline industry
Mix and match hardware for flexible, customized
Intuitive software that requires minimal training
Low-cost hardware that can be deployed to the entire

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