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Best Piece Reflection Form

Title of Assignment: Theories of knowledge On-Demand Essay

Date of Assignment: 2014 (Junior year, First Semester)
Course in which assignment was completed: Intro to Philosophy
Briefly describe the assignment. What steps did you take in order to complete this
assignment? What resources, software, skills were required to complete this assignment?
This assignment was meant to allow us to demonstrate what we have learned about the three theories of
knowledge while defending one of the three theories of knowledge. We were allowed to access our notes
which we had taken during class and on our own at home from out of the book. The most important part
of this assignment was that we had to create our own argument in order to defend one of the theories with
our own reasoning and only use the notes as a resource.

Complete this form with an essay response (1/2 to 1 page; MLA format)
Answer the following questions:
1. Why did you choose this sample as your best piece?
2. What should the reader expect to find?
3. What impressions do you hope the reader gains about you as a learner after viewing this
4. What did you learn as a result of completing this assignment?
5.How will you use this knowledge/experience in the future?

I chose this sample as my best piece because it required a great deal of applying ones own
knowledge to it as well as deep, reflective thinking. The reader should expect to find a convincing
argument defending a selected theory of knowledge. I hope that the reader gains the impression that I am
capable of critical thinking and reflecting on a subject while backing up my reasoning with credible,
relevant evidence. As a result of completing this assignment, I learned how to back up an argument and

explain my reasoning. I will use this knowledge and experience in the future as an outline to successfully
create moving, convincing arguments for assignments later on.

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