Week 2 Technology Assignment

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Krista Boddy
Technology Lesson
Navigating Computers, the Internet, and Keyboarding
Overview of lesson objectives:
1. Students will be able to do basic computer functions such as logging on/off a computer,
name the major parts of the computer, and navigate to software, search engines, and word
2. Students will be able to demonstrate basic typing skills and know how to use keyboarding
3. Students will be able to create a Microsoft Word document and know how to use some
basic tools in MS Word.
Materials to take to class: Self needs analysis, handouts with directions for using computers,
logging on/off, finding specific programs (MS Word, Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing), Microsoft
Word Tutorials provided by Loveland Public Library.
Equipment needed for class: Individual computers or enough for students to share in pairs.
Warm-up: Introduce topic and complete needs analysis (10 min.)
1. Ask the class by show of hands, who feels comfortable using a computer? If computers
need to be shared, pair students who feel comfortable using computers with those who
2. For those who feel comfortable using computers, ask, What do you use them for? Have
a few students explain.
3. Have students complete a quick self needs analysis (handout-Appendix A):
a. Do you know how to turn on a computer?
b. Do you know how to use a mouse?
c. Can you search for things on the web?
d. Do you know how to check email?
e. Do you know how to open a Microsoft Word document?
f. Do you know how to create a Microsoft Word document?
g. Can you save and print a Word document?
h. What do you want to learn about computers?
4. Ask what are the main parts of a computer? Have students supply the answers: mouse
(left/right clicks and scroll), keyboard, monitor, screen, icon, etc.
Activity 1:
ABE learners: Logging on a computer and doing a Google Chrome search (5-10 min)
Procedures: Since our school computers are always left on, there is no need to turn on power
1. Press any letter on the keyboard and wait.

2. To log on: Type Username: student
Type Password: student
3. To access the internet: left click once on colorful circle (Google Chrome icon) on the
bottom of screen (this is called a taskbar) or on the screen.
4. Type in a word, subject, or thing you want to learn about. (EXAMPLE: Hawaii)
5. Left click on pictures or blue highlighted links to learn more.
6. To log off, left click the X on top right of screen.
ASE Learners: Ask students to read online tutorial on Computer Basics 101 (10 min.)
1. Press any letter on the keyboard and wait.
2. To log on: Type Username: student
Type Password: student
3. Using a search engine (Internet Explorer/Google Chrome) pull up the internet. Type this
address in the address search box:(http://www.cityofloveland.org/index.aspx?page=1957)
4. Once you get onto the Loveland Public Library website, select Computer Skills Tutorials.
5. Next, click on Computer Basics 101 and click on Start Prezi.
6. After you finish the tutorial, get with a partner to discuss questions if you still have some.
Activity 2: Logging into Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing software (Vers. 15) and practice
keyboarding skills (25-30 min.)
Procedures for both ABE and ASE learners: (For ASE students who excel at typing, they
can take the short placer test to start at a more difficult level.)
1. From home screen, left click on blue MB icon on the bottom taskbar.
2. Left click on Enter Classroom.
3. Left click on Create New User.
4. Left click on Next.
5. Type your name in the box.
6. Left click on Use Defaults.
7. Left click on the crown on the screen.
8. Left click on Beginner Typist.
9. Left click on Start Lesson. Read each screen. The program will guide you.
10. Left click Exit to quit.
11. TIP: Try to look at the screen and not your keyboard/fingers while you type.
Activity 3: Creating a document in Microsoft Word (20 - 25 min.)
Procedures for ABE learners:
1. Pass out Microsoft Word Tutorials (from Loveland Public Library Website).
2. Log on (steps 1-2 in Activity 1)
3. From main screen, left click the icon that has a White W on a blue notebook with paper.
If this icon is not on your taskbar or screen, ask for teachers help.
4. Once Microsoft Word opens, it may ask you if you want to start a new blank document.
Click on the blank sheet of paper that says Blank Document.
5. Follow the tutorial from the Home tab, as this is your main tab you will use as a beginner.

6. If you want to change your font (letters), size and color, use the drop-down box on the
top left corner where it says Times New Roman next to a number. Click on the down
arrow to see all the font types. Click on the down arrow next to the number to change the
size of your letters.
7. You can make your letters Bold, Italic or underlined by highlighting (left clicking your
mouse and dragging over the word or sentence) and clicking on these B I U.
8. The letter A with red below is where you can change your font color by clicking on the
down arrow.
9. Play around by clicking on different things to see what they do.
Procedures for ASE learners: Ask students to read online tutorial on Microsoft Word 101
and Microsoft Excel or Microsoft PowerPoint (20-25 min.)
1. Using a search engine (Internet Explorer/Google Chrome) pull up the internet. Type this
address in the address search box:(http://www.cityofloveland.org/index.aspx?page=1957)
2. Once you get onto the Loveland Public Library website, select Computer Skills Tutorials.
3. Next, click on Microsoft Word 101 and follow the prompts to Start Prezi.
4. Once you finish, select either Microsoft Excel 101 or Microsoft PowerPoint 101 tutorial.
5. Exit website by clicking on X in top right corner of screen.
For ABE: Ask students to type one sentence (6 words or more) into the Word Doc (it can be
about them or the weather today). Ask them to bold one word and underline another. Ask them
to highlight the entire sentence and change the font and color. To exit, click on X in right top
corner of screen. If a box pops us asking you if you want to save the document, click Dont Save.
For ASE: Ask students to show you 5 skills they can do on Microsoft Word and 5 skills they can
do on Microsoft Excel/Powerpoint.
HW Assignment: For those who have access to a computer: Do a Google Chrome search on
your dream vacation spot. Write a summary (7-8 sentences) about your dream vacation using
details you find from your Google search. You can use Wikipedia also. Next class, you will type
your summaries into a Word document. For those without access to a computer: Come in the
computer lab before next class/or stay after this class to do a quick Google search.
Extensions: Using Loveland Public Librarys Computer Skills Tutorial webpage
(http://www.cityofloveland.org/index.aspx?page=1957), have students look at Internet 101,
Computer Basics 101, or Gmail 101 if they want to create an email account.
Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing Version 15
Microsoft Word Tutorials created by Loveland Public Library. Computer skills tutorials can be
found at http://www.cityofloveland.org/index.aspx?page=1957

Appendix A
Student Technology Self-Needs Analysis

Answer the following questions:

1. Do you know how to turn on a computer?

Yes / No

2. Do you know how to use a mouse?

Yes / No

3. Can you search for things on the web?

Yes / No

4. Do you know how to check email?

Yes / No

5. Do you know how to open a Microsoft Word document?

Yes / No

6. Do you know how to create a Microsoft Word document?

Yes / No

a. Can you save and print a Word document?

Yes / No

b. What do you want to learn about computers?


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