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Gregorio Romairone 1 March 2010

History Homework pg.32 and 33

1a) Japan invaded Manchuria because army and some members of the Japanese
government wanted to capture more land and resources to help solve Japan’s economic
problems at home.
1b) Italy invaded Abyssinia(Ethiopia) because Mussolini saw that the Japanese
aggression wasn’t opposed by the League and he wanted to build a new Roman Empire
and with already Eritrea and Somaliland under power they wanted to gain more land.
2) The league of nations couldn’t solve Japanese and Italy’s attack to gain some land and
when the league tried to take away the possibility of them to buy certain goods wasn’t a
great success because Britain and France were scared about Italy joining Germany so
they let Italy buy Steel, copper or oil and they were all weapons which you could use in
war so Italy finally conquered Abyssinia. So actually the League of Nations wasn’t capable
to solve problems inside and outside Europe.
3) The actions that the League of Nations did weren’t in no case effective because at the
end Germany and Italy became allies and Japan conquered almost all of eastern China.
4)The league’s failure was a blow for world peace because People hoped on this league
to resolve problems in their countries and when the first problems face up the league of
nations wasn’t enough prepared to help countries and so people already lost all of their
trust on this league.

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