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Mental Health

panic disorder
A panic attack is a sudden surge of overwhelming
anxiety and fear. Your heat starts pounding and it
gets harder to breath. un treated panic attacks can
lead to panic disorder. panic disorders affect
around 6 million American adults and is twice as
common in women than men. panic attacks usually
begin in early adult hood but not everyone
experiences panic attacks and the people that do
might only have one and never have another one.
panic attacks can occur for no reason or even when
you are sleeping when you are most relaxed.
Cognitive behavioral therapy is generally viewed as
the most effective form of treatment for panic
attacks, panic disorder, and agoraphobia. Cognitive
behavioral therapy is a good treatment for a panic
disorder it focuses on the thinking patterns and
behaviors that are sustaining or triggering the
panic attacks. It helps you look at your fears in a
more realistic light. it impacts youths in school for
example if they get stressed out before a test it
might cause you to have a panic attack.

Panic Disorder." TeenMentalHealthorg. Web. 01 Mar. 2016.

"Panic Attacks and Panic Disorder." : Symptoms, Causes, and
Treatment. Web. 01 Mar. 2016.

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