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Portfolio Learning Outcome Narrative

Your portfolio learning outcome narrative serves as an integrative assessment of your strengths
and areas for growth in the 10 SDA learning outcomes. There are three distinct sections for your
narrative: Strengths, Areas for Growth, and Implications for Professional Practice.
You will create a summary sheet that identifies the following sections for this section:



(must address all)

Integrative Theme
Integrative Theme
Areas for
Integrative Theme
Implications for


(must use each
at least once)

(3-5 LOs)


(3-5 LOs)


(up to 2 LOs




You are required to address all 10 learning outcomes in your narrative, with a minimum of 3
LOs each for your strengths and areas for improvement and 2 LOs max for the implications for
professional practice. Furthermore, you must use each artifact once in your narrative (except for
Artifact K2). In addition, you may elect to use artifacts more than once.
Please note the maximum page limit for each section as noted in each section. We will adhere
strictly to the word count, and your faculty reader will not review documents beyond this
Each of the three reflective narratives synthesizes your development in your selected learning
outcomes by drawing upon your artifacts. The subareas/guiding questions noted in each narrative
section should be used only as a guide. Please do not use subareas/guiding questions as an outline
for your narrative. Rather each narrative section should adhere to graduate level writing,
logical and structured writing, with an introductory paragraph, 2-3 supporting
paragraphs, and ending with a conclusion paragraph
proper use of APA style (in text citations and reference page)
Lastly, use bolded subheadings to identify which learning outcomes & artifacts you are
addressing in each section and sub-area.
EX: Strengths (LO 1, 3, 4, & 7; Artifacts A, C, D, E & F)


Strengths (5-6 pages, double-spaced, 1 margins, 12 point Times New Roman)
What are key strengths that you have developed during your time in the SDA program? How has
this shaped your professional identity and practice?
Provide a narrative that identifies an overarching theme, three unique supporting sub-areas that
support your overarching theme, demonstration of your understanding of your selected learning
outcomes, and demonstration of your development of your selected learning outcomes (see
demonstrated development in SDA learning outcomes section below for more details).
Areas for Growth (5-6 pages, double-spaced, 1 margins, 12 point Times New Roman)
What are significant areas of growth (e.g. new knowledge/skills/action, identifying and/or
overcoming key challenges, etc.) during your time in the SDA program? How has this shaped
your professional identity and practice?
Provide a narrative that identifies an overarching theme, three unique supporting sub-areas that
support your overarching theme, demonstration of your understanding of your selected learning
outcomes, and demonstration of your development of your selected learning outcomes (see
demonstrated development in SDA learning outcomes section below for more details).
Implications for Professional Practice (2-3 pages, double-spaced, 1 margins, 12 point

Times New Roman)

Given the strengths and growth areas you have identified, what are the implications for
professional identity and practice you anticipate having in the student development field?
Provide a narrative that identifies an overarching theme, three unique supporting sub-areas that
support your overarching theme, demonstration of your understanding of your selected learning
outcomes, and demonstration of your development of your selected learning outcomes (see
demonstrated development in SDA learning outcomes section below for more details).


(Required for Each Narrative Section)

Identify an overarching narrative theme: What is this theme? Why is this theme important to
you personally and professionally? Connections to student development theory, research, and best
practice are required (use proper APA citations).
Identify three unique sub-areas that address your selected learning outcomes in the SDA
program: You may use an individual LO as your area of focus or you can create a synthesized
area that brings together more than one LO.
(1) Demonstrate Understanding of Learning Outcome(s) in each area: In this section you will
explain what your understanding of learning outcome(s) is in each area. For each respective subarea, define three key dimensions of each of your selected LOs, and identify one or more SDA
Program Content/Experiences (such as student development theory, research, and/or best
practice) that have shaped your key dimensions. Use proper APA citations. Reference particular
sections of your (1) artifact(s) and (2) academic and co-curricular experiences to substantiate your
(2) Demonstrate Development in Learning Outcome(s) in each area: For each of your selected
learning outcome(s), illustrate how you have developed. Specifically, address your understanding
prior to the SDA program, growth during the SDA program, and areas to address after you
graduate the SDA program:
(a) Past (Prior to SDA Program)no more than 10% of the narrative: Explain each area
and your thoughts, values, and assumptions prior to the program.
(b) Present (During SDA Program)80% of the narrative: Explain your understanding
and growth in each selected learning outcome during the program. Connections to student
development theory, research, and best practice are required to illustrate integration (use
proper APA citations). In particular, to demonstrate your (1) understanding of the LO and (2)
your development in the LO, reference particular sections of your (a) artifact(s) and (b)
academic and co-curricular experiences to substantiate your points.
Guiding questions include: How has your understanding of this learning outcome changed
during the SDA program? Where was the growth? How did you grow? What did you learn?
How are you a different professional today because of this development?
c) Future (Post-SDA Program)no more than 10% of the narrative: How will you
continue to grow in each of these areas?

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