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FROM | suBjECT: ATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum Kr. James J. Rowley Chief, U.S. Searet Servica Mr. John KoCone Director, Central Intelligence we ia obama DATs arch 3, 1964 G0-2-34,,030 if Agensy Central Intelligence Report ea the Assassination of Jahn Xennedy In reopcnas to th ast made by your offies on 24 February 196, re: Lee Sewald's aotivities and aasignmenta on behalf of this agency and Federal Bureau of Investigation, there followe @ Narrative sumiary of the internal subversive activities of ‘the Oswald subject. ‘ I fecommend that unlefe the Commission makes a specific request fot specific information contained herein, that‘this inforsat{od™=+ not be ¥olunteéred. €Thia agenay has reason to assune that some junior Commission staff members may be potential sources of leaks to the news media or to other agencies; due to the highly sensitive nature of the enclosed material, it Would certainly be in the bational interest to withhold if at this time - unless there ia, of ccurse, 0 opecific request nade, it ie oy undePstanding that {r. Hoover har certain sedaitive {n- formation within hie agency, witch hes been transferred -to his own ertonul flea for safexeeping; he conours that no materta1 should me wolmntariily given to the Commission whion might affect the etatua ef field operatives or their aafety, He in pertioularly coagerned abeut the De Brucy memorandum, whick Sentral Intelligence has ob- tained and which, T uné ratend, you have obtained. It Le imperative that this information, at least for the time, renain under wraps. Ogwald subject was trained by thin ageney, under saver sf the office of Navel Intelligence, for soviet assignnents., Uuring preliminarr ‘rainihe, in 1657, subject waa sotive tn serial reconnalerands of mattiand China ahd maintethed a security clearance up to tha “con? dential" level, His military reoerts during this pertod ara open to your agehdy end I have directed they be forwarded to the Conmie- sich. i Subject received additional indoctrination at our owe Camz Peary site fron Septenber # to datober 17, 1988, and participated In a fun relatively minor asaiynsents until arrangements were nude for hia entry into the goriet Union in September 1959, While in the Soviet Union; he was ch special easignment in the area of Minsk, It would hot be advantageous at thin time to divulge the opocifice ofthat esgignment; however, if you Wiss tni® laformation, it can

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