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Planning for Growth - Reports


Ordinary Meeting - 02 March 2016



Document Information

Andrew Cockerall, Coordinator Strategic Planning


Prue Mansfield, Director Planning & Development

Amendment details:

The amendment proposes to implement the Greater

Bendigo Residential Strategy (2014). Changes proposed by
the amendment include:
Updating the Municipal Strategic Statement to include a
new clause Compact Bendigo, strengthen the
provisions relating to the Urban Growth Boundary,
introduce new provisions relating to 10 minute
neighbourhoods and including the strategy as a
Reference Document.
Various zone and overlay changes.

No. of submissions:

71 in total (27 supporting, 32 seeking changes to the

amendment, 12 opposing)

Key issues:

Inclusion of other land within the amendment.

Urban Growth Boundary.
Panel recommendations.


That Council adopts Amendment C215 to the Greater

Bendigo Planning Scheme as recommended by the Panel,
with changes set out in this report, and request approval
from the Minister for Planning.

Policy Context
City of Greater Bendigo Council Plan 2013 2017 (2015-16 update)
Planning for Growth
Complete and implement the following major strategies through planning scheme
Greater Bendigo Residential Strategy
Background Information
The key steps in the Amendment process are summarised below:


Planning for Growth - Reports

Ordinary Meeting - 02 March 2016

Amendment and Planning permit

application prepared

Council decides whether to seek

Ministerial Authorisation

Public Exhibition of Amendment

and permit application

Submissions received

Council requests an Independent

Panel to consider submissions

Panel Hearing held

Council decides to Adopt or

Abandon the Amendment

We are at this

Send to Minister for Approval

and Gazettal and issue of
Planning permit

Previous Council Decisions


Council endorsed the brief for the review.

Council adopted the Audit of the Residential Development Strategy.
Council releases the Issues and Options Paper.
Council seeks Ministerial Amendment for the conversion of the residential
Council releases the draft Greater Bendigo Residential Strategy for
community comment.
Council adopts the Greater Bendigo Residential Strategy and resolves to
commence the amendment process.
Council considers submissions received to the exhibition of the amendment
and requests the appointment of an Independent Panel.

Greater Bendigo Residential Strategy
The Greater Bendigo Residential Strategy (2014) was adopted by Council on 22 October
2014. The strategy establishes a framework to guide the residential growth of the
Municipality to 2040 and beyond.

Planning for Growth - Reports

Ordinary Meeting - 02 March 2016

The strategy is focussed on accommodating Bendigos future residential development

through creating a compact city, vibrant City Centre, neighbourhoods and small towns
where people can readily access their daily needs and where there is real transport
choice rather than relying on the car.
What the amendment does
Amendment C215 implements the recommendations of the Greater Bendigo Residential
Strategy (2014) into the Greater Bendigo Planning Scheme.
The amendment is largely focussed on making strategy and policy changes within the
Municipal Strategic Statement (MSS) to reinforce the overall strategic direction of
promoting a compact urban form.
Among the key changes to the MSS proposed by Amendment C215 are:
Updating the Key Issues and Influences clause to include issues such as liveability,
transport integration and planning for health.
Combining the Housing and Settlement clauses into a new clause Compact
Strengthening the provisions around the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB).
New strategies around 10 minute neighbourhoods, key development sites, housing
density and diversity and design quality.
Inclusion of the Greater Bendigo Residential Strategy (2014) as a Reference
Document within the Planning Scheme.
A number of zone and overlay changes are proposed in the amendment including:
Land identified in the Strathfieldsaye Township Plan and Huntly Township Plan that
was identified for residential development but is yet to be rezoned. These areas are
being rezoned from a Rural Living Zone to either a General Residential Zone or a
Low Density Residential Zone.
Inclusion of land off Goynes Road, Epsom in the General Residential Zone.
Removal of the Design and Development Overlay 10 which requires larger lot sizes
from parts of Precinct 6 in Maiden Gully to allow for more conventional subdivision
consistent with the Greater Bendigo Residential Strategy (2014).
Exhibition procedures
The Amendment was exhibited for 6 weeks between 5 February and 20 March 2015.
Notice was provided in the following manner:
Individual notices were sent to 700 residents, government agencies and interest
groups who were affected by the amendment or had previously registered an interest
in the Greater Bendigo Residential Strategy.
Notices to the prescribed Ministers under Section 19(1)(c) of the Planning and
Environment Act.
Public Notice of the Amendment in the Bendigo Advertiser on 4, 7, 11, 14, 21 and 28
February and in the McIvor Times on 5 and 12 February 2015.

Planning for Growth - Reports

Ordinary Meeting - 02 March 2016

Public Notice of the Amendment in the Government Gazette on 5 February 2015.

As a result of these procedures, 68 submissions were received. Of the 68 submissions,
27 supported the amendment, 31 submissions sought to have changes made (such as
including additional land within the amendment) and 10 submissions were objections.
Three late submissions were received immediately prior and during the Panel Hearing
that were accepted by the Panel.
The major issues raised in the submissions were:
Support for the strategic direction of the GBRS and the focus on promoting a
Compact Bendigo.
Submissions seeking to have additional land included within the UGB at various
locations around the City.
Inclusion of a number of parcels of land as Key Development Sites.
Review of the zoning of individual parcels of land within the UGB.
Support and opposition for the zone and overlay changes proposed by the
A submission regarding the lack of recreation facilities and clear strategic direction for
Submissions from service authorities regarding aspects of Clause 21.05.
Submissions from the planning and development industry relating to land supply,
resourcing, capacity to realise infill development and consistency in decision making
and the application of the UGB.
Response by the City to major issues raised in submissions
Generally speaking the responses to the issues raised in the submissions were:
Additional land should not be included within the amendment at this stage as they
were not exhibited. These submissions are being considered in the context of the
Housing Strategy.
The submissions from government / servicing agencies and those seeking changes
to the MSS are generally supported.
The objecting submissions are not supported.
The submissions relating to land supply and the UGB are acknowledged but not
The Panel Hearing
The Minister for Planning appointed an Independent Panel to consider the Amendment.
The Hearing was held on 20-23 July, 7-12 August and 11 September 2015. The Panel
considered all written and oral submissions and material presented to it in connection
with the Amendment.
The Panel Report and Recommendations
Included in the key findings of the Panel were:


Planning for Growth - Reports

Ordinary Meeting - 02 March 2016

Strong support for the Compact Bendigo model and recognition of the significant and
comprehensive background work that supports the strategy.
Support for all proposed zone and overlay changes, subject to some minor
The Panel was particularly impressed by how the City and the development industry
have worked together.
Planning for an eventual population of 200,000 needs to be actively pursued.
The Panel expressed some concern regarding land supply given the time it takes to
prepare structure plans, rezone land and lag times for development.
The Panel supported the UGB but were concerned that the UGB is a medium term
proposition and not a longer term planning tool and recommended that the alignment
of the UGB should be reviewed as part of the Housing Strategy.
There is a need to review all zones and overlays, especially those related to
neighbourhood character if infill development is to be pursued.
Minor changes to the wording in the MSS which were agreed to during the hearing.
In considering the Panels report in respect to:
Land supply agreement that we have 13-17 years greenfield land supply within the
UGB and Marong but concern about whether it all can be brought on stream in a
timely manner
Planning for 200,000 people being able to identify where Bendigo will grow.
The Panels recommendation to include two areas (Balgownie and Cherry Tree Lane)
in the UGB but without setting out a clear strategic justification for the choice of
Balgownie over other sites the Panel identified as suitable for residential development
in the longer term.
The Panels acceptance that the Housing Strategy and Housing Audit will identify and
detail land supply to ensure the governments 15 year requirement will be met
considerable further analysis has been undertaken to clarify land supply and t to give
greater certainty about where and how the City could accommodate a population of
That analysis has demonstrated with two separate exercises (one undertaken by staff
and one undertaken by id consulting) that without bringing on more land through
rezoning from within the UGB a 15 year land supply is currently available and that
supply will be further tested by an annual Housing Audit. If land supply is not
adequate the City will bring timelines forward.
That taking into consideration the adopted Residential Strategy and ITLUS, current
growth patterns, land suitability, likely take up rates, servicing, and land availability,
Council should identify an area termed Maiden Gully North West embracing all of
Balgownie, Eaglehawk Golf Course and the intervening land and including the
proposed site of the Maiden Gully Railway Station and land to the north of the
Eaglehawk Marong railway line, as a Structure Plan investigation area, to be
considered as part of the next Residential Strategy Review which will commence in
2022 and be ready for a scheduled adoption by Council in 2024. Noting that this
does not preclude landowners from undertaking relevant investigations in preparation
for consideration in the Structure Planning process. This area is indicated on the
following map:


Planning for Growth - Reports

Ordinary Meeting - 02 March 2016

Maiden Gully North West is clearly signalling that the area is confirmed as the next
area for urban growth, not just potential for future growth. The Structure Planning
process will involve the comprehensive technical analysis and design and community
engagement needed to resolve the exact boundary and the area would be developed.
It is anticipated that the Structure Plan would commence in around 2022, depending
on land take up.
The following table lists the Panel's recommendations and recommended response.


Planning for Growth - Reports

Ordinary Meeting - 02 March 2016

Table 1 Panel Recommendations

Rec. Panel Recommendation

Officer Recommendation

Amend Clause 21.05-2 under Urban

Growth Boundary Objective to add
the wording:


To better manage the Citys growth

by focusing development into
designated growth areas, preventing
development in areas which Council
wants to protect, and discouraging
proposals to expand the urban area
except where consistent with the
Bendigo Urban Area Residential
Growth Framework.

Amend Clause 21.05-2 under

Strategies to change the wording:


(a) Dot point 1 - Rezoning proposals

for sites that are not contiguous
with the Urban Growth Boundary
are strongly discouraged and will
not be supported unless they give
effect to the Residential
Development Objectives in the
Greater Bendigo Residential
Strategy 2014.
(b) Dot point 2 - Rezoning proposals
for sites outside but abutting the
Urban Growth Boundary are
discouraged with an assumption
they will not be supported unless
they are consistent with or give
effect to the Residential
Development Objectives in the
Greater Bendigo Residential
Strategy 2014. Consideration of
any sites will be on the merits of
the proposal and must be
accompanied by a report that
demonstrates the suitability of the
land for urban development and
addresses the following matters:

Amend Clause 21.05 2 to include the

following criteria when considering
future rezoning:



Planning for Growth - Reports

Ordinary Meeting - 02 March 2016

Rec. Panel Recommendation


Officer Recommendation

(a) Whether the area is identified in

the Bendigo Urban Area
Residential Growth Framework as
Potential Longer Term Growth.
(b) Whether the site assists in building
the catchment for a township,
neighbourhood centre or local
school and supports the 10 Minute
Neighbourhood principle.
(c) Whether the site is within walking
distance of a proposed or existing
railway station or bus route.

Amend Clause 21.05 Framework Plan

to include the Kangaroo Flat South
Investigation Area (excluding Furness
Street) within the Urban Growth
Boundary and a notation subject to
detailed structure planning.
The Panel considers that the area is a
logical inclusion in the UGB and the
forest is a natural boundary.
The Residential Growth Framework
Plan should identify the Kangaroo Flat
South Investigation Area within the
UGB with a recommendation that,
prior to any rezoning, the land be
subject to detailed structure planning
and a planning regime that manages
the issues of risk and environmental

This is a relatively small area of land
and its inclusion is likely to be
incidental to the overall strategy.
However, this land is not needed to
accommodate residential
development in the short to medium
term to 2024.
It is noted that Coliban Water has
expressed concerns regarding water
pressure and sewer capacity on the
southern fringes of urban Bendigo.
The CFA have also indicated a
concern from a bushfire risk
perspective. These are key issues
that are yet to be addressed.
This site forms a significant part of
Bendigos major gateway-entrance.
Design and presentation of this site
from the Highway is very important
and must be a major consideration
in terms of the approval of any
structure plan.
As an alternative it is recommended
that the Residential Growth
Framework Plan be amended to
identify the land as being a Future
Growth Area and for it to be actively
considered as part of the 2024


Planning for Growth - Reports

Ordinary Meeting - 02 March 2016

Rec. Panel Recommendation


Officer Recommendation
review of the strategy.
This approach doesnt preclude the
owners of the land undertaking their
own assessment and background
studies and drafting a structure plan
and list of infrastructure they
propose to fund.


Amend Clause 21.05 Residential

Growth Framework Plan to identify the
Simpsons Road Investigation Area as
for Potential Longer Term Growth.
This area abuts an area that is
currently developing, to be supported
with a neighbourhood activity centre.
Given the size of the investigation
area and the need to clarify the
context of the Waste Water Treatment
Plant, it is recommended that the
Simpsons Road Investigation Area
remain outside the UGB at this point
in time but that it be identified as
Potential Longer Term Growth in the
Residential Growth Framework Plan.


Amend Clause 21.05 Framework Plan

to include the land west of
Schumakers Lane, north of Hermitage
Road and south of the railway line
(Balgownie) within the Urban Growth
Boundary and a notation subject to
detailed structure planning.
The Panel considers that the land
west of Schumakers Lane, north of
Hermitage Road and south of the
railway line should be included within
the UGB as a logical inclusion having
regard to its location and attributes
and a strategic inclusion to support
service infrastructure delivery into the
wider Maiden Gully PSP area.

This land is not needed to
accommodate residential
development in the short to medium
term to 2024.
This land is considered as
potentially suitable to meet the post
2024 15 year land supply category
as identified in the Bendigo Urban
Area Residential Growth Framework
It is recommended that the
Residential Growth Framework Plan
be amended to identify the land as
being part of a Maiden Gully North
West Structure Plan area, subject to
a structure planning exercise which
will be undertaken as part of the
lead up to the next Residential


Planning for Growth - Reports

Ordinary Meeting - 02 March 2016

Rec. Panel Recommendation


Officer Recommendation
Strategy review scheduled to be
completed and adopted by 2024.
This approach doesnt preclude the
owners of the land undertaking their
own assessment and background
studies and drafting a structure plan
and list of infrastructure they
propose to fund.


Amend the Neighbourhood Character

section in Clause 21.02 to include:
The residents of Greater Bendigo
value the neighbourhood character
and as a consequence Council is
committed to ensuring the
neighbourhood character of Greater
Bendigo is both protected and
enhanced through new residential
developments while furthering the
objectives of the Greater Bendigo
Residential Strategy 2014.



Amend Clause 21.035
Implementation to delete the
reference to the Residential
Development Strategy, 2004, insert
Applying the Residential Growth Zone
to identified Key Development Sites
and include Prepare Structure Plans
and a Housing Strategy under
Further strategic work.


Replace the Incorporated Plan City of

Greater Bendigo Residential Growth
Plan (2009) (Amended 2012) with a
plan consistent with the Bendigo
Urban Area Residential Growth
Framework Plan.


Change the legend for the Bendigo

Urban Area Residential Growth
Framework Plan by replacing the
words Major Infill and Renewal Site
with the words Key Development Site
to ensure clearer cross referencing
with Clause 21.05.


For the Forest Park development,




Planning for Growth - Reports

Ordinary Meeting - 02 March 2016

Rec. Panel Recommendation


Officer Recommendation

244 Edwards Road, Maiden Gully:

(a) Identify part of the site as a Key
Development Site on the Bendigo
Urban Area Residential Growth
Framework Plan in the Greater
Bendigo Residential Strategy
(b) Amend Clause 21.05-1 to include
and other activity centres,
including the proposed Local
Activity Hub at 244 Edwards Road,
Maiden Gully as a Key
Development Site.

Former VicRoads Depot, Lansell

Street, Bendigo East:
(a) Identify the site as a Key
Development Site on the Bendigo
Urban Area Residential Growth
Framework Plan in the Greater
Bendigo Residential Strategy
(b) Amend Clause 21.05-1 to include
the former VicRoads Depot,
Lansell Street, Bendigo East as a
Key Development Site.



La Trobe University land - Osborne

Street, Flora Hill
(a) Identify the entire University site as
a Key Development Site on the
Bendigo Urban Area Residential
Growth Framework Plan in the
Greater Bendigo Residential

While the location of the athletics
track will need to be incorporated
into the planning for the remainder
of the site it has never been
identified for residential
development and will remain as
active open space.
To include it as part of the Key
Development Site would create
uncertainty for users of the facility
and the community in general.


Amend the extent of the General

Residential Zone and Low Density
Residential Zone at 29 Emu Street,
Strathfieldsaye in accordance with the
map in the City of Greater Bendigo
Attachments to Submission
Response to submission 5, as
presented at the Panel Hearing.



Planning for Growth - Reports

Ordinary Meeting - 02 March 2016

Rec. Panel Recommendation


Officer Recommendation


Seek an amendment under Section

20(4) of the Planning and
Environment Act 1987 to rezone the
land known as Frog Hollow,
Strathdale as Public Park and
Recreation Zone, or Public
Conservation and Resource Zone to
reflect the role of the park or through
the translation of the Residential


The Urban Growth Boundary be

reviewed as part of the upcoming
Housing Strategy and Integrated
Transport and Land Use Strategy
implementation with a long term
growth scenario of a population of
200,000 at 2041.



This has been referred to the

Statutory Planning Department for
inclusion in the next clean up

The LMSRGP includes the target of

200,000 people by 2041 (however
this is likely to be in 2050). The
Regional Growth Plans are adopted
state policy and a Council policy
On the current trends and consistent
with id consulting projections CoGB
would reach 200,000 by about 2050.
Regardless of dates there is merit in
having an overall plan setting out
how the City could support a
population of 200,000 people. A
detailed report on this has been
provided for Council consideration.
Note: supporting this
recommendation does not mean
that land needs to be zoned now or
that the UGB must now embrace
the area that could accommodate
200,000 only that Council can
clearly indicate where this level of
population can be accommodated.
A separate report titled Greater
Bendigo Land Use and
Development Strategy has been
prepared setting out a proposed
framework to accommodate
200,000 persons.


When preparing the upcoming

Housing Strategy and Integrated
Transport and Land Use Strategy

The review of the planning controls

Planning for Growth - Reports

Ordinary Meeting - 02 March 2016

Rec. Panel Recommendation


Officer Recommendation

implementation, the City of Greater

Bendigo should review the existing
zoning, overlay and policy regime to
facilitate infill development in strategic
areas consistent with the Compact
City principle within the GBRS.

is important in pursuing a Compact

Bendigo, however this is a
significant piece of work and would
need to be done progressively.

This recommendation came about as

a result of submissions from the
development industry who were of the
view that current planning scheme
controls, in particular the
neighbourhood character provisions,
worked against the strategic direction
of a Compact Bendigo.

The City of Greater Bendigo consider

the properties bounded by Bendigo
Creek, Buckland and Saade Streets
and Montis Lane, known as 1
Buckland Street and 20 Montis Lane,
should be further considered in the
upcoming Housing Strategy with a
view to future rezoning to General
Residential Zone and applying the
Land Subject to Inundation Overlay as



The City of Greater Bendigo consider

the property at 91 Howard Street in
the context of its Housing Strategy
with a view to future rezoning of all or
part of the land for residential use
subject to detailed consideration of
any buffer needs and environmental

AGREE subject to agreement with

Coliban Water and the Environment
Protection Authority.

The Panel concludes that 91 Howard

Street is likely to have some
residential development potential but
there are significant planning issues to
be resolved before such a proposal
could be considered, including
whether a buffer from the Coliban
Water plant needs to affect the

The owners of the land can

undertake their own assessment
and background studies to resolve
these issues.

Issues around protecting the

operation of the Waste Water
Treatment Plant are critical given
the importance of this infrastructure.

Any change to the zoning must be

agreed to by Coliban Water and the
EPA who have expressed concerns
with the development of this site.
Issues around bushfire risk would
also need to be resolved.


Planning for Growth - Reports

Ordinary Meeting - 02 March 2016

Rec. Panel Recommendation


Officer Recommendation



The City of Greater Bendigo review

the zoning of 33G Sawmill Road and
land fronting the Midland Highway in
the context of its Housing Strategy
with a view to future residential use.
The Panel supports the consideration
of 33G Sawmill Road for infill
development. Given notification has
not occurred this should be
considered in a future Amendment
with the implementation of Housing


The City of Greater Bendigo review

the zoning of 698 Strathfieldsaye
Road, Strathfieldsaye in the context of
its Housing Strategy with a view to
future residential use.

This is being considered as part of
the Housing Strategy.

The Panel is reluctant to support

direct rezoning of the land through
Amendment C215 given it was not
included in the Amendment and there
has been no notice of it. However the
Panel considers that Council could
consider a site specific rezoning in
advance of the Housing Strategy.

The City of Greater Bendigo review

the zoning of 467 Somerset Park
Road, Strathfieldsaye in the context of
its Housing Strategy with a view to
future residential use.



The City of Greater Bendigo in its

Housing Strategy undertake structure
planning for the White Hills area.

The position put to the Panel was
that this is an area that needs to be
reviewed. However there are
concerns about including a structure
plan within the Housing Strategy.

The Panel considers Council should

undertake a PSP for White Hills,
including development contributions
and further planning work with Coliban
A fully developed structure plan
takes considerable resources and
As with the Huntly and Maidens Gully time that are not currently budgeted
areas, it is recommended that the
or planned for.
Council undertake a strategic review
of its Low Density Residential areas
Alternate mechanisms to a fully


Planning for Growth - Reports

Ordinary Meeting - 02 March 2016

Rec. Panel Recommendation



Officer Recommendation

within the UGB. While character is an

important factor, not all character
needs to be protected. Council has
made the case for infill over sprawl,
and in that context, needs a zoning
regime which supports this approach.

developed structure plan are being


The City of Greater Bendigo review

the density provisions in the
Strathfieldsaye Township Plan in
relation to land outside Schedule 26 to
the Design and Development Overlay
in the preparation of the Housing
Strategy, having regard to the
Compact City principle in the GBRS.


The 1,500 square metres reference in

the Strathfieldsaye Township Plan for
Precinct 7 ought to carry little weight
as it has not been translated into a
statutory control and is inconsistent
with the GRZ and strategic focus of
the GBRS for a Compact City. This
reference ought to be reviewed as
part of the Housing Strategy.
In addition to the recommendations made by the Panel, comments were made on a
number of submissions that should be noted by Council.
Precinct 6,
Maiden Gully

Summary of
The amendment
proposed to
remove the
DDO10 control
that has a
subdivision size
of 1500m2.
were received
that both
supported and
opposed the
removal of the

Panel Comments

Officer Comment

The Panel understands

the concerns of submitters
with regard to the impacts
of increased density and
that the area will undergo
change over time.
However the GBRS
strategically identifies
Maiden Gully as a key
growth area and the Panel
agrees that removing the
DDO10 for this area,
which is zoned GRZ and
in close proximity to the
town centre, to allow
subdivisions of less than
1,500 square metres will

Consistent with
Councils position
that it presented
at the Panel


Planning for Growth - Reports



Kangaroo Flat

Summary of

indicates the
land as being
identified as
having potential
longer term
The submitter
sought to have
the land included
within the UGB.
The GBRS does
not support any
change to the
zoning of the
land or its
inclusion within
the UGB.
The submitters
sought to have
the land included
within the UGB
and identified as
having potential
longer term

Eaglehawk Golf
Club Site, 255
Golf Links
Road, Maiden

indicates the
land as being
identified as
having potential
longer term
The submitter
sought to have
the land included
within the UGB.

Ordinary Meeting - 02 March 2016

Panel Comments
assist in delivering land
supply and the Compact
City model.
Given the current land
supply in Huntly, the Price
land should remain
identified as Potential
Longer Term Growth.

The Panel considers that,

in the long term, land
within the Lockwood Road
Investigation Area has a
role in Bendigos
settlement however this
needs to be considered
within the constraints of
the industrial use
neighbouring the site. The
area should be reviewed
in the context of ITLUS
implementation and the
Housing Strategy and no
change is recommended
through this Amendment.

Officer Comment

Consistent with
Councils position
that it presented
at the Panel

This land is not

needed to
development in
the 15 year
planning horizon.
Review in 2024.
Therefore it is not
considered that
there is a need to
further review in
the context of
and the Housing
This land is not
needed to
development in
the short to
medium term to

Given the proximity of the

site to the UGB, it is not
considered a logical
inclusion for the purpose
of this Amendment which
is applying a short to
medium term UGB.
Therefore the Panel does
not recommend including
the land within the UGB as This land is
part of this Amendment.
considered as
However, having regard to suitable to meet
the site characteristics and the post 2024
in line with the conclusions 15 year land
and recommendations in
supply category
Chapter 5 regarding
as identified in

Planning for Growth - Reports


Summary of

Ordinary Meeting - 02 March 2016

Panel Comments

Officer Comment

planning for a long term

UGB (beyond 2024), the
Panel encourages Council
to consider this site in
future strategic work and
perhaps send a stronger
message about it
development potential in
subsequent planning.

the Bendigo
Urban Area
Framework Plan
Greater Bendigo
Land Use and

In the meantime the

designation of Potential
Long Term Growth is
appropriate and provides
enough direction for future
service planning to
commence. No change is

As an alternative
it is
that the
Framework Plan
be amended to
identify the land
as being part of a
Future Growth
Area Maiden
Gully North West
Structure Plan
area, subject to a
structure planning
exercise which
will be
undertaken as
part of the lead
up to the next
Strategy review
scheduled to be
completed and
adopted by 2024
and for it to be
considered as
part of the 2024
review of the
This approach
doesnt preclude
the owners of the
land undertaking
their own
assessment and


Planning for Growth - Reports


Maiden Gully
(Wicks Road

Summary of

The GBRS does

not support any
change to the
zoning of the
land or its
inclusion within
the UGB due to
The submitters
sought to have
the land included
within the UGB
and identified as
having potential
longer term

Ordinary Meeting - 02 March 2016

Panel Comments

The Panel has considered

the submissions and
evidence from Tall Trees
carefully, and at face
value considers that the
planning arguments for
including the site within
the UGB as put by Mr
Kusznirczuk are
persuasive. It is tempting
to contemplate an
extension of the UGB
perhaps south along
Olympic Parade to
straighten up the
boundary. Having viewed
the evidence in ecology
and fire, the Panel also
accepts that the property
could support some
residential development,
albeit with careful design
to protect both vegetation
and manage bushfire risk.
However, the Panel on
balance does not consider
that this could must
translate to should in this
instance. The site remains
heavily constrained and
there is not in the Panels
view a demonstrated
imperative to extend the
UGB into this environment
at this time. Uptake of land
within the UGB should
continue to be the primary
This is in contrast to
Hermitage Road area in
Maiden Gully outside the

Officer Comment
studies and
drafting a
structure plan and
list of
infrastructure they
propose to fund.
Consistent with
Councils position
that it presented
at the Panel.

Planning for Growth - Reports


Huntly (124
Pasley Street,

Summary of

The GBRS does

not support any
change to the
zoning of the
The submitter
sought to have
the land included
with a General

8 Settlers
Place, Maiden

Ordinary Meeting - 02 March 2016

Panel Comments
UGB where the Panel is
supporting its inclusion
due to its largely
unconstrained nature.
Development of the Wicks
Road site would entail
significant impact on a
large remnant parcel of
vegetation outside the
UGB and require a highly
finessed bushfire
response. The Panel is
not satisfied that, in a net
community benefit sense,
realising the development
potential of the site
outweighs the potential
impact on the natural
The Panel does not
recommend changes to
the zoning for 124 Pasley
Street, Huntly in this
Amendment. However,
having regard to its
findings in Chapter 7, it
recommends the zoning
regime in this area be
reviewed, whether through
the upcoming Housing
Strategy or further
strategic work.

The GBRS does

not support any
change to the
overlay controls
that apply to the

With regard to 8 Settlers

Place, the Panel
understands why this area
was not included within
the Maiden Gully PSP
area as it is substantially
developed with a
The submitter
particular bush suburban
sought to have
low density character.
the DDO10
Given the development of
(1500m2 lot size) the area, it is unlikely that
substantial additional yield
would be realised. In this
context the DDO10 should
continue to apply to this

Officer Comment

Consistent with
Councils position
that it presented
at the Panel.

Consistent with
Councils position
that it presented
at the Panel.

Planning for Growth - Reports

Ordinary Meeting - 02 March 2016


Summary of

Panel Comments

Officer Comment

Edwards Road,
Maiden Gully

The GBRS does

not support any
change to the
zoning of the

The Panel has inspected

this area and, having
reviewed the Planning
Scheme maps, notes that
the properties in question
are affected by a series of
environmental overlays
including the VPO, ESO
and BMO. The properties
are heavily vegetated and
are surrounded to the
south and west by FZ.

Consistent with
Councils position
that it presented
at the Panel.

The submitter
sought to have
the land included
with a General

Given the environmental

constraints on the site, no
changes to the zoning are

57 Walmer

The amendment
proposed to
rezone the site to
part General
Residential Zone
and part Low
Residential Zone
consistent with
Township Zone.
The submitter
sought to have
the entire site
zoned General
The amendment
proposed to
rezone the site to
a General
consistent with
Township Plan.
The submitter
sought to retain

The proposed LDRZ along

the front of the site will
support the outcome
proposed under DPO26,
as well as the VPO. The
Panel supports the zoning
of part GRZ and LDRZ as
proposed under the

Consistent with
Councils position
that it presented
at the Panel.

The rezoning does not

require development of
the land and vegetation
issues can be addressed
as necessary if
development were to

Consistent with
Councils position
that it presented
at the Panel.

No change is
recommended to the


Planning for Growth - Reports


58 Mannes

Summary of
the Rural Living
The amendment
did not propose
a change to
zoning of the
The submitter
sought to have
the land included
within the

14 Gray Street,

The amendment
did not propose
a change to
zoning of the
The submitter
sought to have
the land included
within the Rural
Living Zone or
Low Density


The submitter
was critical of the
lack of structure
planning for
Marong and
provision of open

Ordinary Meeting - 02 March 2016

Panel Comments

Officer Comment

The Panel considers while

the Intensive Animal
Industry remains and is
active, an adequate buffer
must be preserved and
the zoning of the land
should reflect this. Given
Councils response, it is
understood that
discussions will continue.
In addition, having regard
to proper notification,
rezoning should not occur
in this Amendment. The
Panel does not support
rezoning in this

Consistent with
Councils position
that it presented
at the Panel.

Having regard to the

strategic intent of the
GBRS, the Panel
considers this site is
considerably isolated from
the UGB and there is no
strategic justification to
rezone the property at 14
Gray Street, Huntly under
this Amendment. Without
determining the merit or
otherwise, this matter
should instead be
considered in the context
of the Rural Communities

Consistent with
Councils position
that it presented
at the Panel.

The Panel considers that,

given the substantial
growth experienced to
date and planned for
Marong in the GBRS,
structure planning,
community planning and
provision of open space
infrastructure and
community services in the
town is urgent.

Consistent with
Councils position
that it presented
at the Panel.


Preliminary work
on the PSP has

Planning for Growth - Reports


Summary of

Ordinary Meeting - 02 March 2016

Panel Comments

Officer Comment

The Panel is not in a

position to recommend the
location of the new
recreation reserve but
encourages Council to
resolve this issue as part
of the 2016 PSP.

The amendment
did not propose
a change to
zoning of the
The submitter
sought to have
the area rezoned
to a Residential
Character Zone


sought to have
various changes
made to the
wording in the

The Panel finds that the

area does not have a
distinct character worth
preserving, the defining
element of character is
that it has no discrete
cohesive character. There
is no strategic justification
within this Amendment to
apply new controls which
limit residential
development within the

Consistent with
Councils position
that it presented
at the Panel.

The Panel has reviewed

the suggested minor
wording changes. The
Panel does not consider
any of these wording
changes are substantive
or determinative of the
Amendment and is
satisfied that Council can
review them and make
changes as appropriate.

Consistent with
Councils position
that it presented
at the Panel.

Housing Strategy
The next stage in the implementation of the Greater Bendigo Residential Strategy is to
finalise the Housing Strategy. Whereas the GBRS considered residential development
at a strategic level, it is the Housing Strategy that will consider in more detail planning
scheme changes and the use of the new suite of residential zones.
The C215 Panel also raised a number of issues and sites that also need to be factored
into the Housing Strategy.
It is anticipated that the draft Strategy will be presented to Council in April/May this year
and then released for community comment.


Planning for Growth - Reports

Ordinary Meeting - 02 March 2016

The Greater Bendigo Residential Strategy (2014) has been through an exhaustive
development process. This included engagement with the community, the development
industry and other stakeholders.
Amendment C215 is proposing to implement the strategy into the Greater Bendigo
Planning Scheme. The amendment went through an extended exhibition period and
attracted more than 70 submissions of which only 12 objected to the amendment.
The Independent Panel appointed to consider the amendment supported the strategy, in
particular the proposed strengthening of the UGB and a Compact Bendigo. The Panel
did raise some concerns with regard to land supply and as a result of this further
investigations have been undertaken. It is now the view of Officers that there is more
than enough land to satisfy the 15 year requirement in the State Planning Policy
Framework and as such there is no need to include additional land with the UGB.
Council has the option of:
Adopting the Amendment in accordance with the above Officer Recommendations
and sending to the Minister for Planning for Approval
Adopting the Amendment in accordance with the Panels recommendations and
sending to the Minister for Planning for Approval.
Adopting the Amendment in part.
Abandoning the Amendment under the Planning and Environment Act 1987. There is
no right of review of a council's decision not to support the Amendment.
Resource Implications
Budget Allocation in the Current Financial Year: $90,000
Previous Council Support: There has been past financial support for the development of
the Greater Bendigo Residential Strategy but none for the subsequent Planning Scheme
External Funding Sources: Funding was been received from Regional Development
Victoria to develop the Greater Bendigo Residential Strategy. No external funding has
been received associated with the planning scheme amendment.
Any known or anticipated variance to budget: None known
Projected costs for future financial years: There will be costs associated with the next
review of the strategy estimated to commence in 2022.
Any ongoing recurrent expenditure required: None anticipated.
Panel report


Planning for Growth - Reports

Ordinary Meeting - 02 March 2016

That the Greater Bendigo City Council resolve to:
1. Confirm its commitment to a Compact Bendigo and that it has satisfied the
requirements under State Planning Policy to accommodate the projected population
growth over a 15 year period.
2. Adopt Greater Bendigo Planning Scheme Amendment C215 with changes outlined in
Table 1 of this report.
3. Forward the adopted Amendment to the Minister for Planning for Approval, together
with the prescribed information pursuant to Section 31(1) of the Planning and
Environment Act 1987.


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