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Suggested Action that will ease down racism towards migrants:

Suggested Action:

The Short Term solution:

Changing citizens current view on migrants will take

quite a while as the inadequate actions performed by a
small percentage of refugees already shaped the
mindsets of many outraged citizens. We believe that the
most effective way to ease down racism towards
migrants is to create two solutions, a short term solution
that will reduce racism towards migrants allowing them
to achieve equal rights, and a long term solution to
resolve the root problem that sparked this crisis.

While the long term solution is being worked on, short term solutions can be applied
to lower xenophobia and lessen racism experienced by majority of migrants. The
MRA will carry out procedures to urge governments into passing laws granting
migrants equal rights. We will make sure that migrants are protected accordingly so
that their basic rights wont be violated. We believe that migrants are experiencing an
excessive amount of racial prejudice due to their difference in ethical standards,
educational standards, and social standards, resulting refusal when applying for work,
housing, health and education. Shown below are a list of ways the MRA came up for
with where we believe will raise awareness of this tormenting issue.

Holding demonstrations:
Demonstrations will be held to raise awareness of
this issue. Members of the MRA will actively
participate in these protests hoping to the draw
attention of other same-minded people so that they
can also spread their messages along with us.
However, these protests will be non-violent as we
hope to convey our message peacefully so that
unnecessary confrontation with military or police
forces can be avoided.
Petitions towards head of states:
Formal petitions, or letter writing, will be
sent to the heads of states urging them to
pass laws that will grant migrants more
rights and allow them to be treated lawfully.
If these requests are being ignored, we will
send out letters to elected representatives of
countries which support migrants rights.

Spreading MRAs message:

Banners will be used to spread the message
visually during demonstrations.
Informational leaflets will also be passed
out to provide more information about the
MRA activist group and what we do to help
stop migrant racism in Europe.

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