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Environmental Management Plan Construction Methodology



Hirong Hydro Electric Project is located on river Siyom in West Siang district of

Arunachal Pradesh. The Project envisages construction of a concrete gravity dam 133.5 m high, a
9.2 km long Head Race Tunnel, a 15 m diameter Surge Shaft, two underground pressure shaft
bifurcating into four near an underground Powerhouse to generate 500 MW. Considering the
seasonal variation, the working season of seven months starting from mid October to mid May
every year has been considered while preparing the construction programme especially for the
project works in the open. Underground works have, however, been considered as continuous
even during the monsoon season though with a slow rate of progress on account of practical
problems in movement of heavy machinery and vehicles carrying men and material. Construction
Programme and selection of methodology with the planning for equipment has, as such, been
worked out keeping above site constraints in view. The project has been planned to be
commissioned in a period of six and half years (78 months) including period for completion of
infrastructure development works.


For construction of this project, main common equipments are Aggregate Processing

Plant, Batching Plant and Concrete cooling arrangement. These are common for all civil works.
In addition to this, diesel captive power is also amongst common facility. However, this has been
dealt with in Infrastructure chapter because diesel generating capacity is designed not only for
civil works but also for garage and workshops etc.

16.2.1 Aggregate Processing Plant (APP)

Important aspects related to setting up of an APP inter-alia include the following:
i). Capacity and production schedule of aggregates;
ii) Location of plant;
iii) Type of Plants;
iv) Location of quarry areas and method of extraction of river bed materials (RBM) or
quarrying rock, as the case may be.
Hirong H.E. Project, Arunachal Pradesh


Environmental Management Plan Construction Methodology


The total quantity of concrete to be placed is estimated to be approximately 11.39 Lac

cubic meters for Dam and Intake, 12150 cubic meter in Sitten Nallah, 1.56 Lac cubic meters for
HRT, 34763 cubic meter for Diversion Tunnel and Coffer Dams and 79274 cubic meters for
Powerhouse. For construction of this project, Aggregate Processing Plants (APP) are proposed at
three locations and Concrete Batching Plants (CBP) at six locations. From location 1 of APP
(APP-1) at dam site, aggregate shall be supplied for concreting of Dam, Sitten Nallah and Intake.
From Second location (APP-2) at Powerhouse site near MAT portal, aggregate shall be supplied
for concreting of the lining of part of HRT, Surge Shaft and Powerhouse Complex. From 3rd
location (APP-3) near diversion tunnel portal, aggregate shall be supplied for concreting of
Diversion Tunnel and concrete lining of part of HRT.

As worked out above the APP having capacities of 500 TPH on left bank located at dam
site, 100 TPH APP will be located at Powerhouse site near MAT portal and 60 TPH APP will be
located near Diversion Tunnel portal.

FE Loader 3 cum

5 (2 at Quarry + 3 at APP)

Dozer (180 HP)

5 (2 at Quarry + 3 at APP)

Crawler drill IRCM 341 :

2 (at Quarry)

Compressor @ 450 cfm :

2 (at Quarry)

20 tonne capacity dumper :

14 (6 at Quarry + 8 at APPs) Batching Plant

Important aspects related to setting up of an Batching Plant inter-alia include the
i). Capacity and production schedule of aggregates;
ii). Location of plant;
iii). Type and layout
The maximum concreting in a month for all structures as per the construction program is
86,576 cum for Location-1 and 16,000 cum for Location-2 and 10,000 cum for Location-3. The
maximum concrete requirement per month for Location-1 is 82660cum. Also about 10,000 cum
per month concrete is required for Location-3.

Three CBPs (CBP1, CBP2, CBP3) and CBP6 will be required to match with the APP-1
and APP3. For APP-1 works, three CBPs, (CBP-1, 2 and 6), one of 300 cum/hr, second of 30
cum/hr and third 30 cum/hr capacity will be deployed. For APP-3 works one CBP-2 of 30 cum/hr
Hirong H.E. Project, Arunachal Pradesh


Environmental Management Plan Construction Methodology


shall be deployed. For APP-2 works two CBPs one 30 cum/hr (CBP-4) and second 60 cum/hr
(CBP-5) capacity CBP will be deployed. The location of the CBPs are given here in below:

300 cum/hr capacity CBP-1.

30 cum/hr capacity CBP-2

30 cum/hr capacity CBP-3

30 cum/hr capacity CBP-6

30 cum/hr capacity CBP-4

60 cum/hr capacity CBP-5


The Hirong HE Project envisages construction of a Concrete Gravity dam having its

anticipated deepest foundation at 1225m with top of dam at 1358.50m. Thus the height of dam
from the deepest foundation level is 133.50m. Diversion arrangement for construction of
concrete gravity Dam of Hirong HE Project comprises of:

A Diversion Tunnel 10.15m dia Horse-shoe (modified) shaped, concrete lined and 473m


An Adit D-shaped 7m diameter and 280 m long.


An Upstream concrete coffer dam with top at 1251m, 65.6m long at top.


A Downstream concrete coffer dam with top at 1242m, 50.4m long at top.

In view of the better geology on the right bank of river Siyom, the diversion arrangement
has been planned on the right bank. The left bank is readily accessible and to have access to right
bank, a bridge on river Siyom along with access roads will be needed. However to take up the
construction of adit and DT, the equipment will be taken on the right bank in dismantled
condition by barges and by the time the excavation has been done, the access to this bank would
be established.

16.3.1 Sequence of Construction of Diversion Arrangement

Thus the sequence of construction shall be as below :

Excavation of adit after establishing its portal


Establishment of junction of Adit and DT such that the invert of adit at the tunnel grade is
at 1239.659 i.e. the benching level of DT.


Excavation of heading of DT both towards u/s and d/s side and leaving a rock plug at
both the u/s and d/s portal ends.

Hirong H.E. Project, Arunachal Pradesh


Environmental Management Plan Construction Methodology



Regarding of adit invert in a length of about 36m to meet the invert of DT at the junction
i.e. 1236.609 m elevation


Invert excavation both on upstream and downstream side.


The structures at the inlet and outlet of DT to be established along with the activity 1
above during non-monsoon period after making ring bunds


Overt and invert lining of DT after activity 5 above followed by grouting.


Removal of u/s and d/s plugs in DT, which were left earlier.


Erection of H.M. equipment.


Construction of plug at the junction of DT and adit (before diverting river water into the

16.3.2 Underground Excavation of 7.0 m D-shaped Adit

The excavation of 7.0 m D-shaped (finished) Adit to Diversion Tunnel would be taken up
by drill/blast method tackling full face excavation, as soon as the portal is established. The
drilling shall be done by Two-Boom Hydraulic Jumbo and removal of excavated material shall
be done by a combination of 2.5 cum side dump loader and 20 ton capacity rear dumpers. The
excavated area of 7 m, D-shaped Adit to DT is 48.67 sq m at minimum excavation line.
Assuming twenty (20) working hours in a day and twenty five (25) working days in a month, the
monthly progress of 7.0 m D-shaped Adit works out to about 85 m.

16.3.3 Junction between Adit and DT:

After the Adit excavation, construction at the junction of Adit and DT will be completed.
This will involve widening of Adit just before it joins the DT and installation of shotcrete, rock
bolts and rib supports. Adjoining the junction the section of DT shall be kept marginally wider
than the regular size of Diversion Tunnel, to adequately support the Rib-arches in the Haunches.
After the junction area of Diversion Tunnel is excavated and adequately supported, excavation of
DT in the upstream and downstream of the junction will be taken up.

16.3.4 Excavation of 10.15 m dia Modified Horse-Shoe Shaped Diversion Tunnel

The excavation of DT will be done by heading and benching. The heading will be kept
7.5m such that bottom level of heading is at 1239.659 m and benching at 3.45m. The 10.15m
diameter Modified Horse-shoe shaped Diversion Tunnel having a length of about 473m would
largely be excavated in rocks of varying quality. The excavation of DT is to be done by using
Drill and Blast method (DBM). The Diversion Tunnel will have a lining thickness of 400mm,
Hirong H.E. Project, Arunachal Pradesh


Environmental Management Plan Construction Methodology


accordingly the minimum excavated dia as well as excavated vertical dimension will be 10.95m
with 8.0m base width. The excavation and lining of diversion tunnel will require about 12
months as such at least one monsoon season resulting in high water levels / flows in the river
Siyom has to be faced by the under construction diversion arrangement. The drilling of holes will
be done by Two Boom Hydraulic Jumbos. Haulage of excavated material shall be done by a
combination of 2.5 cum side dump loader and 20 ton capacity rear dumpers.

16.3.5 Ventilation
At the time of excavation of tunnels, adequate provision for proper ventilation is
absolutely essential, therefore an effective ventilation arrangement has been planned during
execution of Adit and DT. It is proposed to provide two fans ZVN-1-14-110/4 in series with a
circular ventilation duct of 1.4 dia. As soon as the tunnel is through, ventilation will not be
required. Following criterion have been adopted for provision of ventilation arrangement.

16.3.6 Concrete Lining of DT

After the excavation in heading followed by benching is completed, the invert of the
Diversion Tunnel will be properly dressed and a 100mm thick layer of lean concrete (PCC M10)
shall be laid to form the level base at the requisite invert slope to be maintained in the Diversion
Tunnel in downstream. Suitable shuttering will be done and lining concrete of 400mm thick shall
then be paced at invert base and on sides, up to 2m height.

While the overt lining for the downstream reach is in progress, simultaneously the invert
laying in the upstream reach would be carried out. After the completion of overt lining on the
downstream side the shutter would be moved from downstream side to the upstream side, where
the invert would have been laid by then for the length of the reach such that it can accommodate
the shutter easily. At the time of execution of Diversion Arrangement, it is planned to set up a
Concrete Batching Plant of 30 m3/hr capacity and to cater for the requirement of Aggregate, an
Aggregate Processing Plant of 60 TPH (APP-3) shall be provided nearby CBP (CBP-2). At the
time of construction of Diversion Arrangement, an weighted average lead of about 1.2 km has
been considered from CBP-2 to the Portal of Adit to Diversion tunnel.

16.3.7 Removal of Rock Plugs

When the contact grouting on the upstream side is being carried out, rock plug on the
downstream side will be removed by excavation in heading and benching and adequately
Hirong H.E. Project, Arunachal Pradesh


Environmental Management Plan Construction Methodology


supported with the help of rock bolts / ribs as the case may be. Then the invert for this reach
would be laid. While the shutter for the lining in the reach occupied by the downstream rock
plug is being erected, the upstream rock plug would be removed by excavation in heading and

16.3.8 Inlet and Outlet Structures

During the time when all the above cited activities viz. excavation of Adit and DT,
establishment of Adit portal, raising of small ring dykes and concreting lining of DT are going
on, following activities will also be carried out concurrently in the sequence given below:

Removal of overburden material and excavation for Portals at the Inlet and Outlet ends of


Concreting for structure of portals at the Inlet and Outlet


Raising of 4m high earthen ring dyke for the inlet structure and 3.5m high for the outlet


Reinforcement and Concreting for the walls of the Box RCC structure duly fixing the first
stage embedment of gates


Excavation of toe wall


Concreting of toe wall


Reinforcement and concreting of roof of the inlet and outlet structures


Laying of CC Blocks in front and on sides of inlet and outlet structures


Invert of the inlet and outlet structures


Second stage concreting for gates in the groves etc.


Lowering of gates and installation of HM equipments.


Removal of earthen dykes.

16.3.9 Methodology for Erection of Main H.M. Equipment

Following shall be the typical erection sequence of Vertical fixed wheel gate

Erection of the first stage embedment (anchor bolts) in the blockout left in the RCC walls.


Each set of guides, and seal seat arrangements shall be assembled in the respective
blockouts, secured in place by anchorages.


Placement of second stage concrete in blockout


Gate/Stoplog units transported in sub-assemblies by trailer and shall be assembled and

erected by suitable mobile crane

Hirong H.E. Project, Arunachal Pradesh


Environmental Management Plan Construction Methodology


Rubber seals shall be fitted with gate to make it leak proof.


Suitable Hoisting arrangement shall be installed at 1262 m. for Inlet and 1253m for


16.3.10 Plugging of Adit
The Diversion Tunnel has to be ready for diverting the river water along with plugging of
Adit before the Earthen dykes for concreting of closure of coffer dams is taken up. At the same
time the last few activities in the diversion tunnel which are removal of rock plugs, concrete
lining of the respective reaches upstream and downstream along with contact / consolidation
grouting have to be completed prior to commencement of work on the construction of earthen
dykes. These earthen dykes would be constructed for closure of coffer dam only after the
diversion tunnel is fully ready for passing of the diverted water of the river i.e. the Diversion
Tunnel is complete in all respects and the Adit has been plugged.

16.3.11 Coffer dams

Diversion of river water shall be carried out for taking up the construction of main dam.
The upstream cofferdam shall be founded at 1234m and downstream cofferdam shall be founded
at 1231m depending upon availability of rock. The u/s and d/s coffer dams are planned to be
constructed using pumped concrete of grade M15A20/A40 and are likely to have maximum
heights of 17-18m and 09-10m, respectively. On completion of all the works related to DT,
plugging of Adit and removal of earthen dykes provided at the Inlet and Outlet structures will be
taken up so that the river water gets diverted to DT and raising of earthen dykes for the coffer
dams can be taken up.

For the closure of the coffer dams, earthen dykes would need to be constructed. From the
water availability series evolved for the Hirong HE Project it is seen that maximum 10-daily
inflows during the Jan, Feb and March months are 94.60, 125.42 and 102.34 cumecs. As such the
closure of the coffer dams has to be planned during the months from January to March.



The construction methodology for the main dam mainly consists of (a) excavation of bed

up to sound rock profile (b) Treatment of shear zones, if any (c) Laying of concrete in lifts of 2.0
m thickness (d) Consolidation grouting (e) Curtain grouting (f) Drainage holes (g) Laying of
spillway bridge (h) Erection of hydro mechanical equipments.

Hirong H.E. Project, Arunachal Pradesh


Environmental Management Plan Construction Methodology


16.4.1 The Sequence of Construction

The quantities of main items i.e. excavation and concrete to be executed in these
structures are as below:
Dam Blocks:

Open excavation in gravels and boulders

1,19,733 m3


Rock excavation

1,74,003 m3

Trajectory impact pit


Open excavation in gravels and boulders

1,02,114 m3


Rock excavation

1,06,652 m3

Left Bank excavation between dam blocks and trajectory impact pit

Open excavation in gravels and boulders


Rock excavation

88,985 m3
1,04,461 m3

Excavation for Road between dam blocks and trajectory pit on left and right bank

Open excavation in gravels and boulders

30,402 m3


Rock excavation

36,074 m3

Total quantities of excavation in dam blocks are as below:


Open excavation in gravels and boulders

3,41,235 m3


Rock excavation

4,21,191 m3

Total quantities of excavation in intake structure are as below:


Open excavation in gravels and boulders


Rock excavation

3,762 m3
11,964 m3

Total quantities of concrete are as below:

(1) (a) In Dam Blocks
(b) In CC Blocks d/s of dam
Total quantity of concrete in intake

11,16,093 m3
1,300 m3
11,17,393 m3
20,277 m3

The civil works for Main Dam and Intake are planned to be executed in five working seasons.

First Working Season (16th Oct 2012 to 15th May 2013)


Second Working Season (16th Oct 2013 to 15th May 2014)


Third Working Season (16th Oct 2014 to 15th May 2015)


Fourth Working Season (16th Oct 2015 to 15th Oct 2016) :


Fifth Working Season (16th Oct 2016 to 15th Sep 2017)

Hirong H.E. Project, Arunachal Pradesh


Environmental Management Plan Construction Methodology


16.4.2 Excavation Methodology

For excavation in overburden material, combination of Ex-400 hydraulic excavator (2
cum bucket) and dumpers shall be used. For rock excavation, drilling and blasting shall be done
with crawler drills (with compressors). In addition, rock drills with or without pusher legs will
also be used. The loading and haulage equipment will be same as for excavation in overburden
material. The excavators shall be assisted by Dozers as needed. The type and number of
equipment required has been worked out in paragraphs on equipments.

16.4.3 Methodology for Concrete Placement

The concerting of dam blocks essentially consists of three main activities viz.
manufacture of concrete which includes Aggregate Processing Plant for production of Aggregate,
Batch and Mixing Plant and Ice Plant for production of ice. Aggregate processing plant and
Batch/Mixing Plants shall produce concrete for Dam, Intake as well as for other components of
the project such as HRT lining components of the project. The maximum concrete requirement
for placement of concrete in Dam Blocks is 200 m3/ hour. The Aggregate Processing Plant of 500
t/hr capacity shall be installed for production of aggregate and Batch/ Mixing plant of capacity
300 cum/hr shall be installed for production of concrete (Refer Chapter on Common works). The
ice plant of 90 t/hr capacity shall be installed so that required quantity of ice may replace the
water to be mixed in concrete to bring the production temperature of concrete to 10C. The
placement temperature of concrete as worked out by thermal studies is 12C. It has been assumed
that the temperature of concrete will rise by 2C by the time it reaches from batch mixing plant to
the placement location.
16.4.4 Equipment Required for Works of Dam and Intake
List of equipment required for works of Dam and Intake Structure is as below


Ex-400 Hydraulic excavator/equivalent

2 Nos.


20 t capacity dumpers

9 Nos.


Crawler/ wagon drills IRCM-341

4 Nos.


Compressor 450 cfm

4 Nos.


Compressor 1000 cfm

2 Nos.


Dozers 180 HP/equivalent

2 Nos.


JCB Back Hoe

2 Nos.


Radial Cable Cranes (9 m3 capacity)

2 Nos.


Concrete buckets (9 m3 capacity)

4 Nos.

Hirong H.E. Project, Arunachal Pradesh


Environmental Management Plan Construction Methodology



Silo Buses

10 Nos.


Concrete pump 38cum/ hr

2 Nos.


Transit Mixers (6 cum capacity)

3 Nos.


Needle Vibrators (65 mm dia. Needle)

6 Nos.


150 mm dia Needle Vibrators with frequency changers

2 Nos.


Mobile crane (Hydra) 8/10 capacity

2 Nos.


Air water Jet Blaster

2 Nos.


Sand Blasting Equipment

2 Nos.

xviii). Grout Pump SURFEX with capacity of 50 lit/min

2 Nos.

at 1.5 N/mm2 pressure


Drilling machines Diamec 262

2 Nos.


Dozers D-50 (wheel Mounted)

2 Nos.


Dry shotcrete Machine 4/6 m per hour



2 Nos.

The total length of the 7.5 m dia (finished) circular shape Head Race Tunnel, aligned on
right bank of river Siyom is 9202 m. Tunnel with a circular shape will be concrete lined having a
finished diameter of 7.5 m. The alignment of tunnel has been fixed in such a way that adequate
lateral and vertical rock cover is available at any particular location.

16.5.1 Infrastructure
In order to access the work sites on right bank from the BRO road on the left the
following basic infrastructure is required to be in place before taking up the tunnel excavation.
Two no. bridges of approximately 60 m and 80 m span shall be needed to access the Adit
locations. One steel girder bridge of 80 m span is proposed to be erected on river Siyom near
Powerhouse location at an Elevation of 1040 m. A suitable diversion road from existing BRO
road will be provided to connect the bridge location which will provide access to Adit near Surge
Shaft and Intermediate Adit no.-2. Second bridge of 60 m span across Siyom river is proposed to
be erected upstream of junction of Sitten Nallah with Siyom river. The bridge will provide access
to Inlet adit and Intermediate Adit no.-1.

16.5.2 Construction Methodology and Equipment Planning

The excavation of HRT will be done by using Drill and Blast Method (DBM). The
excavation of HRT shall be done by using four Adits of 7.0 m D-shaped i.e. Inlet Adit,
Hirong H.E. Project, Arunachal Pradesh


Environmental Management Plan Construction Methodology


Intermediate Adit-1 and 2 and Adit to HRT near Surge Shaft. The above Adits meet the HRT at
chainage 596.12 m, 3029.228 m, 5876.828 m and 9097.974 m respectively. Thus eight faces are
available for excavation of HRT. Excavation
After jungle clearance and construction of roads and bridges, the excavation of Adit
portals will be taken up. The overburden will be removed with the help of Excavator and Dozer
whereas open excavation at portal face will be carried out by conventional Drill Blast Method
with the help of Jack hammers and portable compressor. The mucking will be done by Excavator
and Dumpers. The rock above the portal face will be excavated in a stabilized slope.

Four no. Adits (7.0 m D-shaped) will be provided for excavating HRT having total length
of 9202 m. The location of Adits has been fixed keeping in view the geological and
topographical conditions as well as construction convenience. The size of Adits has been kept as
7.0 m D-shaped keeping in view the easy movement of mucking equipment. The slope of various
adits has also been kept mild in order not to stress the loaded equipment unnecessarily. A
positive slope to all the adits has been provided in order to make them self draining. The
excavation of Adits has been planned to be carried out full face by normal Drill and Blast
Method as soon as the portals are established. The drilling operation for excavation of Adits is
proposed to be carried out by deploying two-boom drilling jumbos and mucking will be done
with the help of side tilting loader (2.5 cum) and 20 T capacity dumpers. Head Race Tunnel (Heading)

The excavation of heading will be carried out in following operations.

Survey and marking of profile


Drilling operation Drilling will be done by using two boom hydraulic drilling Jumbos,
which can theoretically drill up to 2 m per minute say 100 m per hour of 50 minutes


Charging and Blasting (The holes drilled will be loaded by Powergel or equivalent. Nonelectric detonators with millisecond delay are proposed to be used.


Defuming (At the time of excavation of tunnels, adequate provision for proper ventilation
is absolutely essential; therefore an effective ventilation arrangement has been planned
during excavation of tunnels).

Hirong H.E. Project, Arunachal Pradesh


Environmental Management Plan Construction Methodology



Scaling (The scaling is proposed to be carried out manually with help of scissors




Rock Support Measures (Shotcreting shall be carried out up to excavated face after each
blast whereas rock bolting shall be provided about 2 pulls behind the excavated face). Head Race Tunnel (Benching)

After heading operations are complete between two Adits, the benching of 1.2 m will be
carried out by conventional bench blasting method. The progress targeted for benching
operations is 20 m per day i.e. a monthly progress of 500 m. Same equipment as provided for
heading excavation shall cater for benching operations as well.



The planning of equipment has been carried out based on following data.
49.94 m2


Excavated Tunnel Area at minimum excavation line (heading)


Excavated Tunnel Area including payline and 5% over excavation (heading)52.44 m2


Blast Hole diameter

41 mm


Empty hole diameter

102 mm


Advance per pull


Drilling Equipment


Theoretical rate of penetration

Two boom hydraulic drilling Jumbos
2 m / minute

or 100 m / hour

Actual anticipated rate of drilling

80 m / hour


Swell Factor


Estimated loose muck per pull


No. of drill holes


Depth of drilling for each hole

3.5 m


Total drilling involved

385 m



235.98 m3

The concrete lining in HRT is proposed to be carried out after completion of benching.
The lining is proposed to be carried out by using three set of shutters (each set containing two
shutters and one traveler). The sequence of concrete lining operations in overt will be as follows:

Hirong H.E. Project, Arunachal Pradesh


Environmental Management Plan Construction Methodology



One set of shutter will be installed at chainage 0.0 m. This shutter will move towards Inlet
Adit (Ch. 596.12). After completion of this reach the above set of shutter will be
dismantled and installed at chainage 3029.228 m. This shutter will move towards the Inlet
Adit. For supply of concrete 30 cum/hr capacity CBP installed at Inlet Adit will be used.


Second set of shutter will be installed at chainage 5876.828 m and lining will proceed
towards Intermediate Adit-1. The 30 cum/hr capacity CBP installed at the portal of
Intermediate Adit-1 will be used for concrete placement.


Third set of shutter will be installed at upstream end of Surge Shaft at chainage 9202 m
and lining will proceed towards Adit to Surge Shaft i.e. 9097.974 m. The concrete during
this reach will be supplied from CBP of 30 cum/hr capacity installed at portal of Adit to
Surge Shaft. After completion of lining from chainage 9202 m to Ch. 9097.974 m the
above set of shutter will be installed at chainage 9097.974 m and the lining between the
two chainages i.e. 5876.828 m and 9097.974 m will be completed and concrete will be
supplied from 30 cum/hr capacity CBP installed at portal of Intermediate Adit-2.

16.7.1 Grouting Contact Grouting
Contact grouting in the tunnel is proposed to be carried out after 30 days of placement of
concrete in tunnel invert. After this the contact grouting will progress simultaneously with lining
activity of tunnel. Contact grouting is provided to fill any gap, especially at crown level, which
has been left during concreting activity between rock and concrete lining. For this purpose grout
holes of 38 mm diameter will be drilled 300 mm inside the rock and grouting will be done at a
low pressure of about 1 to 1.5 kg/cm2. The water cement ratio in the beginning will be kept
leaner and the same will be thickened as grouting progresses. Consolidation Grouting

The same holes as utilized for contact grouting will be re-drilled up to a depth of 6m for
consolidation grouting. The consolidation grouting will be done at a pressure ranging from 5
kg/cm2 to 7 kg/cm2. The consolidation grouting in this case will also be carried out till refusal. Plugging of Adits

Once the grouting operations in the tunnel as well as all other activities in adjacent
components i.e. Surge Shaft and Intake are completed the Adits will be plugged with concrete.
For this purpose adequate no. of Shear keys will be provided. To fill any gap between rock and
Hirong H.E. Project, Arunachal Pradesh


Environmental Management Plan Construction Methodology


concrete plug the consolidation grouting will be carried out after plugging operations have been
completed. Two no. adits i.e. Adit near Surge Shaft and Inlet Adit are proposed to be provided
with a vehicular access each. Cleaning of HRT

After completion of all activities the tunnel is to be thoroughly inspected for any foreign
material left inside during construction. This will ensure that no
16.7.2 Construction Equipment for HRT
The summary of equipment is given below
Sl. No

Construction Equipment
Drilling and Blasting Equipment
Portable Compressors 1000 cfm
Two boom drilling Jumbos
Crawler drill IRCM 341 along with 450 cfm compressors
Jack Hammer with Pusher legs
Mucking Equipment
Wheel mounted Dozer (180 HP)
Loader 2.5 m bucket capacity side Dump Loader
Dumper (20 T)
Concrete Production and Placement
Aggregate Processing Plant 500 t/hr Capacity
Aggregate Processing Plant 100 t/hr Capacity
Aggregate Processing Plant 60 t/hr Capacity
Concrete Batching Plant - 30 cum/hr Capacity
Tunnel Shutters with Vibrators Complete (each of 12 m length)6 (with 3 travelers)
Needle Vibrator - 65mm diameter with flexible shaft.
Transit Mixers - 6 cum Capacity
Concrete Pump (38 cum/hr.)
Surge Hopper
Shotcrete, Drilling and Grouting
Wet Shotcrete Machine with Telescopic Arm
Grouting Pump (Surfex / Mai)
Support Equipment for Underground Works
Ventilation Fans 1400mm dia Impeller
Ducting 1400mm dia
Scissors Platform
Rib Erector
Rib Bending Machine with Jack etc. Complete
Alignment Lazer

Hirong H.E. Project, Arunachal Pradesh


Environmental Management Plan Construction Methodology



The Head Race Tunnel terminating in a 15.0m finished dia and 140.25 m high Surge

Shaft at RD 9217.53 m. The excavated dia of surge shaft is 17.20m (including 1000 mm thk
lining and 100 mm thk shotcrete) from 1277.75 m to 1388.00 m and 18.10 m (including 1450
mm thk lining and 100 mm thk shotcrete) from. 1388.00 m to 1418.00 m. The location of Surge
Shaft has been so planned that sufficient cover is available on all side of Surge Shaft. Sufficient
space has also been ensured for working of a gantry crane at top to facilitate widening of pilot
shaft and supply of concrete for concreting operations.

16.8.1 Construction Methodology Excavation
An independent road to Surge Shaft has been provided which will be completed after
twenty months from start date of project. A bench is proposed to be excavated at 1418 m. The
surge shaft is connected at its bottom through an adit which is connecting HRT, valve chamber
and adit to top of penstocks. Excavation of Surge Shaft will be carried out in two stages i.e. Pilot
Shaft and widening.

The excavation of pilot for Surge Shaft is proposed to be carried out from Adit to HRT near
the Surge Shaft bottom. For this purpose an Alimak raise climber will be installed at the bottom and a
pilot of 2.6 m diameter will be excavated with the help of raise climber. If needed the temporary rock
support by way of spot rock bolts of 2 to 2.5 m length shall be provided in the pilot shaft.

A temporary winch of 10 T capacity will be installed for carrying out the sinking
operations. A Tripod will be erected over top of pilot shaft from where the sinking operations
will be carried out. Mucking in this case will have to be carried out manually. In case rock is very
much shattered in top reaches the shaft will be supported by providing temporary steel supports.
A 30 T capacity gantry crane will be installed at top of surge shaft for lowering and lifting
excavation equipments, men and material as the excavation for widening proceeds. Widening
operations shall be taken up proceeding from top to bottom by drill and blast method for 1.0 m
depth at a time. The muck generated after blast will be dozed of by a small dozer upto pilot shaft
and will be collected at bottom of surge shaft from where it will be hauled to nearest dumping
site. The above sequence shall be repeated until the entire depth of the Surge Shaft is excavated.
Total depth of Surge Shaft to be excavated in this manner is around 140.25 m. Normal benching
operation shall be followed while widening of surge shaft.
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In the initial reach of about 30 m from the top the widened Surge Shaft is proposed to be
supported by composite steel section of ISMB 300 x 140.25 with plates of 16 mm welded on
both flanges and concrete. The ISMB will be completely embedded in concrete with a cover of
150 mm on its front face.

16.8.2 Equipment Planning Open Excavation at Surge Shaft Top
Open excavation to the extent of 12740 cum is to be carried out for which three month
time has been provided in construction schedule. The excavation will be carried out by using
Jack Hammers and a portable compressor of 500 cfm. A loader will be used to load dumpers of
20 T capacity. Since muck generated is only 13.6 cum/hour which is almost equal to carrying
capacity of one 20 T dumper as such only one loader and dumper are sufficient to meet with the
requirement. In addition one Crawler Dozer 180 HP shall be provided for dozing and collection
of muck at the excavation site. 2.60 m dia pilot Shaft from Bottom

Pilot shaft of 2.6 m diameter is to be excavated by deploying one no. Alimak raise
climber at bottom of Surge Shaft. A progress of 1 m per day will be achieved by raise climber.
As such four months time period has been provided in the construction schedule for this purpose.
Since the muck generated per day is only of the order of 8.31 cum after considering a swell factor
of 1.5 for loading and haulage of this muck a loader and a 20T dumper will be provided at
bottom of Surge Shaft. Side Slashing / Widening of Surge Shaft

Widening of surge shaft is to done after completion of pilot shaft with the progress of 10
m / month in top 30 m and 15 m/month in remaining portion for which 11 months time has been
provided. The Drilling will be carried out by wagon drill and a portable compressor of 500 cfm.
A small dozer for dozing and loader will be used to load dumpers of 20 T capacity.

16.8.3 Concreting
The concreting of Surge Shaft is proposed to be carried out by deploying a slip form
shutter. The installation time for slip form shutter will be about two months. Concrete mix shall
be transported from batching and mixing plant installed at adit to HRT near Surge Shaft through
transit mixers feeding 40 cum concrete pumps for concrete lining up to 30 m height from bottom
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of Surge shaft. Concrete lining in rest of the Surge Shaft shall be done from top of Surge Shaft.
Shutter vibrators and needle vibrators shall be used for vibration of concrete. The progress with
slip form shutter will be of the order of 15 m / month and it will take about 9 months to complete
the operation of concrete lining of 138 m deep Surge Shaft. For providing reinforcement a
separate platform will be erected which will move ahead of concrete lining.

16.8.4 Grouting Contact Grouting
The contact grouting is to ensure proper contact of concrete with rock and consequent
load transfer. For this purpose periphery holes will be drilled 300 mm deep into rock and
grouting carried out at low pressure of 1 to 1.5 kg/cm2. The water cement ratio of the grout mix
will be kept leaner in the beginning and thickened consequently. The contact grouting is to be
carried out till refusal of the grout intake. Consolidation Grouting

In order to prevent any loss of water through shear seams and open joints it is necessary,
especially in reach where rock cover is limited, to carry out consolidation grouting. For this
purpose the holes drilled for contact grouting will be redrilled up to 8 m depth and consolidation
grouting carried out through these holes at a pressure ranging from 5 kg/cm2 to 7 kg/cm2. The
grouting in this case also is to be carried out till refusal. Total requirement of equipment for
concreting in surge shaft are as under: The important equipment required are Transit Mixer 6

(Nos. 3), Concrete Pump (1), Needle vibrator (4), Batching and mixing plant 30 m3 cap

(1), Grout pump (1) and Slip form shutter 1.1 height (1).



16.9.1 Construction Methodology

For the excavation of Pressure Shafts two Adits, namely Adit to Bottom of Penstock and
Adit to Top of Pressure Shaft have been provided. Bottom Adit off takes from MAT at 1020.00
m. The Adit invert has been kept at 1005.275 m so as to match centre line of penstock with
centre line of unit. The Adit to Top of Pressure Shaft bifurcates from Adit to HRT near bottom of
surge shaft at 1269.756 m further this adit extend to valve house chamber, designated as adit to
top of valve chamber. Thus, the top horizontal reach of Pressure Shafts will be approached by
Adit to top of Pressure Shafts and the bottom horizontal reach by Adit to bottom of Pressure

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Shafts. For approaching vertical portion of Pressure Shafts all the two approaches will be
utilized. Excavation Methodology (Pressure Shafts)

After completion of excavation of Adit to bottom of Pressure Shaft, bottom horizontal
reach from u/s of Adit to bottom vertical bend of Pressure Shafts will be excavated. About 5 to 6
m of vertical portion of Pressure Shaft will be excavated from bottom horizontal reach by
conventional drill and blast method. The Alimak raise climber will then be installed / erected at
the bottom of Pressure Shaft-1 and Pressure Shaft-2 simultaneously. This activity will take about
one month. The Alimak will land on a raised platform about 3 m from invert of bottom horizontal
reach. The mono rail will be fixed in vertical reach manually. After this the Pilot Shaft of vertical
portion will be excavated through Alimak raise climber and monorail extended after each blast.
The size of Pilot Shaft will be 2.6 m i.e. the size of Alimak Platform. The progress of 1 m per day
will be achieved for excavating the Pilot Shaft. Following this sequence the pilot shaft will be
excavated from bottom to top. The methodology adopted remain same in both Pressure Shafts.

For widening of Pressure Shaft an 15 tonne winch shall be provided in Top Adit to
Penstock. Platform will be lowered in the vertical reach of Pressure Shaft from where men and
material will be taken inside the widened portion of Shaft. A progress of 1 m will be achieved for
widening the Pressure Shaft to its full dimensions.

The four branch penstocks from bottom adit towards Powerhouse end shall be excavated
10 m short of upstream Powerhouse wall. The 10 m reach of branch Penstocks shall be excavated
after Powerhouse excavation reaches that level. The excavation in penstock branches (i.e.
bifurcation) will be taken up one after the other. The drilling will be done by 2-boom Hydraulic
Jumbo and haulage of excavated muck will be done by loader, dumper combination. The
excavation shall be done full face with conventional drilling/blasting method.

The excavation of Top horizontal reach both upstream and downstream of Valve House
Chamber shall be carried out after completion of excavation of Valve House. For excavation of
Valve House Chamber, adit to top of Penstock will be further extended to reach top of Valve
House Chamber. The overt of this adit shall match with overt of Valve House Chamber. A
central gullet 6.5 m wide and 6.5 m deep shall be excavated (Activity-I). The central Gullet so
excavated shall be widened to its full width before carrying out the benching down operations
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(Activity-II). The benching down shall be carried out by providing a ramp in a slope of 1:12 to
meet with top of adit to bottom of valve chamber at 1277.00 m (Activity-III). The haulage of
excavated muck shall be carried out from Adit to top of valve chamber. After the completion of
Activity-III the Valve Chamber will be excavated up to 1282.00 m on one side and 1277 on other
side. The ramp removal shall be done from Adit to bottom of valve chamber. The excavation of
rest portion of Valve Chamber will be done by making ramp in a upward slope of 1:12 and the
haulage of excavated muck will be carried out via Adit to bottom of Penstocks. Thus after
completion of this activity i.e. Activity-IV, further benching down up to invert level of Valve
Chamber will be carried out (Activity-V).

The penstock work involves fabrication of steel liners of 4.25.0m and 3.0 m dia, thus
before the fabrication work, exact number and size of each ferrule shall be planned talking into
account the vertical and horizontal bend reaches. For this purpose, a well equipped Ferrule
Fabrication Workshop will be established at site, with the state-of-the-art plant and equipment.
The erection of ferrules shall be started from Adit to bottom of penstock. The erection of bottom
vertical bend shall be carried out first of all. The stepped concrete pedestals (stairs) shall be
provided to facilitate alignment of various pieces of vertical bend. The vertical bend will be
erected in 18 pieces.

After erection of the bottom vertical bend the 5 m vertical pieces of ferrules will be
lowered in the Pressure Shaft with help of 15 tonne winch provided in Adit to top of Penstock.
Backing strip will be welded with upper face of ferrule. The strip will help in proper alignment of
next ferrule. A clear gap of 3 mm will be provided between bevelled edges of two ferrules. The
circumferential welding will then be carried out. The welding flux will be contained with help of
backing strip.

After circumferential welding is completed Ultrasonic Tests will be conducted before

carrying out backfill concrete and erection of another ferrule. After completion of vertical reach
in this fashion the top horizontal bend will be erected in similar manner as bottom horizontal
bend. Erection of ferrules in top horizontal reach upstream of Valve House is an independent
activity and can be carried out after fabrication of ferrules is over whereas, erection downstream
of Valve Chamber shall be carried out after erection of top horizontal bend.

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Erection of ferrules in bottom horizontal reach up to upstream face of bottom adit to

Pressure Shaft will be carried out after bottom bend is erected. The erection of Y-piece and its
testing will be done after this activity is over and ferrules for branch Penstocks will be erected
after their excavation from Powerhouse end is over.

16.9.2 Equipment Planning

Total requirement of equipment for open Excavation, Pilot Shaft and Side Slashing is given

S.No. Equipment Description

Pilot Shafts

Side Slashing


1. Heavy duty 120 cfm jack hammer (auto feed)

2. 2.5 cum capacity bucket loader (80 m3/hr)


3. Dumper 20 T capacity

4. Air compressor capacity 1000 cfm


5. Wet Shotcrete machine

6. Alimak Raise Climber

7. Winch 15 T capacity

16.9.3 Concreting
The backfill concrete behind Steel Liner (ferrules) will be carried out once a ferrule of 5
m length is erected at site. The backfill concrete in vertical reach of Pressure Shaft will be carried
out from top with help of a concrete pump. Similarly in horizontal reaches also the backfill
concreting will be carried out after erection of each ferrule is over. Concreting Equipment Planning

The concrete shall be transported in transit mixers of 6.0 cum capacity. In three shifts
working, total erection time including backfill concrete for a 5.0 m long single ferule is 6 days.
Assuming one shift i.e. 8 hr is dedicated for backfill concrete.
Total backfill concrete behind single ferule

45.71 cum

Working hours

8 hr

Hourly concreting program

45.71 / 8

5.71 cum

5.71 x 1.05


6.0 cum

Handling losses (5 %)

Concrete production rate per hour

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Say 6.0 cum


Environmental Management Plan Construction Methodology

Weighted Average Lead


1.2 KM

2 x 1.2 x 60 /12.5

12 min

Spotting and waiting time at the CBP

7.6 min

Loading time at the CBP

6.6 min

Turning, Spotting and Unloading time

4.95 min

Total cycle time

31.15 min

Nos of trip of transit mixer per hr of 50 min

50/31.15 =

Concrete quantity carried per hour

1.61 x 6 x 0.66

(assuming 66% efficiency of Transit Mixer)

6.38 cum

Transit mixer required


0.94 no. Say 1 no.

1 No.

Hauling time
(12.5 km/hr (average), transit mixer speed)



Hence, only 1 No. pump 38 cum/hr is sufficient for placing the backfill concrete in

16.9.4 Grouting
Contact grouting shall be carried out once the backfill concreting operations are over.
This will be carried out from holes left in steel Penstocks for this purpose. Drilling will be carried
out from these holes up to 300 mm inside the rock and contact grouting at a pressure of 1 to 1.5
kg/cm2 shall be carried out. Total requirement of equipment for backfill concrete in penstock are
as under:
S. No.

Equipments Description


Transit Mixer 6.0 cum

Concrete pump (38 m /hr)

Needle vibrator


Batching and mixing plant 30 m /hr cap

Grout pump


The Power House Complex comprises of two parallel underground caverns having a clear
rock cover of 41m between them. The Power House Cavern is 130m (L) x 22m (W) x 46m (H)
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Environmental Management Plan Construction Methodology


and houses the Erection bay, Machine Hall and Control Block. The Transformer Hall Cavern is
on the downstream side of the Power House Cavern and is 118m (L) x 15m (W) x 26m (H) and
houses the Generator Transformers and GIS. The 76m (L) x 7m (W) x 10m (H) D.T. Gate
Operating Gallery is located on the downstream side of the Transformer Hall Cavern with a clear
intervening rock cover of 21.50m. The Power House (PH) and the Transformer Hall (TH)
caverns are connected by four nos. Bus Duct Galleries spaced 17m apart from each other. Four
no. Draft Tube tunnels off-take from the bottom of the P.H. Cavern and go up to the bottom of
D.T. gate shaft and further merges into a Collection Gallery forming the TRT for discharging
water into the river. The excavation of the two major caverns i.e. Power House and Transformer
Hall could be done only after establishing of the Approach Adits, viz. 7.5m D-shaped Main
Access Tunnel, a branch Adit (6.5m D-shaped and 158.65m long) off-takes from MAT at RD
255m and meets the bottom of Transformer Hall at 1020m, Another branch Adit (7.5 D-shaped
and 147.25m long), 6.5m D-shaped Adit to top of T.H. Cavern cum Ventilation Tunnel, a branch
Adit (6.5m D-shaped and 95.62m long), 7.5m Dia. Construction Adit cum Surge Gallery, 390m
long with Portal at 1040m

16.10.1 Construction Methodology

A Steel bridge of approx. span of 80m is proposed on river Siyom u/s of Powerhouse
location at an Elevation of 1040 m for which a suitable diversion road from existing BRO road
will connect the bridge location. This bridge will provide access to Portal of Main Access
Tunnel, Ventilation Tunnel, Construction Adit cum Surge Gallery, TRT Outfall and Switch Yard.
The proposed road to MAT portal will further extend to access the Concrete Batching Plant
(CBP-5) of 60 cum/hr capacity located approx. 0.50Km from MAT Portal and Aggregate
Processing Plant (APP-2) of 100TPH capacity located approx. 1.50KM from CBP-5. For timely
completion of the project, it is necessary that the construction of approach roads leading to
various adits from the bridge is started simultaneously with bridge construction for which
necessary equipment. Approach Adits

Following adits have been provided for approaching various components in Power House

7.5m D-shaped Main Access Tunnel (MAT),


6.5m D-shaped Adit to bottom of Transformer Hall offtaking from MAT,


7.5m D-shaped Adit to bottom of Penstocks offtaking from MAT,

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6.5m D-shaped Ventilation Tunnel to Top of T.Hall,


6.5m D-shaped Adit to top of P.House offtaking from VT,


6.5m D-shaped Adit to DT Gate Operating Gallery offtaking from VT,


7.5m Dia. Construction Adit cum Surge Gallery

CISMHE Excavation of Adits

The excavation of Adits shall be taken up as soon as the portals are established. The
drilling for excavation of adits shall be done by 2 boom hydraulic jumbo and by conventional
drill and blast method using full face excavation methodology and the mucking will be done by a
combination of Side dumping Loader (2.5cum) and 20T capacity Dumpers. As the excavation
proceeds, suitable rock support by way of rock bolts, shotcrete, steel ribs and backfill concrete
shall be provided as per prevalent geological conditions. Drilling for rock bolts shall also be
carried out with two boom drill jumbos. An average progress of 85m for excavation of Adits has
been assumed as per cycle time calculation shown in Appendix-1 of Chapter-3 for Diversion
Arrangement. The size of MAT and VT has been kept as 7.5m D-shaped and 6.5m D-shaped
respectively keeping in view the transportation of largest size of E-M equipment inside Power
House and easy movement of mucking equipment. The slope of various Adits has also been kept
mild so as not to stress the loaded Dumper/Trailer unnecessarily. Power House cavern

First of all, the roof of the powerhouse cavity will be excavated. This will be done through
6.5m D-shaped Adit to top of P.H. Cavern off-taking from the VT and meeting the powerhouse
cavity gable end at its roof level on the Erection bay side. The excavated crown level of the
powerhouse cavity is at 1042.60m which is same for 6.5m D-shaped Adit to top of PH where it
meets the powerhouse cavity. For excavating the roof vault, a central gullet will first be excavated
along the entire length of the powerhouse cavity and in line with the 6.5m D-shaped Adit. The
central gullet will be 7.5m wide with roof having same profile as that of powerhouse cavity.

After completion of excavation for central gullet, 10m wide nitches along the profile of
Powerhouse crown will be provided on both sides of central gullet. These nitches will be
staggered by atleast 25 m along the length on both sides of gullet. This will ensure that full width
of Powerhouse is not excavated in one go and part excavation and supporting is completed in
2/3rd portion along the crown before taking up remaining 1/3rd portion. This will ensure proper
supporting of crown with least initial deformations. The widening of the central gullet to full
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width of the powerhouse roof vault in 22.20m width will be undertaken from the Erection bay
end and proceed towards the Control block end.

After having excavated and supported the roof vault of the powerhouse cavity up to the
1035m, benching down operations up to the Erection bay level at 1019.7m will be taken up.
Initially, the mucking during the benching down of the powerhouse cavern will necessarily
have to be done through the 6.5m D-shaped Adit to top of P.House, as this will be the only
access available. Benching down will be done in stages by making ramps and removing the
same progressively.

In the next phase, i.e. under Stage-V the entire area of the powerhouse will be benched
down to a elevation of .1019.70m which is same as required for the erection bay floor. In
Stage-VII 7.5m wide ramp shall be excavated along upstream wall of the cavity with its
elevation near the control block end being 1012m and that near the Unit Before the end of
Stage-VII, the lower horizontal portions of the Unit Pressure Shafts would have been excavated
up to the U/S wall of the powerhouse cavity. Stage-VIII will thus consist of removal of ramp
and benching down of entire Power House Cavern beyond Erection bay to 1003.20m, which is
the general excavated floor level in powerhouse cavity. Mucking of this portion shall be done
through the lower horizontal portion of Unit pressure shaft-4. Before the end of Stage-VIII, the
Draft tube tunnels will also get excavated through the collection gallery. Transformer Hall Cavern

The Transformer Hall Cavern (THC) is approached at the crown level through the 6.5m
D-shaped Ventilation Tunnel. Another approach is also available through the 6.5m D-shaped
Adit to bottom of Transformer Hall offtaking from MAT, which meets the THC at its invert at
1020m. Also, the Erection bay of P. House and the T. Hall are connected at 1020m by a 7.0m
wide Connecting Gallery.

First of all, the roof of the Transformer Hall cavity will be excavated. This will be done
through 6.5m D-shaped Ventilation Tunnel meeting the T.Hall cavity gable end at its roof level.
The excavated crown level of the T.Hall cavity is at 1046m which is same for 6.5m D-shaped
Adit to top of T. Hall where it meets the Transformer Hall cavity. After completion of excavation
for central gullet, 10m wide nitches along the profile of T. Hall crown will be provided on both
sides of central gullet. These nitches will be staggered by atleast 25 m along the length on both
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sides of gullet. This will ensure that full width of T. Hall is not excavated in one go and part
excavation and supporting is completed in 2/3rd portion along the crown before taking up
remaining 1/3rd portion. This will ensure proper supporting of crown with least initial
deformations. The widening of the central gullet to full width of the T. Hall roof vault in 15.20m
width will be then taken up and the supporting of the roof of the widened portion will also be
done concurrently.

Once the crown of the THC has been excavated, a 6.5m wide ramp with a slope of 1(V)
in 10(H), which is considered suitable for haulage equipment will be excavated first up to
1029.75m in a length of 87.5m. Further, the benching down of the remaining portion of T. Hall
cavern on both sides of the ramp will be done up to 1029.75m leaving the 6.5m wide ramp for
mucking through VT under Stage-III The rock bolting and shotcreting of the final exposed rock
faces of the cavity walls will be done simultaneously. Under Stage-IV a 4.35m wide ramp shall
be excavated from 1029.75m up to invert level of Connecting Gallery to P.House and 6.5m DShaped Adit to bottom of T. hall i.e. 1020 m along the D/S wall of T. Hall cavern. By the time
this activity is over, the excavation of Connecting Gallery to P.House and 6.5m D-Shaped Adit to
T.Hall bottom off-taking from MAT would have been completed and thus the same will be
available for taking up further excavation and mucking operation. In the next phase, i.e. under
Stage-V, the entire area of the T. Hall will be benched down to a horizontal elevation
of1019.50m which is same as required for the Transformer Hall floor. The benching down
operations for each stage shall be similar as adopted for Power House cavern. The mucking under
this activity shall be done through Adit to bottom of T. Hall.

The excavation and support of niche for Oil separator sump along with balance portion of
Drainage and Dewatering Tunnel between PHC and TH and TH and DT Gate Operating Gallery
will be taken up next. The mucking under these activities shall also be done through Adit to
bottom of T. Hall. The drilling for underground excavation shall be done by Two-Boom
Hydraulic Jumbo adopting conventional drill/blast method for the excavation. Removal of
excavated material shall be done by a combination of Excavator/Side Dump Loaders with
Dumpers. As the excavation proceeds, rock supports system by way of rock bolts, shotcrete, steel
ribs and back fill concrete shall be provided, as required. Drilling for rock bolts shall also be
carried out with Two-Boom Drill Jumbos.

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CISMHE Bus Duct Galleries

Four no. Bus Ducts offtaking from the THC at 1020.00m meets the PH cavern at 1015.20
in a length of 41m each. The excavation of Bus Ducts for a length of 9m shall be taken up partly
from the P.House cavern end as explained above. Draft Tube Gate Operating Gallery

The excavation of 76m (L) x 7.0m(W) x 10m(H) D.T. Gate Operating Gallery (GOG)
shall be taken up as soon as the excavation of 6.5m D-Shaped Adit to DT GOG offtaking from
VT is completed. The crown level of the Gate Operating Gallery is at 1042.10m whereas the
crown level and invert level of Adit where it meets the GOG are at 1038.50 m and 1032.00 m
respectively. The drilling for excavation will be done by 2-boom Hydraulic jumbo (Boomer) and
the mucking of the excavated material will be done by a combination of Excavator/ Side
dumping Loader (2.5cum) and Dumpers through VT. Due to limitation in available working
height of 7.5m for Two-Boom Drill Jumbos, full face excavation of GOG will not be possible.
The excavation of GOG shall be done in two stages Draft Tube Gate Shafts

After completion of excavation of GOG under Stage-II, the excavation for four no. D.T.
Gate Shafts, shall be taken up. It is proposed to erect one no. 10T capacity winch for lowering of
excavation equipments, men and materials for the excavation work. The excavation of Gate Shafts
for Draft Tube-1 and 3 will be taken up first and shall be done in 2 stages each i.e. Stage-III and IV.
The excavation of Gate Shafts for Draft Tube-2 and 4 will be done simultaneously later in StageV and VI each. Under Stage-III, Pilot Shafts each of two meter diameter shall be excavated from
top i.e. at 1031.60m by conventional drill and blast method. After the Pilot shafts for Gate shaft 1
and 3 are completed, widening operations shall be taken up under Stage-IV, proceeding from top
to bottom by drill and blast method for 1.0 m depth at a time. Similar operation is carried out for
excavation of Gate shafts for Draft tubes 2 and 4 under Stage-V and VI. Construction Adit cum Surge Gallery

The excavation of 390m long Construction Adit cum Surge Gallery shall be taken up as
soon as the portals are established. The drilling for excavation is proposed to be carried out by
using two boom hydraulic drilling Jumbos which can safely drill up to a height of about 7.5m.
The finished diameter of circular tunnel is 7.5m and will have maximum excavated height of

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8.25 m in normal reaches and 8.50 m in ribbed reaches. Keeping in view the limited reach of
drilling Jumbo, It is proposed to carry out the excavation in 2 stages- heading and Benching. Tail Race Tunnel, Collection Gallery, Draft Tube Tunnels and Outfall Structure.
The length of Tail Race Tunnel is 210m long and has a circular section with finished
diameter of 7.5m. The TRT is proposed to be excavated from Construction Adit cum
Downstream Surge Gallery which is also of similar sectional profile. The Construction Adit
meets the TRT at 10m D/S of junction of TRT with Collection Gallery. Tail Race Tunnel

The concrete lining in 7.5 m finished dia. circular shaped and 210m long Tail race Tunnel
is to be carried out once the concreting works of D.T. Tunnels including D.T. Gate Shaft and
Collection Gallery are completed. Concrete lining operation consists of Kerb laying, overt lining
to be followed by invert lining. The overt lining shall be done using a 12m long hydraulically
operated collapsible Gantry Shutter moving on rails. The rails shall be fixed on kerbs to facilitate
movement of the shutter. The concreting of invert portion will be done after the overt lining is

One no. 12m long Gantry shutter will be erected at d/s end of TRT near rock ledge. The
lining operations in this case will be carried out in upstream direction towards junction with
surge gallery. The concrete will be fed from 60 cum/hr capacity CBP-5 installed near MAT
portal. The concrete behind the Shutter shall be placed by Concrete Pumps (38cum/hr capacity).
A Surge Hopper shall be kept near the concrete pump to ensure uninterrupted supply of concrete
to the Pump. Vibration of concrete shall be accomplished by surface vibrators mounted on the
Shutter itself and needle vibrators inserted through inspection window in shutters. While the
lining in this reach is in progress the kerb along with rail fixing will be extended in upstream
reach and the shutter will be moved on rails. The overt concrete lining from up to junction with
collection gallery is completed thus with a progress of 96m/month. The invert lining in TRT will
be done after the overt lining in Surge Gallery is completed. The surface profile of the invert will
be finished to shape by screeding with the help of a tailor made template.


Table 16.1 gives the construction schedule of Hirong H.E. Project

Hirong H.E. Project, Arunachal Pradesh


Environmental Management Plan Construction Methodology


Table 16.1 Construction Schedule of Hirong H.E. Project

S. N. Description

Diversion Arrangement and River

Completion Date

Diversion (including u/s and d/s coffer dams)


Main Dam (All four sluice gates erected)



Intake Structure



Reservoir Impounding Date






Surge Shaft (including gates)



Valve Chamber (including erection of valves)


viii). Pressure Shafts



Transformer Hall



Surge Gallery



TTR & Outfall Structure (including h/m works)


xii). Cable Tunnel & Switch Yard


(including erec. & commissioning of e&m works)

xiii) Power House

Water Availability



UNIT-1 - Testing & Commissioning



UNIT-2 - Testing & Commissioning



UNIT-3 - Testing & Commissioning



UNIT-4 - Testing & Commissioning


Hirong H.E. Project, Arunachal Pradesh


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