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Wascana Community School

Cloud Mobile Assessment

Name: ________________________ Teacher: Ms. Szachury

Date : ___________________ Title of Work: Cloud Mobile
Criteria Points
4 3 2 1
Some of the clouds
Most of the clouds
All clouds have been have been labeled Few of the clouds
have been labeled
labeled with their correct with their correct are labeled correctly
Spelling with their correct ____
name and are spelled name and some of and only a few are
name and are spelled
right. the names are spelled right.
mostly right.
spelled right.
Most of the clouds Some of the clouds
Few of the four
Cotton balls have been have been shaped have been shaped
shaped to show the with the cotton balls with the cotton balls
Appearance characteristics are ____
characteristics of all four to show the most of to show some of the
shown using the
clouds. the four clouds characteristics of
cotton balls.
characteristics. the four clouds.
Some of the four Few of the four
Most of the four
All four clouds have clouds have been clouds have been
clouds have been
Cloud Order been hung from highest hung from highest hung from highest ____
hung from highest to
to lowest on the mobile. to lowest on the to lowest on the
lowest on the mobile.
mobile. mobile.
Most of the four Some of the four Few of the four
All the four clouds have clouds have been clouds have been clouds have been
been paired up with the paired up with the paired up with the paired up with the ____
right forecasting squares. right forecasting right forecasting right forecasting
squares. squares. squares.
The student stayed
The student always The student stayed The student hardly
on task some of
stayed on task while on task most of the stay on task while
Participation time while working ____
working on their cloud time while working working on their
on their cloud
mobile. on their cloud mobile cloud mobile.

Total----> ____

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