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Installation and Configuration of OBIEE

0 Client
Author: Vinoth Kumar Subramani
Unzip the OBIEE client binary and run the same.

By this OBIEE client has been installed successfully.

After Installation has been done you will get the below screen. Go to System DSN and Click Add.

Select Oracle BI Server 1.

Give the details.

Your BI server Port number. You can get it in EM console (screen shot below).

Click Finish

Click OK.

Installation of DB Clinet (64 bit):

Create tnsnames.ora file.

Create tnsnames.ora file under the below location:
Go to, D:\DB_CLIENT_INSTALL_N\product\11.2.0\client_1\network\admin -> create tnsnames.ora
file and give the tns entries as shown below.

Open the OBIEE client.

Go to All Programs -> OBIEE_11G_CLIENT -> Administration

File -> New Repository.

Give the Repository details

Select Connection type as OCI 10g/11g and give the Datasource Details.

Now, I could see the Meta Data and I can import whatever I want.

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