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Final Project Scoring Rubric




Makes a complete and

detailed description of
the subject matter
and/or elements seen in
a work.

Makes a detailed
description of most of
the subject matter
and/or elements seen in
a work.

Makes a detailed
description of some of
the subject matter
and/or elements seen in
a work.

Descriptions are not

detailed or complete.


Accurately describes
several dominant
elements or principles
used by the author and
accurately relates how
they are used by the
author to reinforce
theme, meaning, mood,
or feeling of the piece.

Accurately describes a
couple of dominant
elements and principles
used by the author and
accurately relates how
these are used by the
author to reinforce
theme, meaning, mood,
or feeling of the piece.

Describes some
dominant elements and
principles used by the
author, but has difficulty
describing how these
relate to the meaning or
feeling of the piece.

Has trouble picking out

the dominant elements
and defining the


Content is well
organized and properly
represents the character
being portrayed in a
unique and original way.

Content is pretty
organized and
represents the character
being portrayed.

Content is somewhat
organized. The
character being
portrayed is unclear but
not missing.

Content is poorly
organized. The
character being
portrayed is missing and


Content/quality is
outstanding and a lot of
obvious time and effort
has been put into the
project. The character is
represented with strong
textual evidence, and
the student goes above
and beyond the

Content and quality is

good and the student
has put thought into the
project. The character is
represented well but
may be lacking in
organization of thought.
There is textual
evidence to represent
the character.

Content and quality is

lacking in one area or
another. Project seemed
rushed and textual
evidence to support
character analysis is
missing. Project has
good ideas but was
poorly put together.

Content and quality is

lacking and nonexistent.
There is no evidence to
support character
character analysis and
the project is poorly put

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