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Database Report

William Simpson FC1

Section 1
Improve Productivity
The NHS uses productivity because it can store all of the customers
information in the database. If a customer went to their GP it would it
would be on their file on at the hospital because of the NHS databases are
linked at a main place.
This improves productivity for the staff working at the NHS because it is
automatically updated. By using a database this would improve the way
the NHS works, and this will prevent human error and that means the
computer system would do this. This can help people work collaboratively
and this will improve the service because they are sharing the
Makes Decisions
When the NHS put data in to a database it will make decisions and correct
information. When you put data in to the database and if you put some
information incorrectly into the database, this can confuse it and it can
then become inaccurate. If you have the correct validation rules in the
database this can make the correct decision.
The NHS have databases that work together and these are known as
relational databases. The databases can make decisions on behalf of the
user. The database can make decisions on how many staff are needed for
an operation and see what times the operations are.
Present Information
Databases can present information in a way that people can understand.
If the NHS use a database it can be used to present the information of
patients and their contact details. The NHS will have a database of
everyone who are on the NHS and where they live and it can be backed
This is a much better way of using a database. If the NHS were using
paper databases this would cause human error and they would need to
update it every time, by using an electronic database this keeps it tidy so
it can be presented well.
Interpret Information
As the NHS use databases this can be used to interpret information and it
can be used to add information. The database can be used to interpret
letters and numbers in databases. The database could interpret patients
addresses and contact numbers.

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Database Report
William Simpson FC1

The database can make forms and reports to interpret different

information and this makes it more user friendly so they can understand
it. The database can also make queries and find out information.

Perform Calculations
Databases can perform calculations using validations rules and different
formulas. When you do spreadsheets this can perform calculations and
work out how much money the NHS have spent they may have a
database for this so they can work out how much to budget and how
much money they are spending. To perform calculations, they will add
validations rules and these will include numbers so they can only put
certain numbers into certain cells to work out the answers
Manage Large Datasets
The NHS use databases to manage large data sets because they will have
a lot of patients that they will need to manage and all of the patients will
be kept on the database. The NHS will manage large data sets by having
just 1 central database to store information.
Section 2:

Fourth coffee suppliers Database

Purpose of Database

The Purpose of this database is that it is about coffee suppliers and they
have different types of tables. The company have tables for the following:
Customers, Employees, order details, orders, our company information,
payment methods and shipping methods. These are all the tables that
they have for fourth coffee suppliers.
The purpose of this database is that it is about ordering coffee from the
suppliers and on this database they have all this information on shipping
methods and how it is a paid for. The Purpose of this database overall is
about ordering coffee and sending it out to the suppliers and customers
The Purpose of different tools and techniques used in this

There is wide range of different purposes used in this database. The first
tool is tables this company has tables on customers, employees, order
details and company information.
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Database Report
William Simpson FC1

This table consists of tables, quires, forms, reports and macros. In the
tables they have customers ID and the customer table is a relational
database as it is linked to another database as there is plus symbol on this
This database is sorted into alphabetical orders and they have validation
rules in this table. In this table they have a primary key and in this
instance the primary key is the order ID. On Order details in discount they
have a validation rule and it is this rule <1. This validation rule must be
less than 100%.
In this database they have field characteristics and they are made up of
the data type and the field names. In this database you can get different
data types such a currency and this is found in order details.
There are also records stored in this database. An example of a record in
this table is first name and all the names of the customers are records in
this database. In this database there are queries so the company query
what has left and keep track on what going on. The company can query
customers orders and it can fill in forms.
In this database there are forms on order details and employees there is
also a customer order sub form and this database also uses indexing so
this is the primary key which is the order ID and the foreign key is also
indexing. This database has tables and the tables are relational to each
other they link of on to different tables.

Section 3: How different tools and techniques help improve

productivity, accuracy and usability?

In this database the different tools will improve how the organisation
works so for example by putting the customers data into database this is
storing the information.
In this database for coffee company they have put the data in to tables
this will improve the productivity because it will make it tidier and then
the user will find it easier to work around as for the other database this is
a different database and it is about training.
Therefore, in this database it will have a complete different set of data in
and the techniques will be different in this database and so will the tools.
In this database there is a number of tables but they are split up so the
user can access and get around them easy. There are also quires that
have been performed on this database. In the other database quires have

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Database Report
William Simpson FC1

been performed and these are queries on peoples name that are doing
the training.
The Tools that have been used in each table are tables, quires and forms.
Overall the tools and techniques will help improve productivity because
firstly the databases will be easier to understand because they are split
into sections for example Tables, Queries and forms.
The coffee company the layout of this easy because they have separate
tables for separate things for example a table for customers and table for
As this table uses validation rules. This would improve usability because
the user can only input into the validation rules if the user puts incorrect
validation rules in an error message will appear. This would make usability
better because you can only put the correct information in and this can
reduce human error.

Section 4- Strengths and weaknesses of database 1: Fourth

Coffee Suppliers

The strengths of this database are that it is split up into Tables, quires
form and reports so this will make it easier for the coffee company to go
through it and update it. The tables are the main strength because they
are specific headings for specific purposes so for example they have a
customers heading so under this heading is the customers details and
another heading on this database is employees so under this heading will
be a list of work for Fourth Coffee Suppliers.
The primary key can also be another strength because it is linked
throughout this database. The relationships on this database are linked
closely and this would make it easy to navigate around. The validation
rules in this database are a strength because only certain information can
be inputted.
Another strength on this database would be forms they have different
types of forms they have headings for the forms. The company has
different form for different purposes it has a form for deleted products in
this forms tells you what the company deleted and did not sell and it
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Database Report
William Simpson FC1

shows the unit price and product ID this is a strength because it is telling
the company something specific
The weaknesses would be the database because some of the staff may
find it hard to understand and get their head around. There is quite a lot of
information for them to understand. In this database it consists of tables
which there are a lot of forms and quires and reports. The weaknesses
maybe putting the information in correct places in this database.
When you first open this database it does not look appealing. The colour
scheme on this database is unexciting because it doesnt stand out at
you. There is a lot of tables and forms in this database so it could make it
Section 2- Evans Manufacturing Training

The purpose of Evans Manufacturing Training Database

The purpose of this database is to do with training on this manufacturing

company called Evans Manufacturing Training and this database tells us
all about the training on this organisation. This database includes a
selection of tables, queries forms and macros. This table is used to track
training events and it tells you about the departments in one of the tables.

The purpose of different tools and techniques in this database?

This database is made up of tables, queries forms and macros. The first
table they have is switchboard table which has no validation rules in. The
next table is called department and that has the contact details in and
telephone numbers of each department and in department name the
validation key looks like this s Null Or Not Like "*[!a-z OR "" ""]*"The
validation text for this rule is Alphabetical Characters Only.
The reason why they use a validation key is so that they can only input
specific information into this table. In this table they have records for
emails and location. The primary key in this section is called department
ID. The reason they have a primary key is because this is the most
important part of the database.

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Database Report
William Simpson FC1

There is also a table called role and this has information on who is the role
of the department and this database is relational so the role table relates
to the employee table and this is what you call a relational database. The
purpose of this is that it links to one another so it is easy to find the
specific information.
Then there are forms and these have the information in on specific people
their employee ID is in there the name and contact details so this
organisation contact details on all their employees and the purpose of this
is to know who they are and where they live so this is all on record. The
forms are in alphabetical order.
When using relational databases this would improve productivity and
accuracy because it will be easy to find information and it is in the correct
order. As this organisation uses tables they can find information on
departments and employees and the database can always be updated. In
the tables they only validations rules. The employee ID is a foreign key
because in the order relationship table

Section 3: How different tools and techniques help improve

productivity, accuracy and usability?
The different tools will help improve productivity because they will
improve the way the organisation keeps their data on their employees and
this will make the usability better because they will be able to search for
employees or other purposes in this database.
The technique that will improve usability is the forms because they can
search up a name of the employer and it will take them directly to that
form with that employee and them each have an employee ID.
When searching for someone on a database this will reduce human error
because they all have individual ID numbers and then numbers will take
you to that specific employee and that can also be relational because it is
found on the forms as well.
This database includes validation rules and this would improve
productivity and usability because you are improving the database and
when you input the validation rules this is the correct information.
When you write something in a database cell and if you put the wrong
information in a validation rule error will come up for example S1, S2, S3
only and that is what the error message would say. By doing this human
error would not occur so often.

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Database Report
William Simpson FC1

The Strengths and weaknesses of database 2: Evans

Manufacturing Training

I think the strengths of this database of the forms because this is a good
way at finding each individual employee by using their unique ID number
and this will search for that employee this is one of the main strengths of
this database.
The second strength for this database is the tables and they can relate to
one another and that is good way of picking out the information that you
need as the department table relates to role so this is relational. They
have a relationship between each other and the role table is who is in
charge of each department. So over all in this database they relate to
each other.
The third strength is validation rules and this make sure that you only put
the correct information in the database. When you open the database
there is no error messages but there is just forms and tables and this can
make it confusing.
The weakness in this dataset would be the queries and they are quite
difficult to understand in this database. In the queries section they have
queried who the employees are and this makes it difficult to understand
so for example they have queried the names and roles of the employees
and this organisation.
Another weakness is when you open the database the colour scheme is
not very good and there is no navigation tools around. When you open the
database there is no user support and as it is in black and white it is hard
to see.

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