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By: Fatima Funderburk


I SIGNED THE PETTITION to expand Medicaid in North Carolina
Expanding Medicaid for low income families will lower the chances of poor
Adding coverage to those who need health care is important because
people will be able to see physicians when they need to.
Gaining health insurance through Medicaid will allow coverage for more
than half a million North Carolinians.
I believe that that the expansion of Medicaid will create a strong and
healthier State.

From: Fatima Funderburk
To: Representative, Edward Hanes. Jr
Dear, Representative, Edward Hanes. Jr
My name is Fatima Funderburk I am a student at the University of North Carolina at Pembroke I am originally from Winston-Salem, NC. I am contacting you
on behalf of a petition I signed about expanding Medicaid in North Carolina. I think this is an important petition because everyone needs to have health
insurance regardless of his or her income.
The petition states that low-income families who are not insured have higher chances of developing health issues. The expansion of Medicaid will allow
health coverage for over half a million North Carolinians. This will create a healthier and stronger state; more people will be able to care for their health
issues if they have Medicaid. People wait to the last minute to go to doctors or hospitals because they do not have health insurance. This causes more
problems then what should be. I think that we should not have other health insurance companies that charge high prices because not everyone can afford it.
There are many people within the state that do not qualify for Medicaid or who are denied. I think if you have a low income and you can show proof then you
should qualify for Medicaid. Expanding Medicaid will affect many North Carolinians because there are so many people who do not have health insurance.
Health insurance is essential, this is the United States everyone should have it. Lets start with North Carolina making sure that everyone has health insurance
will create a better environment for so many people.
Fatima Funderburk

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