Tasks 6

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Observation Tasks 5 and 6: Different learning

styles and
Focus: On the learner.
The first week you will observe a lower level learner. The second
week you will observe a higher level learner.
Objective: For student teachers to gain an initial understanding of how learners
are different.

For this observation, you will begin by observing

the class for 1 hour.
1. What do you notice? Does the class have any strengths or weaknesses?
Yes, the strength is there are many areas in the classroom, and it helps
the student to develop their skills in Representation (creativity), reading
(thinking and imagination), and search and discovery (the development of
mental abilities) etc. But the weaknesses are the classroom is very narrow
and the areas are very small also there are not any spaces between the
areas so the children cannot move very well.
2. Are there learners who finish activities quickly? What do they do when they
have finished?
Yes, sometimes they are play with others, but almost in a class Arabic
language they went to anther activities. In a class English language they play
with others in a circle time even to finish the class.
3. Are there learners who do not finish a task(s)? How does the teacher deal
with them?
Yes, she teach them again and again to understand how they write the proper
writing and to follow their teacher when she write so to learn more and to feel
that the teacher care about him and his abilities.
4. Are there any learners with special needs? How does the teacher meet their
Communicate with his parents to see his Special, and then offer him a special
care, and the duties that befit its level of mental because this category needs
to be more interesting and so also need patience from the teacher to
accommodate the child.
5. How does the teacher manage learners with different levels/abilities?

She sometimes focus on the children who has helped and in the same time
she take care with the rest of the class so she care about the all children to
feel all the children that my teacher care about me and I am an important
child in the class.

When you have made your notes, ask the teacher to help
you choose a lower level or a higher level learner in the




Activity (what is
the learner
Teacher will be in
the circle time song
with the children,
choose "helping
hand", count
children, choose
today's date,
choose the name of
the day, then begin
to explain the
The teacher take
the children from
the classroom to the
school garden to
identify the forms of
leaves and sizes,
and has to take
some pictures, and
then she take them
back to the
Teacher told them
that it was time to
go to the corner or
the areas

Notes (what happens during the

Khawater Saud is Sit quietly in class,
answer questions, hear the word of
parameter, and is a nice girl does not
annoy the teacher or even the children

Khawater Saud was walking calmly and

order as well. The leaves scan to identify
the shape and size, and is a smart girl.

Khawater Saud is joining in with her

friends and is playing the game in the
areas calmly, and she is to enjoy



The teacher
introduced the stuff
made by the
children that
express the brown
stuff and starting
with the letter "o"
The teacher
distributed the
papers to the
children, and the
children will coloring
the paper in a

Khawater Saud was sitting, and she see

things, and answer questions that the
teacher was asking.

Khawater Saud took the paper and she

coloring the paper in a brown

After the observation

1. How many different activities did the learner do?
About 3 activities and she focus on one of them (Corner acting).
2. How did s/he interact with the other learners throughout the day?
She talk and play with them and they reply on her.
3. What was the longest period of time the learner spent focusing on one
From 5 to 10 mins if it writing with coloring.
4. What did the learner do during the break times?
Play with her friends skiing and she talk with their.
5. What did the learners attention span / interest during activities seem like?
Corner acting and artistic expression, because the corner acting has tools
specific to the lesson. And corner of artistic expression also has tools
belonging lesson
6. What did the learner seem to like doing the most / least during the day?
Sit in the circle time with the children and the teacher to listen the lesson
and to participate in class.

Mira Faisal Alkaabi


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