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Candidate:_Karla Usisnger Assessor:___Pamela Lucas_ Advisor:___Desiree Pointer-Mace Date:___4/23/15
Grade/Subject:__ELA grade 5__

Topic/skill taught:______writing

School:___Geise Elementary ____

Cooperating teacher:___ Ms. Martinez

Observation: (check one)

Completed by: (check one)

___ 1st observation

__X_ 2nd observation

___ Other (specify) ________________

___ Cooperating teacher __X_ Education supervisor ___ Candidate

Overall Performance: _____Inadequate



Planning (conceptualization/diagnosis/coordination)
1. Engages in pre-assessment
2. Demonstrates content knowledge (1.4) and content area learning strategies.
3. Designs instruction based on assessment of student strengths,
needs, learning styles, and learning differences (3.1, 4.1)

4. Coordinates resources to design effective instruction (9.4)

consults with cooperating teacher
uses print, audio-visual, and computer technology
5. Plans motivational instruction by relating lessons to student
interests, humor, provides student choice, questioning, and
investigation (1.1, 5.2)
6. Plans for differentiation
Plans stimulating, varied input (brain compatibility)
Use talents and students interest
Vary input strategies
Uses posters, ads, photos, multi-media
Provide for the use of manipulatives


You had a conversation with the cooperating teacher.
It is evident that you know the content. It is evident in the standards
you selected and the strategy you selected.
You had a conversation with the cooperating teacher that informed
your planning of the lesson. You planned the lesson based upon what
she told you. Your own observations evidently didnt come into play.

You consulted with the cooperating teacher and you created your
own models to share with the students. These models were of the
essay you want to share. You found an appropriate graphic organizer
to use for the writing of the essay.
There isnt a real hook to get students engaged, but you do tell them
what they will be doing.
There arent any plans for differentiation. You make this decision
because all of the students are in the same reading group. There is
little evidence that you consciously used learning styles to guide you
a lot in the planning of the lesson.
There is alignment between assessment, standards, learning activities,

Be alert to students styles and intelligences

Cooperative grouping
Marzanos Six Steps for vocabulary instruction
Plans for a variety of questions
Quality of Lesson Plan
Alignment of assessment, standards, learning activities, objectives
o Pre, during , post
Context/setting described

and objectives. You have devised a rubric that you can use to assess
students learning.

_____Inadequate ___X__ Emerging___X__Proficient

Inviting (communication/integrative interaction)
1. Contributes to a welcoming learning community
(learns student names, talks with students before and after
the lesson) (3.8)
2. Creates a safe, non-threatening environment (brain compatibility)
Empower learner with technology
Alert to student learning styles
Builds trust
Provide an advocate for every student
Provide an atmosphere of curiosity
Spark natural curiosity
Use unique student talents . . .
3. Demonstrates enthusiasm for teaching and learning (1.3)
4. Recognizes the importance of verbal and nonverbal
communication in projecting a pleasant, professionally
engaging demeanor while interacting with the cooperating
teacher and students (effective use of inflection, volume, eye
contact, gestures, facial expression, body positioning,
movement in the classroom) (6.4)
5. Classroom Management

The learning environment is very positive. You know the name of the
students and it appears that you have built a level of trust with the
students. They respond to your easy style and requests positively.
They do what you ask them to do.
At the beginning of the lesson of the lesson it appears that you
attempt to spark curiosity in the lesson by asking them what they
remember of the story.
The group you are working with is rather small and you manage
them very well.

_____Inadequate _____ Emerging___X__Proficient _____Distinctive

Teaching (communication/diagnosis/integrative interaction)

1. Sets context for the lesson (5.1)
2. Lesson plan implementation
Sensitivity to learning style, cultural differences
3. Creates active meaningful learning (brain compatibility)
Uses project based learning
Uses community learning
Gives students responsibilities
Have students create products/services
Have students work on teams, tasks forces, committees
Maintain high expectations
Marzanos Six Steps
Engages students in critical thinking/problem solving
5. Models and supports active listening, interactive discussion,
and thoughtful response in reading, writing, and other media
(2.3, 6.1, 6.2)
6. Uses different types of explanation, levels of questioning (text
explicit, text implicit, script implicit, literal, inferential, synthesis,
evaluation) and
discussion to challenge and support student thinking (3.2,
7. Uses literacy strategies to facilitate learning
8. Manages resources of time, space, activities, and attention to
engage students productively (5.3)
Assessing (diagnosis/integrative interaction)
1. Uses appropriate informal and formal assessment strategies
that link to lesson objectives (8.1) including pre-assessment that
informs teaching planning and practice
2. Provides specific feedback to learners and involves them in
self assessment (8.3)
3. Provides accurate timely feedback (brain compatibility)
Students self-assess their work
Promote reality for assessments
Make criteria of assessing explicit
Maintain/Create portfolios /
4. Reflects on the impact of the lesson on student learning,
modifying the plan and instruction when appropriate (8.5)
5. Reflects on own performance in relation to Alverno
education abilities and WI Teacher Standards (8.5, 9.2, 9.3)

You set the context for the lesson and activate student schema by asking
them what they remember about the story.
You proceed to have the students read the story aloud until they are
finished. You have the students discuss the story briefly and find out that
one of them has a paper route.
Next, you turn to the writing aspects of the lesson. You share the wheel
that is the organizer to organize the story. You model for them what you
want them to do. Then you ask them to remember the details of the
responsibilities they have at home. They are asked to put a responsibility
in each space of the wheel. They do this.
You show them the model that you have written and review the way in
which you used the details to create the essay. (It would have been good at
this point to also model for the students an introduction, body and
conclusion. At this age they should be demonstrating this skill.)
The students write the essay. They share what they gave written.
You ask students to self assess.

_____Inadequate _____ Emerging___X__Proficient _____Distinctive

You monitor their progress and process as they complete the wheel. You
interact with the students and giving them feedback as they complete the
main idea wheel. You follow the same process while they are writing.
You monitor their writing process also.
Students complete a self-assessment and an exit slip.

Final remarks:
This lesson is well done.

LTM 621
Observation reflection questions
1. How did you incorporate strategies from LTM 621/ EDT 621 in this lesson?
2. LTM 621 Only: What knowledge, pedagogy, and dispositions from your work in either LTM 612 or LTM 631 did you bring to bear on
this lesson in its design and implementation?
3. How do the Wisconsin Teacher Standards and Alverno Graduate Education Abilities mesh in this lesson? You need only address two
standards and two abilities in your response.
4. Explain to what degree did students achieve your objectives and the CCSS that were guiding the lesson.

Went well/ didnt:

The graphic organizer and transitioning into the essay. Choose a topic and write about it. I worked with each student individually. They
are just very (too) quiet with me.
Do differently:
I think with the graphic organizer perhaps a little more interaction, time to talk about it a little more.
Diagnosis: The students do struggle with main ideas and details. I referred back to the surveys that we did in the beginning of the
semester to prepare for this lesson. I even asked for verification from the cooperating teacher.
WI Teacher Standard
Teachers know the subject. I know about how to teach main ideas and details. I knew the subject well, I provided the graphic organizer.
They all did a great job with it.

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