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Career development/mentoring

LDR 610
Alicia Eberhard
Dr. Jim Loughran

What was the concern that prompted you to begin the academic/career problem-solving and decisionmaking process at the beginning of the class?
This class was part of my academic plan to complete my Masters degree in Organizational Leadership.
However, at the start of this class, I did not have a clear career path. I still do not have a clear path.
Using open options helped me learn which careers may fit me the best.

What internal (Feelings, emotions, hunches), and external (family, the university, etc.) cues did you experience that
alerted to this need to reduce the gap between your situation and the desired state?
I am set to graduate in May 2016 and I still not know what I will do at that juncture. I am both nervous and
anxious about what I will do next.

Communication continued.
What did you want to learn from this class?
I wanted to try and flush out what I really want to do when I am done with this degree.

What were your learning goals?

* To dig deep into my heart and thoughts to see if I could figure out what career I want to pursue.
* I want to find a career that I will be happy with and still be able to provide for my family's needs.

What have you learned about yourself in this class that is important in making your academic
and/or career decisions?
* I am truly undecided about what my career path is. I know what my dream career is, but I do
not have the means to take that path right now.
What have you learned about the world of work that will influence your decisions?
* There a few jobs out there, that would be suitable for me. So, I see myself rushing into a job,
just because it is available.
What have you learned about your decision-making processes that will relate to this?
* I should use the CASVE Cycle to help me decide on potential careers.

Analysis continued.
In general, which phase or phases of the CASVE Cycle are you in?
* The C portion primarily. I also see myself in the A, S and V phases.
What evidence can you provide to support your thinking about this?
* Just my thoughts
Do your CTI results apply, for example decision making confusion? Commitment anxiety?
External conflict?
* I would say yes because I'm somewhat confused. I also have commitment anxiety.

What have you done (or what do you plan to do) to generate educational and/or occupational alternatives
for yourself?
* Search through the open options and employment database on SHUs website
Identify three to five educational, occupational, or employment alternatives that you have considered, are
considering, or plan to consider.
* Administrative assistant
* Human Resources
* Administration work within a medical organization
What have you eliminated in the process of reducing this number to 3-5?
* Nothing

What factors were/are/will be important to you in making this decision?
* Financial stability for my family
* Fulfillment
What will make this a good decision or a bad decision?
* Indecision
What are the costs and benefits of each alternative to yourself, your significant others, and society?
* Costs: putting my happiness over anything else
* Benefits: feeling fulfilled and providing financial stability for my family

What would you need to do to implement your first choice?
* Make an appointment with Barry Reinink
How much effort do you think it will take to implement your top ranked alternative?
* a lot of emotional effort. Being willing to step outside my comfort zone.

Where are you now in your educational and/or career decision making and where do you want to
be in a year?
* I have almost completed my Masters degree
* I want to be working either at Siena Heights University or within a healthcare administrative
How do you feel about your current academic and/or career situation?
* very unsure about my career situation
What are the next questions or issues that you will need to address?
* Where do I go from here?

My major for my Masters degree is Organizational Leadership
I still do not know where or what I will do, once my degree is complete.
I need to find a career that not only will make me happy and feel fulfilled, but also financially
support my family.

Reardon, R. C., Lenz, J. G., Peterson, G. W., & Sampson, J. P. (2012). Career development &
planning: A comprehensive approach (4th ed.). Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt.

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