March 4 2016

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Miss Reynolds & Mrs.

Class News
Important Dates

Friday, March 11th:

report cards emailed

Happy Friday! This month we will be

tracking lion and lamb days. Thus far we
have had three lamb days. We hope this pattern continues.

March 4, 2016

The children are changing just as fast

as the weather. We have noticed a big change
in them over the past few weeks. They are
becoming more independent and able to be
End of Trimester #2: This self sufficient. Please continue to encourage
them to also be independent at home as well! We hope you have a
week will be the end of the
restful weekend!
2nd trimester. We will be
emailing families we would
like to conference with. If
Academically Next Week...
you dont receive an email Reading Groups: Our reading groups will continue to focus on
from us, we do not feel the written responses. We will be incorporating more non-fiction
need to meet. However, if
books as the trimester continues.
you would like to set up a
conference, please email us
Phonics: We will continue Unit 11 in Fundations. Please look on our
and we will be happy to meet blog for the parent letter for Unit 11 to explain all this!
with you . The best times for
us are during specials. These Religion: We will continue our Lenten workbook as Lent begins next
times are posted on our class week.
website under Daily SchedMath: We will continue with Chapter 8. We will be focusing on: place


value through the hundreds place.

Miss Reynolds:

Mrs. Ruiz:

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