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Dating after Breakup – Watch Out For the Mine Field!

Don’t do it until you explore!

Where to start? Are you thinking about dating after breakup and it terrifies you? There are a few things
you had better be aware of before walking through that mine field.

1. Know why you want to start dating. If your reasons have anything to do with your ex such as maybe
wanting to create jealousy and new interest, or maybe just trying to make your ex think he or she was not
good enough and you are doing better with someone new. Is this a good reason to be dating again? Is
this fair to that someone new who does thinks your interest is genuine?

2. Are you a needy person who must have a relationship to feel like you are worth something? If you start
dating again just to feel wanted or like you belong, you are destined for a repeat relationship problem
later. If this at all describes your thoughts then stop right now! You need to instead focus on you for
awhile. How about spending time with yourself and figure out what your real purpose is in life? What
would truly make you happy and content?

3. Be hopeful but realistic. This new person that you are interested in, do you think he or she might have a
few issues, quirks, challenges? No one sees the negatives when starting to date someone new. It's kind
of like when you go look at a house you might want to buy and you are there for only 30 minutes. It
seemed perfect, but is it really? The point is, go into a new relationship knowing that you it will be hard
work just like it always is when you love someone but they are not exactly the same as you.

4. Know that a relationship is not a fix for your problems. Sure, dating is fun in the early stages and it very
well could make you forget all about your past issues with your ex. What happens when the newness
wears off?

Just be sure you are not using anyone to get your fresh start. Do yourself one more favor and be sure that
you are completely over your ex. I am going to suggest that you take a look at this website and this will help you decide if you are over your ex or not. There is access
to a free video and excerpts from a relationships guide that has some tremendous insight. Give it a look,
before you decide about the dating.

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