Questionnaire For Students LSA3

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Questionnaire for students

1. The teachers instructions very clear (please circle one option

1-not clear, 5- very clear)
2 3 4 5
2. I knew what I had to do after she gave the instructions

3. The teacher checked the instructions

2 3 4 5
4. She repeated the instructions several times


Not sure

Some of them

5. She repeated the instructions

a) Was good because it was clear what I needed to do
b) was not necessary because it was just repetition
c) Was not so good because I understood
6. She clarified and explained the new unknown words

7. She clarified meaning by

a) Giving definitions
b) Providing translation in Macedonian
c) Explaining a situation and then asking questions to check
d) Other (please add details )
8. Her techniques were
a) Useful
b) Not very useful
c) Confusing and not good enough
9. When explaining and giving instructions
a) She spoke clearly and with appropriate speed and tone of voice
b) She spoke in an unnatural tone
c) She spoke too fast
d) She spoke in a very monotonous voice
e) Other____________________________________________

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