The Chemistry of Benzene-8

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The Chemistry of Benzene-8

The Name of the Game: Organic Synthesis

Org Syn1

With the chemistry of benzene now at your disposal, you can synthesize a truly remarkable
variety of biologically and medicinally important molecules...I said MEDICINAL, you naughty
boys and girls!!
Remember: RETROSYNTHETIC ANALYSIS!! Work backwards one step at a time from
the product to a molecule that, in one step, will give the product. The precursor molecule now
becomes the product and the process is repeated until the starting material specified in the
problem is reached.
Retrosynthetic analysis is the best way to develop or analyze any proposed synthetic
pathway. Ideally, you will learn to recognize the immediate precursors for each intermediate
product along a given reaction pathway. Developing such recognition does, however, take lots of
practice. Unless you are genetically predestined to be a politician, a lawyer, or a bureaucrat,
working backwards does not come naturally. Trust me, kids: it's the only way to design a multistep synthesis.

A Trivial But Illuminating Example




Cleanly gives




Leads to toluene
and other crappola;
separate o,p and pray
that Gary is in a good mood
when he grades your exam...

Gives meta!!
Not a precursor



(chocolate; espresso...)

(sep o,p)
So far, so good!


Gives o- and p-bromotoluene; must

be separated, so you get to chant
sep o, p; polyalkylation
is also a problem
Gives o- and p-bromotoluene;
must be separated

The magic words: separate o,p (!): an incantation of almost mythical proportions come exam
time. Since the physical properties (mp, bp, solubility) of the ortho, meta, and para isomers of a
given compound are always significantly different, you can, in fact (or theory), physically
separate them which means that you can invoke this incantation of near mystical ecstatic power
while taking an O-Chem exam to get yourself out of the synthetic mess that your refusal to work
backwards has just created for you...

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