February 27 2016

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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam February 27, 2016

Often during challenging circumstances we feel sad and are depressed. Is that
an appropriate emotional behaviour? Bhagawan lovingly explains to us today.

Above all, it is best that the Sadhaka under all circumstances sho
joyful, smiling and enthusiastic. Even more
than Bhakthi and Jnana(Devotion and Wisdom), this pure attitud
desirable. Those who have acquired it deserve to reach the goal
This quality of joy at all times is the fruit of the good done in past
When a person is ever worried, depressed and doubting, he can
attain bliss, whatever spiritual practices or Sadhana one may und
The first task of a spiritual aspirant is the cultivation of enthusiasm
Through that enthusiasm, he can derive any variety of Ananda. N
get inflated when you are praised; never get deflated when you a
blamed. Be a spiritual lion, regardless of both. One must analyse
correct one's faults on his own; this is most important.

- Prema Vah

Doubt is the virus that attacks faith. Baba

27 PrvrI, 2016
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn:Awm qOr qy jd swfy a`uqy musIbqW dw phwV Aw ifgdw hY qW AsIN audws Aqy mwXUs ho jWdy hW[kI ies qrHW
dw ivvhwr,zwiez hY?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,ipAwr nwl smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr: swirAW qoN au`cqm gl ieh hY ik iek swDk nUM hr hwlwqW iv`c KuS rihxw,muskrwauNdy rihxw Aqy hOslw
iv`c rihxw cwhIdw hY[BgqI Aqy bu`DImqw nwl vI, ies qrHW dw ivvhwr krnw cwhIdw hY[ijnHW swDkW ny ieh
rsqw ApnwieAw hoieAw hY,auh ies lkS nUM pUrw krn dy h`kdwr hn[ies qrHW dI KuSI dw kwrx,mnu`K dy ipCly
jnm dy cMgy krmW dw Pl hY[jy koeI mnu`K,hmySw duKI rihMdw hY,mnobl qoN kmzor rihMdw hY Aqy S`kImzwz rihMdw
hY,auh ij`nI mrzI A`iDAwqimk swDnw kry aus nUM kdy vI AwnMd hwsl nhIN ho skdw [iek s`cy A`iDAwqimk
swDk dw pihlw ieh kMm hY ik auh hOslw pYdw kry[ies hOsly dy kwrx hI auh keI qrHW dy AwnMd hwsl kr
skdw hY[jd koeI quhwfI isPq krdw hY quhwnUM Pu`ly nhIN smwxw cwhIdw Aqy jd koeI quhwfI bdKoeI krdw hY qW
quhwnUM,mwXUs nhIN hoxw cwhIdw hY[ienHW dovW dy hox dy bwvjUd,mnu`K nUM A`iDAwqimk swDnw dw Syr bxxw cwhIdw
hY[swirAW nUM cwhIdw hY ik auh Awpxy nuksW nUM suDwrn[iehI bhuq zrUrI hY[(pRym vwihnI,A`iDAwey 63)[
S`k krnw auh vwiers hY ijhVw ivSvwS au`qy hmlw krdw hY ArQwq ivSvwS nUM GtwauNdw hY[(bwbw)[

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