Middlelevelsci Departmentrealignment

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Middle Level Science Department:

Visioning Document

Department Leads: Jennifer

and Ann Hanstad
To enhance the collaboration and alignment of student
learning, curriculum and grade level assessments.
Mission (Draft): The mission of the Minnetonka Middle Level Science Department is to provide
rigorous, stimulating science environments in which students find both challenge and
support while developing their abilities to collaborate, think critically and develop into global
Begin District Level Review- Summer 2015
Year 1- Needs Assessment
Review the current program
Data from Common Assessments
Development of UbD Units for each course
Research best practices
Begin developing and prioritizing recommendations for program
Develop Middle Level Science Mission and Vision
Process For Department Level Review:
1. Facilitated, with co-department chair, development of a strategic assessment plan.
2. Developed common goals based on the gathered data.
3. Implemented goals and assessed progress for aligned outcomes.
4. Modified goals based on initial assessment.

PLC Realignment (Fall 2014): Movement of building PLCs to content area PLCs. PLCs meet
bi-weekly and participate in meetings quarterly.
Year 2014-2015, 2 meetings by Grade, 1 meeting by Building- rotating schedule created
by department chairs.
Year 2015-2015- All meetings by content areas. Share out as building during department
Department Meetings:
August Kickoff Meeting, Monthly Meetings and continued communication
through email and Google Docs.

Department Lead Training and Meetings:

August, January and May, additional meeting dates to be
scheduled during summer months.
Accepted Norms: (Reviewed and Validated each Fall)

Respectful of each others time (start and end time)

Agenda and Time allotments
Minimize tangents
Be open to ideas
Appreciate that we are human (accuse/judgment)
Being Present (being an active part of discussion)
Introduce everybody at the meeting (digital conversations and guests)
Commitment to action plan (assessments, key labs)

Communication Plan: (Reviewed and Validated each Fall)

Department Goals: (Reviewed and Validated each Fall)

2014-2015 Big Wins

Increase in Collaboration and
Storage Conversations
Authentic and Common Assessments

2015-2016 Move the Needle

UbD Work
Course based conversations
Common Assessments
Authentic Learning
Formative tools
Goals and Standard aligned content

Goals submitted to Teaching and Learning Committee:

Review and Update provided to School Board in January
Final Progress Update May

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