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ACT assignment

Q.1 Draw the block diagram of an electronic communication system and explain the
function of each block.
Q.2 Define signal. Describe the difference between analog, digital and discrete- time
Q.3Define energy and power signal.
Q.4 calculate the energy signal u(t)= 2e-3t , t>0 and u(t)=0 elsewhe
Q.5 Calculate the power of the signal v(t)=2sin0.5t.
Q.6What is the RMS power of a sinusoidal signal of amplitude A?
Q.7 Is V(t)=Acos(wt+0.5

an even signal ?

Q.8 Describe all the continuous time signal properties

Q.9 Does Dirichlets condition require a signal to be absolutely integrable ?
Q.10 In Fourier series expansion, for even function b n will be zero and for odd
function an will be zero. Is it true?
Q.11 Does compression in time domain lead to compression inn frequency
domain ?
Q.12 For a linear system, sinusoidal excitation retains its shape and frequency. Is it
Q.13 Find the Fourier transform of the following signals
(i)S(t)= cos wot

(ii)S(t)= t e


(iv)S(t)= A pulse of amplitude A extends from t= -/2 to t= + /2
(v) S(t)= A, constant
Q.14 Show that amplitude spectral density of g(t) is {(f-f 0)+(f+fo},where

Q.15Define the modulation theorem using fourier Transform concept & show its
Q.16 Show that

(i) Re{g(t)}

[G(f)+ G*(-f)]

(ii) I mg {g(t)} 1/2j[G(f)- G*(-f)]


Q.17 Verify Parsevals theorem for signal f(t)= e

u (t)

Q.18 What is orthogonal set ?

Q.19 Is it a necessary requirement for orthogonality to have zero scalar product ?
Q.20 probability can be defined as limiting value of the relative frequency of
occurrence, Is it true?
Q.21 Is Bayes theorem related to joint probability ?
Q.22 If A & B are statistically independent, then P(B/A) is same as which of p(A) and
P(B) ?
Q.23 What is standard deviation ?
Q.24 Define modulation. What is its need ?
Q.25 Derive AM equation & the power related in A.M.
Q.26 What is bandwidth of DSB-SC and SSB-SC for modulating signal of 5 KHz ?
Q.27 An A.M. signal is represented in time-domain as S(t)=20[1+0.9cos

2 10 000 cos21000000t, the signal is radiated into free space using an

antenna having resistance of 5. Sketch the spectrum of the A.M. signal and
calculate the bandwidth, power and modulation efficiency.
Q.28 An AM signal is represented in time domain as S(t)= 4cos1800t + 10
cos2000t +4cos2200t. Sketch the spectrum & calculate the bandwidth, power
and modulation efficiency.
Q.29.Describe all the generation methods of AM signal.
Q.30 Write short note on the followings
(i)square law demodulator
(ii)Envelope detector
(iii)synchronous detector

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