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UNI Principalship Program INTERNSHIP SKILL FORMATIVE/SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT Evaluation of Student's Progress Formative (J ‘Summative Student's Name; Neal Bentley Cohort: 2014 All-iowa Date: ian Options for submitting the assessment: 1) Complete electronically, Save, and Email as an attachment. To fill out electronically, check the appropriate option by double clicking on the circle, then type X. The circle will change into an x. OR 2) Print, Fill out with pen, Scan, and Email as an attachment to the Field Supervisor for your cohort. Ifyou are a member of the All-lowa Cohort, email to If you are a member of the UEN Cohort, email to: lewis.finch@ur Instructions: Please complete the following evaluation and be prepared to discuss with UNI Field Supervisor at the end of each semester. Once this is completed, upload the signed copy to the Ed Leadership Principalship System. The following instrument is to be completed by the mentor to assess student’s knowledge and experience in each of the following 35 ISSL criteria. Ifthe student has not had the opportunity to demonstrate knowledge or experience in a particular skill area, please check (None) in the appropriate circle. Evaluation Seale: HD (high degree) SD (some degree) LD (low degree) None HD SD LD None nary Leadershi ‘The student has demonstrated knowledge or understanding of: ‘A. Uses Data for Establishment of Achievement Goals ec # © 6 B. Uses best practice in Program Improvement eee ie CC. Articulates/Promotes high Expectations for teaching/leaming 2 6 0 0 D. Aligns educational programs w/ District Vision and Goals ieiite titi adiittgl E. Provides leadership for Major Initiatives & Change Efforts «© 0 © © F Communicates effectively w/Various Stakeholders on progress o 8 © 0 Standard 2: Instructional Leadership The student has demonstrated knowledge or understanding of; ‘A. Provides leadership for Assessing/Developing/Improving Climatc/Culture 0 ° B. Systematically/Fairly Recognizing/Celebrating StaffiSt. Accomplishment © ° C. Encourages design of more effective leaming experiences for students oo o D. Monitors/Evaluates Effective Curriculum/Instruction/Assessment e ° E, Evaluates Staff & Provides ongoing coaching for improvement ae ° P. Ensures professional development that enhances teaching/learning o 8 ° G._ Uses research’theory to develop/revise professional growth plan Saito Hiteewitteey H. Promotes collaboration with all stakeholders ete oe 1. Accessible & approachable to all stakeholders o € © 0 cf ible & engaged in the community Gute tttot tiie K. Articulates & reinforces desired school culture, showing evidence 0 @ © 0 Standard 3: Organizational Leadership ‘The student has demonstrated knowledge or understanding of: ‘A. Complies with state & federal mandates & local board policies Coes o ie B. Recruiting, selection, induction, & retention of staff for quality instruction @ 90 9 0 C. Addresses current & potential issues in a timely manner ieee ante Eee D. Effectively/efficiently manages fiscal & physical resources o 0 #8 0 E, Protects instructional time Paw pHa F, Uses effective communication w/internal & extemal audiences about school operations tare HD SD LD None Standard 4: Collaborative Leadership The student has demonstrated knowledge or understanding of: ‘A. Engages families & community and promotes shared responsibility for student learning & education SteeeeteeeCg B. _Promotes/supports structure for family/community involvement o 0 ¢ C. Facilitates connections of students/families to health/social services that support focus on leaning. ores eee D. Collaboratively establishes culture that weleomes & honors families & community & seeks ways to engage them in student learning, o @ 0 o Standard 5: Ethical Leadership The student has knowledge or understanding of the need to act with integrity, faimess and in an ethical manner as related to: ‘A. Demonstrates ethical & professional behavior 2 uiion fiiel iio B. Demonstrates values, beliefs, & attitudes that will inspire others to higher levels of performance ° o 0 C. Fosters & maintains caring, professional relationships with staff ° ie D. Demonstrates appreciation for and sensitivity to diversity in the school community e 6 0 6 E, Demonstrates respect for divergent opinions 6 @ « o Standard 6: Political Leadership The student has knowledge and understanding of: A. Collaborates with service providers/decisi teaching & learning eo Bog B, Advocates for the welfare of all members of the leaning community Gumuuon tiie C. Designs & implements appropriate strategies to reach desired goals 2 ¢ & © UNI Educational Leadership Contextual Framework To what degree this semester has the student engaged in leadership experiences allowing m/her to funetion as a: Leader of Learning gg iene Leader of Service o 8 0 06 Leader of Change ae oto Summary 1 What ladeship experinces were especially suecesfyforthg student this senyster2 Ye Line ao We ‘arymeiele Me! Ls ‘ feat B. What leadership experientes failed to meet'expectations for the student this semester? C. What has been the main focus or topic of reflections and conversations ep the student this semester? D. How many summaries & reflections has the student logged on the Student Management System this semester? . How many hours offiek-based internship did your student complete this semester? 4 5b Overall Evaluation: lease rate the quality of your student's internship performance for this semester using a scale of 1-10 (low to high) iz Check this box to verify that the Mentor, Faculty Field Supervisor, and Student have discussed the completed assessment. Date:_/7-/4. LB Options for Submitting this completed form: 1) Complete electronically and email 10 2) Copy, scan, and email as attachment to

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