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Portraits Of Afghanistan

So my name is Aadbar Firooz. I am male, I was born in 1963 August 29. I was born in
England but I am Afghan. I used to move around Europe when I was a child. I had to do
chores like a normal child. I went to public school. When I was 12 I was 1.60 and was
50 kg. I am a really friendly person I remember I used to give my friends lots of things. I
also used to teach my friends some things that they didnt know. When I was 16 I had to
leave England to Afghanistan because my father had to work there. Also I wanted to go
back because I havent actually
So when I was 16 I went back to Afghanistan and the Soviets invaded soon. They
started bombing the the cities. I was forced to kill in that time because the Soviets kept
on killing torturing and beating us Afghans. It was tough living there but I had met
someone called Osama he helped me kill the Soviets. During that period of time I had
learned some Russian. It was also the time when the CIA approached me and Osama
to get some info on the Soviets. I was forced to learn Russian. One reason why I hated
the Soviets is because they killed my family. They shot my mother. They stabbed my
uncle. Poisoned my grandmother and blew up my dad and also they waterboarded my
siblings. I had to get my revenge somehow. I remember I made guns to hunt the
Soviets. I killed hundreds of Soviets. But when the Soviets started powering down I
became a teacher for children. I never told them of my crooked past because I wouldn't
want the children to be shocked. I remember seeing a little kid named Azad. I knew his
family well his father mostly. I remember him bleeding and burning to death. When Azad
ran away. I took his father's corpse and tried to find a pulse. I found no luck. Once the
Taliban found me teaching children. The Taliban beat me and the children to the ground
like wild dogs. They shot some of the older children. When I tried to fight back they shot
me near the heart. I could not move my hands were as red as a chili. I was on the floor
watching the children suffer. I heard screaming and such. I then passed out. I started
waking up seeing Azad. He carried me to a shelter. I had been taken care of my wounds
were healed but I had a scar near my heart. After that I started teaching again. I had a
partner named Jeff he is an American friend from the CIA we both have some good
history. I am not paid being a teacher at all. Right now I live in a house in the ruins. I
was married to a foreigner named Jane but she had been shot. She died 18 years ago.
She gave birth to Jackson my son he is 18 years old he has blonde hair like his mother
and peach skin. But he had brown eyes. Since the Taliban is powering down I took more
students. But the US soldiers left and they are now powering up. So we thought of just
staying underground. But like all the rest he passed. When we going to Kabul me and
my son were trying to sneak in but my son got shot in the leg he was wounded I could

feel the dripping blood on my feet. I tried carrying him but I was exhausted. I took my
shirt and wrapped it around. But when we reached Kabul he was near death and his leg
was infected and I knew I had to do one thing and he knew it too. Since there is no good
medical supplies where we were I had to do it. There was a pistol in his pocket a
revolver. He said It's okay just do it father and I didnt know what to do. I took it and
loaded the last bullet and then took it near his head. I then pulled the trigger. A loud
bang could be heard the birds flew and people ran.
Now in 2016 I became a teacher again. It was illegal to teach girls but I did it I taught
them underground. I teach them History, Science and all those other things. When the
Taliban took over Afghanistan I rebelled against them. I took the boys and girls on the
streets and I took care of them and educated them. The class is 50% boys and 50%
girls. We had some books from old buildings and also stationary. Although education is
not allowed to girls I still do it. Although I am forced to teach religion I do not since the
Talibans version is a lot more extreme. Also I took some computers from old US bases
that have been abandoned. But if there will be elections I think it still will be the same as
normal since the Taliban are the leaders of Afghanistan. Since now I teach in Logar I
feel a lot more comfortable because there are less Talibs in the area.

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