February 28 2016

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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam February 28, 2016

Why is it that all of us have to turn to God at some point or the other?
Bhagawan answers and explains what we must do even as we focus on God.
The world is impermanent. Birth is a misery. Old age is a
misery. Be careful!" says a Sanskrit poem. As long as you
are alive, everyone would seem to love the body. This is
for purely selfish reasons. God alone is utterly selfless.
Love God and lead your normal lives; there is nothing
wrong in this. Whatever you do, treat it as an offering to
God. See God in everyone. Don't have ill will towards
anyone. Do not have excessive attachment for anyone.
Direct all attachment towards God. Love all. Do not rely
on anyone except God. Realise the impermanence of the
body and place your trust solely in God. Seek refuge in
Him. What is most needed today in this Kali age is faith.
As often as possible, when you get the chance, meditate
on God. Earn the esteem of society through sincere
service. That will ensure a good future for you.
- Divine Discourse Aug 16, 1996

Practice the vocabulary of love unlearn the language of hate and contempt. Baba
28 PrvrI, 2016
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn:ieh ikauN hY ik swnUM,kdy nw kdy Bgvwn nUM m`nxw pYNdw hY?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM ies bwry ,smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr: ieh sMswr sQweI nhIN hY[mnu`K dw jnm,du`KdweI hY[buVHwpw,duKdweI hY[iek sMsikRq kivqw iv`c ikhw
igAw hY ik cuk`ny rho[jd qweIN qusIN izMdw ho,hr koeI quhwnUM ipAwr krdw ivKweI dvy gw[ieh swrw
ku`J,KudgrzI nwl kIqw jWdw hY[kyvl Bgvwn hI pUrI qrHW insvwrQ hn[eISvr nwl ipAwr kro Aqy swDwrx
izMdgI bsr kro[ieh koeI glq gl nhIN hY[jo ku`J vI qusIN krdy ho aus nUM smJo ik ieh mYN Bgvwn leI hI kr
irhw hW[hr iek iv`c,Bgvwn dw vws vyKo[iksy leI burw nw soco[iksy leI izAwdw moh nw kro[Bgvwn nwl hI
Awpxw swrw moh kro[swirAW nwl ipAwr kro[Bgvwn qoN ibnW iksy au`qy ivSvwS nw kro[ieh p`kw ivSvwS kro
ik ieh SrIr nwSvwn hY Aqy Bgvwn au`qy hI ivSvwS r`Ko[aus dw hI shwrw mMgo[ies kl-Xug iv`c,iek hI gl
dI zrUrq hY ik qusIN,Bgvwn au`qy hI ivSvwS r`Ko[ij`QoN qweIN sMBv hovy Aqy ijhVw vI mOkw imldw hY,Bgvwn dI
ArwDnw kro[iemwndwrI nwl syvw kr ky smwj qoN ie`zq hwsl kro[ies qrHW krn nwl,quhwfw jIvn aujvl hovy
gw[(16 Ag`sq,1996 dy idvX pRvcn)[
ipAwr dw hI sbk is`Ko[nPrq Aqy iksy dI bdKoeI krn dI AwdqW dw iqAwg kro[(bwbw)[

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