Social Worker Requirements

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Running Head: CAREER

Career Research Assignment

Shelby C. Ogorek
Delaware Technical Community College


Career Research Assignment

Hiring Requirements:
According to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics (2016), the requirements of a
social worker are; to have completed a bachelors degree with a concentration in social
sciences, completed the LCSW and/or the LSW boards, performed five consecutive
months of practicum and/or field related experiences under a clinical supervisor, and
currently be licensed within the state or jurisdiction of practice.
Job Requirements:
Social workers are required to perform the following duties; identify people
and/or communities in need of assistances, respond to crisis situations, provide psychotherapy services, and research and refer within a community based setting (Bureau of
Labor and Statistics, 2016).
Salary Levels:
Entry-level social workers will make forty-five thousand with benefit package if
working for state and/or government organizations; however, privatized sectors begin in
the low thirty-thousands, and may not include benefits or compensation packages
(Bureau of Labor and Statistics, 2016).
Benefits and pension packages vary based on the state and/or privatized
organizations of association. Based on the current information provide by the Bureau of
Labor and Statistics (2016), social workers may receive consecutive monthly pension
payments or one aggregated sum upon retirement.


Career Preparations:
In preparation of my social service career, I am currently pursuing my
undergraduate degree within the field of social sciences. Additionally, I am actively
involved in volunteer opportunities that support my future career path such as, working
with disadvantage youths within my church community, servicing veterans suffering with
mental deficits, and supporting outreach opportunities for local homeless shelters.
Furthermore, I continually research my chosen field, as to maintain current up-to-date
information and requirements; therefore, allowing me to be prepared upon graduations to
enter directly into Delawares work force.



Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook,

2016-17 Edition, Social Workers. Retrieved February 22, 2016

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