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Local Scale of Southern California Earthquake Patterns

Lat: 34.24
Lng: -117.11
340627.43 N
1171716.85 W
February 11,2016

The pattern shows dispersed small, medium, and large earthquakes within an
estimated 75-mile radius in southern California. From the local scale, earthquakes
appear to happen inland. California tends to have more earthquakes than other
states due to the San Andreas Fault. The San Andreas Fault runs about 800 miles
through California. If there were to be more friction, like more compacted dirt, there
may be a way to prevent harsh earthquakes. Earthquakes run off energy and when
there is no more energy like friction the earthquake must stop.

Regional Scale of California Earthquake Patterns

Lat: 44.40
Lng: -104.63
364641.74 N
1192504.56 W
February 11,2016

Pattern shows larger earthquakes along the west coast of California. In this scale,
earthquakes appear to happen along the coast line of California. I believe the waves

from the ocean give earthquakes a greater amount of energy to jump from one fault
to the next. Earthquakes near bodies of water can easily create tsunamis or flash
floods. Many earthquakes are triggered by bodies of water however, they are often
small and most people dont even notice them. Although, there isnt a real solution
for preventing earthquakes, there are ways to ensure you are safe. For example, in
the event that there is an earthquake one should get under a desk or in between a
doorway to ensure there isnt falling pieces coming down.

Global Scale of Earthquakes in the Northern Hemisphere

Lat: 62.10
Lng: -79.98
382958.25 N
1231443.52 W

February 11,2016

Patterns show that earthquakes fall along the coast lines through the Gulf of Alaska,
South America, and the United States. This map clearly shows that earthquakes
tend to happen along bodies of water than anywhere else. When too much pressure
from earths crust attempts to move along a fault, the glue that holds the crust
together can slip causing an earthquake. I believe a solution to prevent this from
happening along coast lines would be ships importing and exporting through the
ocean, should land more gently rather than slamming into land. Slamming into the
ports may cause more pressure along earths crusts.

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