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Women of the 1920s: Exploring their Rights, Encountering Change, and

Exchanging their Insight

Jose Garcia
Rhedacia Hardee
Erick Louis
Senior Division- Group Website
Process Paper Word Count: 482

Why We Chose our Topic?

Being the 95th anniversary of the 19th amendment, our group wanted to showcase the story of
women and their hard-won enfranchisement and liberty. Instantly, we were intrigued by the
struggles of such a potent era and the impact women had during this time. After searching
through the sample topics list for this year and seeing that Women of the 1920s was included, we
were truly thrilled. Choosing this topic was our method of conveying the importance of the
women in society and their continued role in all aspects of American culture.

How We Conducted our Research:

We conducted our research by arranging to meet bi-monthly in the public library. We wanted to
ensure we would represent women of all time periods, emphasizing the inferiority women had
long been associated with. Additionally, we sought to integrate a plethora of both primary
sources and secondary sources. A main contributor to the sources we utilized would be the
Library of Congress. Also worth noting is our initial research through our history teacher. Being
a U.S. History teacher, she helped us truly define the era that was the 1920s and fabricated our
contextualization of this historical period.

Why We Selected Our Presentation Category and Created the Project:

Choosing the website as our presentation category was, without a doubt, a simple decision. We
felt that the website was a better, more technologically advanced way of portraying our topic.
Using the website format, we undertook several factors into consideration: wanting to present
good information while captivating our audience. This presentation category allows the viewer to
become fully immersed and transported to the historical period we focused on. Furthermore, we
had to think about color schemes that would easily integrate into our topic and with the website
category we could use elements like these to our advantage. The website category was also most
appealing to us due to the amount of multimedia we could add to enhance our message. Using
elements such as music, speeches, and other multimedia sources, presented our information in
both a clear and concise manner.

How Our Project Relates to the NHD Theme:

Our theme relates to the NHD theme of Explorations, Encounters, and Exchanges in History for
a number of reasons. For one, women of the 1920s explored life outside the home. These bold
females redefined womens role and began to partake in many aspects of political, economic, and
social life. Moreover, women of this decade encountered new opportunities, professions, and
even commodities such as the Ford vehicles. Alongside this encounter, women began to realign
their importance in society. Not only did these women explore their rights and encounter change,
but they also began to exchange culture and insight. In essence, the women of this roaring decade
highlighted prime examples of what the NHD theme addresses; they daringly explored,
encountered, and exchanged, allowing their voice to shape the society in which we currently

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