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Study model

Pearl Smith

Residential Design 1
Michelle Kirkpatrick

Top View

View From Kitchen

Angular View

1. I have forgotten to add a window on the other wall. If the window was there
it would seem better balanced. The other problem I that since we were not
given window length I just tried to incorporate them the best I could.
2. I like the proportion of the coffee table to the chairs and couch. Plus the
bigger entertainment center really places well with the windows.
3. If the scale was off it would look as if there was a kitchen or dining room table
in the place of the coffee table. Or that the side chairs were bigger than the
couch and it would make the space looked cramped and unbalanced.
4. The dominant form will be the wall of windows and the sub-dominant form will
be the couch and entertainment center due to their sizes.
P.S. Sorry that my camera date is wrong. I dont use that camera very often.

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