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2 Hormones (The Endocrine system)

The endocrine system coordinates activities but in
a different way to the nervous system. There are
a number of organs in your body involved which
produce hormones and these are called endocrine
glands which include the adrenal glands and
Fill in the definition of a hormone using your
syllabus and highlight the key words.


Effects of Adrenaline

Deeper, more rapid breathing

Dilation of airways so more air reaches alveoli in lungs for gas exchange

Liver cells to convert glycogen to glucose. Diffuses into blood and to muscles where it
is a source of energy for sudden contraction.

Heat rate increases- more oxygen and glucose transported to working muscles.

Blood diverted away from digestive system to muscles.

Vasodilation of blood vessels in brain and muscles so more glucose and oxygen
delivered to these organs.

SJI International

Science Department - March 16

Comparing the Nervous System and the Hormonal System

Nervous System

Hormonal System


Forms of information


Duration of response

Target area

Speed of reaction


Summary Questions:
1. What are stimuli? Give an example
2. What are receptors? Give an example in humans.
3. What are effectors? Give an example in humans.
4. What is a response? Give an example
5. What two systems in the human body respond to stimuli?
6. Use the words to fill in the gaps showing the sequence of events in a coordinated

SJI International







Science Department - March 16

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