10 3 Tropic Response ppt2

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Tropic Responses
LO Define and investigate geotropism and

Starter: Watch this video >

Key Words

Sensitivity Responding to the

The way plants grow is
controlled by hormones.
They are sensitive to
their environment and can
make adjustments to
survive = Tropisms


A response in which a plant grows towards or away from the

direction from which light is coming


A response in which a plant grows towards or away

from gravity

Auxins are one of the
hormones used by plants for
It is made at the tips of
In the shoots any
concentration promotes
At the root, high
concentration inhibits

How auxins

Sunlight breaks down auxins, so shoot tip in direct sunlight has

lowest auxin concentration.
Shaded area has highest auxin concentration
More growth occurs in shaded part of shoot
This leads to lop sided growth so plant bends towards the light

Hormones and phototropism

Hormones and geotropism

Go to this website http://

Work through the animations
Complete the quizzes after

Phototropism experiment

Collect a mini-white board!

Positive Phototropism
-Leaves are in the optimum position to absorb light energy for
Flowers are lifted into position where they are most likely to
receive pollen. They will be held out into the wind so more visible
to pollinating insects.
Positive Geotropism
-Roots grow into soil which provides a source of water and
mineral ions.
- They provide extensive support and anchorage for the plant.

Remember Auxin....
3. Advantages
Auxin is made in the tip of the shoots and roots and then
diffuses down them.
Auxin has different affects depending on where it is
In roots, it inhibits (slows) cell growth.
In shoots, it stimulates growth (speeds up) and causes
cells to elongate and expand.

Uses of Plant hormones

Developed by scientists
Plant cultivation and food production

Rooting powder
Selective weedkillers
Fruit ripening Ethene
Dormancy in seeds
Neater Hedges. Cutless hormone.

3. Advantages
Sythetic auxin (2,4D) used as weedkillers.
Weeds are broad leaved and absorb the weedkiller.
Crops are narrow leaved and it runs off without being
absorbed. (Selective weedkiller).
Auxin causes weeds to grow out of control. The weeds
cannot photosynthesis at a rate to sustain this rapid
growth and they soon die.
Root growth is inhibited

Quick White Board Quiz

1. What is the general term used to

describe a growth movement response
to a stimulus?
A. Tropism
B. Elongation
C. Hormone
D. Sprouting

1. What is the general term used to

describe a growth movement response
to a stimulus?
A. Tropism
B. Elongation
C. Hormone
D. Sprouting

2. What is movement away from a

stimulus called?
A. Geotropism
B. Positive tropism
C. Negative tropism
D. Phototropism

2. What is movement away from a

stimulus called?
A. Geotropism
B. Positive tropism
C. Negative tropism
D. Phototropism

3. What of the following would make a

plant grow to one side?
A. Cutting off the tip
B. Covering the tip
C. Receiving light from all directions
D. Receiving light from one direction

3. What of the following would make a

plant grow to one side?
A. Cutting off the tip
B. Covering the tip
C. Receiving light from all directions
D. Receiving light from one direction

4. What controls plant movement in

A. Light
B. Hormones
C. Gravity
D. Water

4. What controls plant movement in

A. Light
B. Hormones
C. Gravity
D. Water

5. How do auxins control plant growth?

A. Speeding up growth in roots and shoots
B. Slowing down growth in roots and shoots
C. Speeds up growth in shoots and slowing
down growth in roots
D. Speeds up growth in roots and slows
down growth in shoots

5. How do auxins control plant growth?

A. Speeding up growth in roots and shoots
B. Slowing down growth in roots and shoots
C. Speeds up growth in shoots and slowing
down growth in roots
D. Speeds up growth in roots and slows
down growth in shoots

6. When a plant receives growth from

one side which part of the plant grows
in response to this?
A. The flowers
B. The leaves
C. The shaded parts of the stem
D. The lit parts of the stem

6. When a plant receives growth from

one side which part of the plant grows
in response to this?
A. The flowers
B. The leaves
C. The shaded parts of the stem
D. The lit parts of the stem

Exam Questions
Complete the exam questions on control
and co-ordination

Lesson Objectives
-Define phototropism and geotropism
-Describe how plant hormones are used as weedkillers
-Explain the chemical control of plant growth by
auxins including geotropism and phototropism

Next topic- B5 Transportation

We will be looking at 5.2
Transport in humans.

Please hold up your syllabus

its important you have this with
you every lesson.

Living organisms need to ensure that every cell receives
valuable substances such as glucose and oxygen in order
to function properly.
For simple organisms such as the flat worm, there is no
complicated transport system needed. Instead, the flat
worm is so thin with a high surface area to volume ratio
that substances can just diffuse across the surface into
the flat worm.
Large complex organisms such as humans need a more
complex system to transport substances around the

Next topic- B5 Transportation

In the rest of this lesson,

complete the sheet
Introduction to
transport in humans to
hand in at the end.
Finish as homework.

Heart Anagrams

Heart Anagrams


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