Top 100 Music Video Analysing 3

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Music Videos

Christopher Haisell

The Streets Fit But You

Know It
This music video is narrative as it shows
one of the bands members telling a
story of an incident he had with a girl on
holiday. The story is told as he looks
through his holiday pictures.
The song is a subgenre between English
hip hop and rap
This song and band are very much
associated with English hooliganism

Mise en scene
The man is shown walking through an English
street and park stopping off at locations (such
as a photo printing shop, newsagent, a pub)
The photo he shows are of his sunny beach
The link between the band and English
hooliganism is emphasised by choice of
costume as the main character is shown in a
burberry scarf, a popular coat within the
football hooligan culture, a burberry shirt and a
black cap

Mise en scene
Props used are Stella beers, photos,
money and food to help illustrate the
story of his holiday

The song itself is non-digetic,
however it is digetic at the start
when the man is shown buying the
photos from the shop and at the end
when the man is shown walking and
breathing loudly.

The photos shown by the man are
shown moving. There is movement in
objects and the band are shown
singing on the photos.
Song is non-digetic
A photo filter is used throughout the

A midshot is used throughout
panning from left to right to show the
man walking through the street/park.
A two shot is used at the start to
show the interaction between the
man at the till and the singer.
Close ups are used on the photos to
show them in detail

The main singer is shown as the central
protagonist of the video shown walking about
showing the photos
The other singer within the band is shown
singing within the photo
The workers within shops are shown in the video
The lead singer is shown bumping into Danny
Dyer and Frank Harper (characters from the
English football hooligan film, Football Factory)
which also relates to the genre of music the
band make

Outkast Hey Ya!

This song is hip hop, however has
influences from funk and rock.
It was produced in 2003 in the album
The Love Below.
The video mimicks The Beatles 1964
performance on The Ed Sullivan
Show as its portrayed similarly.

Mise en scene
Located in a concert room as if it was
filmed live. There in the musicians
dressing room at the start
Props used are musical instruments,
money, a phone, and camera men
are shown so it looks as if its live
The band are dressed in lairy, green

Song is non digetic
Sound at the start where the
musicians are talking to their agent,
the sound is digetic
Many sounds are heard (such as
voice, the crowd, claps, flutes,
keyboards, drums and guitar)

Clips cut from one to another
Frame freezes and turns into a still
picture at one point
Fast forwarded slightly one point
Certain things blurred out
occasionally to put emphasis on
other things
Polaroid pictures shown changing
very quickly

Over shoulder shot and two shots
used at the start when the musician
is talking to his agent
Mid shots and close ups used on the
musicians and certain members of
the crowd
Panning shots moving right to left
and zooming out to show the

The bands agent is shown at the start talking about
money and success within the band
A crowd full of young women is present
A family children and a mum and dad are shown
watching and dancing to the video whilst its shown on
the television
Bodygaurds are shown which escort a woman off the
Camera men are shown to present it as if its live
A man on a black and white tele is shown introducing
the band (mimicking The Beatles when performing on
the Ed Sullivan Show in 1965)

OK Go This Shall Not Pass

This video consists of a Rube
Goldberg machine which is where
objects have knock on effects to lead
from one event to the other (e.g. a
marble rolling and knocking a plank
over). Its all about knock on effects
and reactions. The band members
are shown singing whilst the machine
is going on
OK Go is an American alternate rock

Mise en scene
The music takes place within a large
As it is a Rube Goldberg Machine,
many, many props are used such as
a TV, balls, tires, lamps, umbrellas,
guitars, glasses, etc.
This unique style of video choice
relates to OK Go as many of their
other videos are also unique selfproduced videos

Sound is both digetic and non-digetic. At the
beginning of the video, before the machine
starts, it is non-digetic. The song is nondigetic but as it plays, you can still hear the
digetic sound made by the machine and
objects as they interact with each other. There
is also a non-digetic sound made at one point
by glasses as the music cuts out and the
glasses are in tune with the song.
At parts the objects hit at the beat. They are
in tune with each other

Some sound is non-digetic, however
the song itself is digetic
There are no cuts within the video

A tracking shot is used throughout
the video following the machine and
objects whilst in process. There are
no cuts within the video.
Mid shots are used to include the
band members and the machine.

The four members of the band are
shown within the video singing next
to the machine as it goes on
All the people that helped develop
the complex, expensive video are
shown at the end briefly, celebrating
as the long attempted video is finally

Eminem My Name Is
This popular American bases this
song and video on past events within
his life
The video is narrative as it tells a

Mise en scene
The locations within the video vary.
An example of a few places its filmed
is in a living room, in a street, in a
mental asylum, in a game show, in a
class room, in a club, in his childhood
house, etc.
Props include a TV which Eminem is
on at the start being watched by a
man and woman, a stapler, etc.

Sound is a digetic at the start as you
can see the people watching the TV
Sound is non-digetic when the actual
song starts

Sound is digetic at the start then non digetic when the
song starts
Clips cut from one to the other
Some of the clips slide up and down and it blurs as it
shows the TV channels change
Some pictures within the video are black and white
Eminems face is shown in a collage showing different
Some parts of the video are slow motion or fast
Some picture filters are used and a green screen is
used in some parts

Some two shots are used
Close ups are used on the tv to show Eminem
clearly and zoom in making its way to the actual
scene itself
Mid shots and close ups are used to emphasise
certain moments
High angle shots are used looking down on
Eminem at some parts showing how he was low
at this moment
Low angle shots are used in parts looking up at
Eminem showing him with power

Eminem dresses as many different characters
(which he also does in some of his other
music videos such as We Made You. He
dresses as a nerdy looking man, a mad
professor, a kids TV presenter, a psycho in a
mental asylum, a puppet, the president and a
punk rocker. This is done to help Eminem tell
his story as hes portrayed as many different
characters within different TV channels.
Dr Dre is also present within the video

Jay-Z ft UGK Big Pimpin

This song is an American hip hop/rap

Mise en scene
The music video is presented on a
luxurious boat in a sunny sea, sunny
field, a beach and a festival
Props used are alcohol, cigars,
luxurious cars

Sound is non-digetic throughout

Sound is non-digetic
Clips fade and cut from one to
Some moments of the video are
shown in slow motion
Some moments of the video are
shown in fast forward

Close ups are used on the TV to clearly show whats on it
and keeps zooming in until the camera in the actual scene
Close ups and mid shots are used on Eminem to emphasise
himself and his lyrics
High angle shots are used looking down on Eminem when
hes in the mental asylum (showing he was at a low point)
Low angle shots are used looking up at Eminem showing
him as powerful
Camera is blurry and zoomed in when Eminem is in the
asylum. Its simulating his eyesight. The blurry and zoomed
in sight shows him as intoxicated
Two shots are used

Dr Dre is shown in the video as a doctor in the
asylum, suggesting that Dr Dre is a friend of
Eminem who helped him out in times of trouble
A man and woman are shown watching the TV
Eminem is portrayed on
Eminem is a puppet at one point and has a
person controlling him
A teacher is shown in the video as Eminem
describes an encounter with his old teacher at

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