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The Roblox Assault Team: Members Basic Manual

Table of Contents
1.) Introduction
2.) Prestige
3.) Practice Battles and Trainings
4.) Prestige Rankings (Conscript - Supervisor)
5.) Transition to Justicar and Above
6.) Behavior
6.1) Low Rank Behavior
6.2) High Rank Behavior
6.3) Representation of RAT
7.) Ranking Duties and Powers (Supervisor+)
7.1) Supervisors
7.2) Justicar & Marshal
7.3) Admiral & Great Admiral
7.4) Arch Admiral & Grand Admiral
8.) Assigned Positions and Functions (Admiral+)
9.) Divisions
10.) Shout Tags (Justicar+)
1.) Introduction
The objective in creating this mega-thread of all essential information that a basic member
would need to know is to explain the basic structure of The Roblox Assault Team from Conscript
to Grand Admiral giving more explicit detail as you move from the ranks. This manual
additionally contains how the usage of Prestige plays an active role in each and every RAT
member aspiring to rise through the ranks.
2.) Prestige
Prior to understanding the process of The Roblox Assault Teams promotional system, you must
first understand what prestige is and the role it plays in a general members profession. Prestige
is a point system divided into two sub groups that are accumulated from getting involved in the
activities and events that are hosted by our Officers, High Council members.
Strength Prestige, also known as sP, is one of the two specific forms of prestige awarded to
members who portray their skills in sword fighting, gun fighting, and tactical advantages.
Strength Prestige can be earned in a variety of ways, although some of the primary and notable
ways are by visiting and performing well at battle practices, trainings, raids, and defenses.
Knowledge Prestige, also known as kP, is the second form of prestige awarded to members
who show their exemplary skills in teamwork, leading, and general productivity to the clan itself.
Knowledge Prestige is primarily earned from taking the initiative in managing authority,
maintaining ones maturity, assisting high ranks, and showing strong leadership capabilities
regardless of his or her surroundings. *kP is generally more difficult to achieve and is used to

push members into taking a larger initiative within the group rather than having it being
individually given out.
Due to there being no clear guide and rules about how to go about adding prestige (both kP and
sP) to a player, one has been made.
You are to award members who stay at events (trainings, defenses, raids) for the full duration 1
Trainings - 2kP & 3sP max per person
Battle Practices - 1kP & 2sP max per person
Raids - 3kP & 3sP max per person
Defenses - 2kP & 2sP max per person
Assisting high ranks with task - 1kP & 1sP max per person
Developing technology that becomes of use - 5kP max per person
3.) Battle Practice and Trainings
There appears to be a misconception regarding trainings and how they are properly
handled throughout RAT. As a result, were introducing two types of practice fighting sessions.
The main difference between the two is that during Battle Practices (BPs) the purpose is to
simply practice fighting and leading against each other for benefit of staying sharp and possibly
growing stronger and sharper. Trainings are primarily designed to actually TEACH members
strategies, tactics, and fighting techniques.
Battle Practices - Battles practices are basically fighting events hosted by Justicars+ that involve
two sides fighting in arenas or defence versions of any number of our forts while the host
monitors and rewards strength prestige to those that performed well, tried their best and showed
improvement, or made a decent effort throughout the entire battle practice. During BPs, the host
is able to be flexible and creative.
Training Sessions - Trainings are held a lot less than BPs. Theyre used to instruct newer
members on how to use certain fighting techniques, or strategies and tactics for forts including
our own or possibly others. Trainings may incorporate exercises that would be used in a BP, but
with the added lessons and more involved trainer explaining things clearly to member.
4.) Prestige Rankings
In The Roblox Assault Team, you are required to obtain a certain yet simple combination of kP
and sP to allow yourself to advance towards the High Council. There are currently seven ranks
that have a specific combination of kP and sP required to achieve that rank.
<=Entrance Rank=>
1. Conscript [Join the group, welcome aboard]
<=Experience Ranks=>
2. Soldier [Solum Badge]
3. Scout [5sP, 0kP]

4. Guard [15sP, 5kP]

5. Marksman [30sP, 10kP]
6. Supervisor [60sP, 30kP]
<=Council Ranks=>
7. Justicar
8. Marshal
<=Special Ranks=>
X. Diplomat
X. Operator
<=High Council Ranks=>
9. Admiral
10. Great Admiral
11. Arch Admiral
12. Grand Admiral
5.) Transition to Justicar and Above
Please read this thread:
6.) Behavior
Its come to the attention of some of the high ranks that the behavior of high and low ranks
hasnt been as good as it should be. Silly mishaps, arguments, and more turn into huge
complications that the High Council needs to handle. Please read this handbook carefully and
be sure to follow all the rules, this is very important.
Low Rank Behavior
The following paragraph is a documentation of the basic conduct that low ranks should follow.
=> Follow commands from high ranks at RAT related places.
=> Respect and be polite to all high command officers and fellow low ranking members.
Whenever you are at RAT-related events or on the Teamspeak, follow all these rules. Not only
that, but make sure to keep your thoughts to yourself if they are derogatory and plain out
negative. When you are using xFire or Skype, the same rules apply if you are talking to a RAT
members, low and high rank.
High Rank behavior
The following paragraph is a document of the basic conduct that high ranks should follow.
=> Follow the high command guide at all times.
=> Respect all RAT members, ESPECIALLY on the TS3 and skype chats; remember, you have
to lead by example.

=> Enforce the rules, it doesnt matter if the person punished is your friend, do your job.
Especially on the Teamspeak3, xFire and Skype, dont be immature. Inappropriate jokes and
personal attacks are NOT allowed. When on the forums, you represent RAT at all times. Behave
properly and dont make Frostaria look bad. Are we asking you not to say things like lol or use
faces? Of course not just dont act stupid, because the last thing the councilium wants to do is
demote you for a reason as petty as that.
Representation of RAT
When youre on the forums, you represent RAT. When at other clan forts, or joint-trainings, you
represent RAT. When talking to someone on an off-roblox communication system such as xFire,
about a RAT related topic, it also counts as representing Rat. We have had to demote people for
mishaps with misrepresentation and completely tarnishing the name of Frostaria. We will not
turn a blind to you either.
Where you represent RAT:
=> At joint trainings.
=> On the forums when you have RAT uniform on, or RAT primaried. [High Ranks
represent us at ALL times.]
=> Any RAT related events.
=> Other clan forts. [In uniform]
=> xFire or Skype [Only if discussing a RAT related topic]
Where you do not represent RAT:
=> Relaxation games like murder mystery.
=> xFire or Skype [When not discussing RAT]
=> On the forums when you dont have RAT primaried or uniform on. [Low ranks]
=> Offsite games. [MC, anything Steam related, etc.]

7.) Ranking Duties and Powers (Supervisor - Grand Admiral)
Supervisors are considered sub-officers. Upon achieving this rank you assist Officers in their
daily events and keep communication between Officers and regular members organized and
precise. Supervisors are able to receive a recommendation from a Great Admiral or higher to
begin the process of their promotion to Justicar.
> Host events that are supervised by a Justicar+.
> Assist members of Council and High Council in all and any events.

Justicars function as this first Officer type rank who are able to host official events. As a
Justicar you are now classed as a High Rank in Training and as such you will be expected to
act on par or just below the levels expected by Admirals and above. Upon becoming a Justicar
you will notice that you have more influence and responsibilities within RAT than any other
previous rank you have held, and therefore it is important that you maintain a sensible attitude
and ask questions to other Council members and above where necessary
=> Host battle practices.
=> Host training sessions.
=> Hosts raids
=> Able to host Official sessions, you are now able to give prestige.
=> Able to oversee Supervisor trainings/battle practices
The second and final officer rank, Marshals are experienced members of the officer rank, whose
opinion is heard highly in the Council. Marshals are members of RAT who are in their final stage
of High Rank training and as such will be expected to meet the expectations of standard High
Ranks along with supporting the lower ranks with issues that can be dealt with from someone in
their position. As a Marshal you will have an influence in future High Rank members, as you are
able to give your opinions and comments on Supervisors who are undertaking the process of
becoming Justicars.
=> Able to host Official sessions, you are now able to give prestige.
=> Host battle practice.
=> Host training sessions.
=> Host raids
=> Host fun events (mostly out of wartime)
=> Joint-Trainings
=> Q&A Sessions
=> Create Council Logs - Comment on Supervisors wishing to become justicars (Info Centre)
=> Oversee Justicar, Supervisor, and below
=> Able to oversee Supervisor trainings/battle practices
Admiral is the first step into the High Council, allowing your abilities as a leader to fully take
flight. Members of the Admiral rank are now required to take an administrative role in The
ROBLOX Assault Team, which comes with the ability to take part in the decision making process
and become an icon to lower members in the way you act, and your attitude towards others.
=> Able to host Official sessions, you are now able to give prestige.
=> Host battle practices.
=> Host training sessions.
=> Lead raids both in and out of war times.
=> Host fun events (mostly out of wartime)
=> Joint-Trainings
=> Propose Alliances

=> Q&A Sessions

=> Create Council Logs
=> Assist those in a specific position within the clan.
=> Ability to exercise power of authority over ranks lower than itself
=> Able to oversee Supervisor trainings/battle practices
Great Admiral
The position of a Great Admiral is the highest position any member in RAT can wish to hold so
long as there is an Arch Admiral already in the group. As a Great Admiral you have proven
yourself to be at the top of your specialist field, and are able to deal with day to day High Rank
situations with ease. All Great Admirals hold a title within RAT and each manage their own area
of expertise due to their specialist skills.
=> Able to host Official sessions, you are now able to give prestige.
=> Able to oversee Supervisor trainings/battle practices
=> Host battle practices.
=> Host training sessions.
=> Lead raids both in and out of wartimes.
=> Host fun events (mostly out of wartime)
=> Joint-Trainings
=> Propose Alliances
=> Q&A Sessions
=> Create Council Logs
=> View Council Logs
=> Eligible to lead a specific position within the clan.
=> Ability to exercise power of authority over ranks lower than itself
=> Promote Justicars that are deemed fit for Marshal
=> Can start a vote to have an action set in place by the Arch Admiral or Grand Admiral undone
by rallying of the high council who want the action to be reverted (The Great Admiral *MUST*
supply an alternative beforehand should a majority be reached)
Arch Admiral
The Arch Admiral is a position held by highest ranked Great Admiral. The Arch Admiral acts as a
second in command and actively represents the clan in cases on the Grand Admirals absence.
The Arch Admiral is charged with the responsibility of keeping the High Council and Council
orderly and running smoothly. The Arch Admiral and Grand Admiral work together in bringing
new Supervisors into the Council Tier of ranks and approve of all serious actions taken with
=> Able to host Official sessions, you are now able to give prestige.
=> Able to oversee Supervisor trainings/battle practices
=> Host battle practices.
=> Host training sessions.
=> Lead raids both in and out of wartimes.
=> Host fun events (mostly out of wartime)
=> Joint-Trainings

=> Propose Alliances

=> Q&A Sessions
=> Create Council Logs
=> View Council Logs
=> Eligible to lead a specific position within the clan.
=> Ability to exercise power of authority over ranks lower than itself; as well as promote and
demote members of Frostaria that are below the rank of Great Admiral
=> Promote Admirals that are deemed fit for Great Admiral alongside the Grand Admiral.
Grand Admiral
The Grand Admiral is a position held by the leader of The ROBLOX Assault Team. The Grand
Admiral, alongside the Arch Admiral, has the final say in any decision that affects the group. The
Grand Admiral is charged with the responsibility to ensure that productivity in the group is never
at a standstill, and constantly work with the High Council to improve the wellbeing of RAT.
Ultimately, the Arch Admiral and the Grand Admiral make the final decision. The Grand Admiral
and Arch Admiral share equal powers. In times of disagreement, the high command will be
confronted for a decision.
=> Able to host Official sessions, you are now able to give prestige.
=> Able to oversee Supervisor trainings/battle practices
=> Host battle practices.
=> Host training sessions.
=> Lead raids both in and out of wartimes.
=> Host fun events (mostly out of wartime)
=> Joint-Trainings
=> Propose Alliances
=> Q&A Sessions
=> Create Council Logs
=> View Council Logs
=> Eligible to lead a specific position within the clan.
=> Ability to exercise power of authority over ranks lower than itself
=> Ability to exercise power of authority over ranks lower than itself; as well as promote and
demote members of Frostaria
=> Promote a single Great Admiral to the rank of Arch Admiral to act as Second in Command of
the group
The powers listed for each rank are just basic outlines and roles for each rank and are in no way
8.) Assigned Positions and Functions (Admiral+)
Admirals and above are often given assigned position which give them further power and
authority on the matter that is dictated by their position. Admirals with assigned position are
obligated to working extensively at job given that would given along with an assigned position.

*Note: Not all Admirals and higher will have an assigned position which is why their total
responsibilities and powers are mentioned section 5 of the Manual.
Assignable positions and their descriptions:
*Note: Admirals are able to actively assist those with assigned positions so long as they do not
neglect their basic duties and responsibilities.
=> Executive of Government and Operations (Internal affairs)
Coordinates alongside other assigned positions of High Council.
Handles issues regarding RAT and reforms.
Handles complaints.
=> Director of Frostaria's Future and Development (Technological innovation)
Oversees all development of RATs technological projects.
This title comes with the Overseer rank in Sparrow Corp.
=> Director of Community Resources (Community Outreach)
Plans and hosts regular member and High Council meetings when deemed
Gathers members concerns and interacts within the community
Planning and coordinating fun events to be held within RAT.
=> Fleet Commander (Hostile Relations)
Manages, engages, and leads all war campaigns in RAT (Engaging in wars
does require Arch Admiral and Grand Admiral consent).
Creates all war and raiding protocols.
This title comes with heading the Flight of Liberation.
=> State Consul (Diplomatic Relations)
Approves, removes, and primarily manages all alliances within RAT.
Able to produce and manage a Coalition with consent of the Arch Admiral
or the Grand Admiral.
=> Chief Compliance Officer (RAT Productivity)
Assurance of productivity and efficiency throughout the Officers and
members of the High Council, community events, and further operations.
Handles suspensions, demotions, and enforces discipline on all members of
Ensures productivity within all factions of Frostaria
=> Chief Liaison Officer (Oversees Officers)
Assures productivity and constant intake of Justicars from the Supervisor
Manages the Testing and Promotion of Justicars to Marshals

Manages the Council of Marshals and Justicars

=> Progression-General (Head of Training)
Creates standard training protocols that all members must abide by.
Ensures that members that are able to assist or host trainings are doing so
accordingly to the protocols set in place.
Able to make trainings places official.
=> Chief of Staff (Overseer of Noncommissioned Admiral Staff)
Analyze areas within RAT that are lacking in productivity or progress
Directs Noncommissioned Admirals to focus on areas that are lacking in
productivity or progress
9.) Divisions
8.1) Sparrow Corp
Sparrow Corp runs all the technological advances that are made to RAT. This division
contains the best of Frostarias scripters, builders, and artists.
8.2) Flight of Liberation
Flight of Liberation holds some of the most skilled and disciplined fighters within RAT. In
times of war, these are the members we look toward for leadership and skill in the most
important raids and defenses.
8.3) Medical Division
Medical Division embodies the aspects of players whom have shown themselves to put
others above themselves on the battle field.
8.4) Honors Division
Honors Division contains members which have shown themselves to be exemplary
members of Frostaria. To get in, one must have been voted in by the committee in place.
8.5) The Frostarian Council
The Frostarian Council is the hub for all Justicars and Marshals so they are able to keep
each other informed and communicate effectively among one another as they are High Ranks
in Training.
8.6) The Frostarian High Council
The Frostarian High Council functions as the hub for all High Ranks within RAT (Admiral
and above), and all information discussed within the group is classified, any leaking of this
information would result in a suspension from RAT.
10.) Shout Tags
In order to ensure organization within the High Council when it comes to posting to the group
status, we have developed a system of simple words and symbols that will give you a quick and
easy understanding of the contents of any shout.
=> Brackets
{TAG} - 30 minutes (Justicar+)

[TAG] - 1 hour (Admiral+)

[[TAG]] - 2 hours (Great Admiral+)
[[[TAG]]] - Do not over-shout (Arch Admiral+)
Any bracket may be over shouted only if given permission by the person who shouted it in the
first place, as well as if a rank above the shouter gives permission. (If you are a higher rank you
may overshout lower rank shouts). The rule of thumb is that the bigger the tag, the more
important something is.
=> Tags
MSG - Used to show that the content of the shout is a message to all members.
DEV - Used to alert members that the shout contains development updates
RALLY - Used to alert members of a rally at the place provided in the shout.
RAID - Used to alert members to raid the place provided in the shout.
TRAIN - Used to alert members of a training at the place provided in the shout.
PRACTICE - Used to alert members of a practice at the place provided in the shout
POSTMSG - Used to show that the contents of the shout relate to a previous shout.
FORUM - Used to alert members to a forum with the related link provided in the shout.
MEET - Used to alert members of a meeting at the place provided.
JOINTTRAIN - Used to alert members of a joint training with allies at the place provided.
EVENT - Used to alert members of an event (Games such as Frostarian Galleons) at the place
DEFEND - Used to alert members to defend the place provided in the shout.
DEBRIEF - Used after a raid has been completed to inform members of who got prestige, and
the overall statistics of the raid.
TRYOUTS - Used to announce tryouts for any RAT Divisions.
These tags are not limiting, they merely serve as a reference for what the tags mean. Dont be
surprised if you see a tag that is not listed here but is not misleading to what the shout contains
in it.

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