THE DUTTAs - by Dhruba Dutta Chaudhury

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Bharadwaja Gotro

Bally DUTTA family; Andul DUTTA Chaudhury family ; Chitpore Dutta Family ; Hatkhola Dutta Family

Bharadwaja Gotro DUTTA family founder, Shri Purushottam Dutta was born as the
greatest of the great DUTTA family, rooted in devotion for the Lord and dedicated for the
welfare of all, fully endowed with the virtues of Rishi Bharadwaj (a sage). Purushottam
Dutta was chosen and instructed by the divine will to establish this Bharadwaja Gotro
DUTTA family. A Sanskrit verse, which was later translated in to English by Shri Hemotpaul
Chaudhuri (descendant of this DUTTA family) in his book DUTTA CHAUDHURI CHRONICLES.
In an essay Alpines in Eastern India, historian Kanaklal Barua writes that Alpine Aryans, an
Aryan sub-race (descending from the Celts of Central Europe in Neolithic times) immigrated to
India in the third millennium B.C. One group settled down in Central-North India, another in
Gujarat, and a third group went to Bengal. Mr.Barua references another historian, Dr. B.S. Guha
who, in Census of India, Vol I Part III, 1931 considers Nagar Brahmins of Gujarat to be
ethnically related to Bengali Kayasthas at one time they officiated as priests of the Alpine
Aryans. Mr.Guha also thinks that Bengali Brahmins are near cousins of Bengali Kayasthas.
Again, in page 182 of Alpines in Eastern India, Barua reference three inscriptions dated
between 7th to 8th century A.D. found in Assam, Bengal, and Odisha (Orissa), in which local
kings in these provinces donated lands to Brahmins whose surnames match with those of
modern-day Bengali Kayasthas such as Ghosa (Ghosh), Dutta, Vasu (Basu), Mitra etc., thus
validating the possibility of these communities being of a common Alpine Aryan heritage.
The Brahmins such as Mukhopadhay, Bandhopadhya, Chattopadhya, Ghoshal, and
Gangopadhay came out of intermixture with Vedic Aryans or Mediterranean Aryans (descending
respectively from Northern and Southern Europe) who had also migrated to India in pre-historic
In spite having this background history as a noble and royal community, the kayasthas of Bengal
have done exceptionally well since the14th century. Many became prosperous zamindars
(landlords) like that of ours, educators, doctors, and reformers who significantly contributed to the
Bengal Renaissance, in the fields of philosophy, literature, science and politics.
Our Dutta Chaudhury family of Andul is originally this ancient kayastha Dutta family,
who like other kayasthas, is supposed to have Alpine Aryan heritage.
We, the DUTTAs are descendant of Shri Purushottam Dutta, who in the latter 10th century, AD
i.e. more than 1000 years ago, being the one among the 5 Kayasthas (Makaranda Ghosha,
Virata Guha, Dasharatha Basu, Kalidasa Mitra, and our Purusottama Dutta), sent to Bengal,
with 5 Brahmins (Sriharsa Mukhopadhay, Vattanarayan Bandhopadhya, Daksha Chattopadhya,
Chandor Ghoshal, and Vedgarva Gangopadhay) in response of the invitation from King Hemanta
Sen of Bengal, by then King Adisur of Kannauj (UP) to re-establish Vedic control in Bengal.


Kannauj (UP) was a centre of Aryan civilization and culture, and the capital of Harshas empire in
7th century AD. Kannauj declined after being conquered and destroyed by Turkish tribes under
Mahmud of Ghazni in 1018.
The real motivation for King Adisur to invite the Kayasthas must have been to strengthen his
administration with their talent and experience. At that time, Bengal was under Sen Dynasty,
'Kayastha' families like Ghosh, Basu, Mitra, and our DUTTA clans remained in South Bengal,
while the other Guhas apparently moved to East Bengal because of problems with the King. Shri
Purushottama Dutta, our ancestor, at the age of 20, settled down at a village called Bally(in
Hooghly) in South-West Bengal(Dakshin Rahra), on the bank of the Bhagirathi river .From then,
this Duttas began to earned the name as the DUTTAs of BALLY and by this our Purushottam
Dutta became the founder of Kannaujiya Dutta Family of South Bengal.
Purushottam Dutta passed away at an age of 86 (estimated calculation). His grand-sons were
Kanak Dutta and Nilambar Dutta. Nilambar stayed back in Bally, but in 11th century AD, Kanak
moved to a village known as Kadam Dandi of West Midnapore. So, the DUTTAs of Midnapore
became the very first off-shoot of our DUTTA family of BALLY. Midnapore Collegiate
School, established in Midnapore in 1834, has a history of some teachers and students having
participated as revolutionaries during Indias struggle for independence. Mrigen Dutta, who
became a martyr in the cause of Mother Indias struggle to free herself from the tyranny of British
rule, may well have been a glorious descendant of Kanak Dutta. In 12 th century AD, great grandson of Kanak, Ram Chandra Dutta moved to a place call Chatra (in Hooghly). There is an 18th
century (~ 1723 AD) Radha-Damodar temple with terracotta plaques located in a small courtyard
of the Dutta family residence of Dutta-para, Joypur. The temple is dedicated to of Vishnu, Kali,
and Damodar.
Narayan Dutta (from Nilambars lineage and 7th descendants of Purushottam) started attending
the Sena(Sen) court - Ballal Sen and Lakshman Sen. Now, Ballal Sen was the one who injected
the concept of Kulinism into the caste system to the Brahmins and Kayasthas of Bengal, who
had migrated from Kannauj at the invitation of King Adisur. So, all five Kannaujiya Brahmins and
Kannaujiya Duttas were declared as Kulin, the highest level in the hierarchy. Young Narayan
Dutta became a victim of caste politics in Ballal Sens court. Narayan, though unsophisticated,
was proud of his heritage. In the court, he expressed his independence by saying that he was not
a servant of the Brahmins. The Brahmins conspired and compelled Ballal Sen to deny Kulin
status to our DUTTA family. Our DUTTAs remained as kayastha instead of Kulin
Kayastha. However, Narayan Dutta continued to be respected as a leader of the society.
Because of their common history of immigration from Kannauj, the Ghosh, Basu, and Mitra kulin
families even to this day continued to treat the Duttas as one of their own for purposes of social
and family relationships.
Murari Dutta was the great grandson of Narayan Dutta, had two sons Ganapati Dutta and
Tekari Dutta. Elder son, Ganapati moved to a place call, Halisahar and Tekari (hailing from the
Dutta family of Bally and the 12th Purushottam) moved from Bally to Andul and established his
residence in the 14th century.Tekari Dutta had inherited enough capital from his father Murari
Dutta, to be able to acquire the extensive property Muzzaffarpur Pargana to become established
as the zamindar of Andul. His residence was said to have been built on 252 bighas of land.Later
Tekari Dutta was awarded with the title of Chaudhury" by Ghiasuddin Azam Shah,then nawab
of Bengal. Tekari's lineage from then began to known as the Dutta Chaudhury family of Andul
(in Howrah), on the west coast of the Saraswati River, and established his residence in the 14th
century. So, the DUTTA CHAUDHURY family is the second off-shoot of the DUTTA family


of BALLY. He had inherited enough capital from his father, Murari Dutta, to be able to acquire
the extensive property of Muzaffarpur Pargana to become established as the very first zamindar
of Andul.Pargana" is a word of Persian origin, used as an administrative unit by the Muslim
rulers of India. In 1793 the British abolished pargana system in favour of the zamindari system, in
which zamindars were made the absolute owners of rural lands.
This DUTTA CHAUDHURY family had got connections with many other bonedi baris i.e.
aristocratic family of Calcutta. Infact the Deb family of Sova-bazar, was the son-in-law house
for this Dutta Chaudhuries. Many a times Raja (King) Naba Krishna Deb had attended 'DharmaSobha' with Golok Chandra Dutta Chaudhury (grand-son of Srimanta Dutta Chaudhury,
founder of the Royal Family of Dinajpur -Dinajpur rajbari OR Dinajpur Palace) along with
the Bhubaneswar Kar Roy of the Kar-Roys of Andul (the Raj family of Andul). My mother,
Pampa Mitra, hailing from the well-known Mitra family of Naihati, got married to this Dutta
Chaudhury family. The legendary singer, Shyamal Mitra too shares his ancestral lineage with this
Tekaris great grandson was Raja Krishnananda Dutta Chaudhury, who afterward became the
very first vaishnab from our family, who used to worship Radha-Madhav in his Andul house;
afterward he carried that Radha-Madhav with him to Puri with Shri Nityananda Prabhu. Now this
Radha-Madhav is in Chotti (Orissa), which is over 500 years of now. Krishnananda had two sons
Madhav Ram Dutta Chaudhury and Kandarpa Ram Dutta Chaudhury. In 16th century,
Madhav Ram moved to a place call, Choa, Murshidabad in the 16th century because of a good
job in the administration of the Nawab of Bengal. So, the DUTTAs of Murshidabad became the
first off-shoot of the DUTTA CHAUDHURY family of Andul. And Kandarparam Dutta
Chaudhury (hailing from the Dutta Chaudhury family of Andul and the 16th Purushottam) had
three sons Ramsharan, Gabindasharan and Harisharan. In the 16th century, Gabinda Sharan
Dutta Chaudhury constantly at loggerheads with each other regarding the distribution of
ancestral property and had severed ties with Andul went over to a place called Badar Rasa
somewhere in South Calcutta to establish his residence. But, Ramsharan Dutta Chaudhury
stayed back in Andul. He had six sons Mahesh Chandra, Shiv Ram, Jagannath, Parvati
Charan, Param Chand and Kashiwar. Due to the apparent atrocities committed on his property
and belongings by his younger brother Gobinda Sharan, Ram Sharan suffered considerable loss
in self-esteem. He could not recover from the shock, and passed away. The youngest of Ram
Sharans six sons, Shri Kashiwar Dutta Chaudhury, was still in his mothers womb when his
father Ram Sharan passed away. When Kashiswar was 17 years old, Mughal Prince Shah
Jahan happened to be travelling by boat along the Saraswati River while returning from a visit to
Odisha (Orissa). .Handsome Kashiswar was sighted by the princes attendants. He was waiting
at the river front with an appeal written in Farsi to be submitted to the Prince. It was an appeal for
help, describing his ancestral background, mentioning how his family was in dire straits because
of the evil deeds perpetuated by his uncle Gobinda Sharan. Shah Jahan beckoned Kashiswar,
accepted his appeal, and was so moved by what he read that he immediately ordered the lost
estates to be returned back to Kashiswars family. Kashiswar was able to get back his ancestral
properties, and he lived happily ever after with his family as well as with his brothers Mahesh
Chandra & Shiv Ram and their families. Later, Shri Kashiswar Dutta Chaudhury constructed
'Chandi-Mandap' and re-started Durga Puja in the year of 1609 AD in a vaishnab cult following
Brihannandikeshwar Puran. The Durga Puja of this Dutta Chaudhury family is considered as
one among the oldest puja in Bengal. The Chandi-Mandap built by Kashiswar unfortunately
collapsed around the year1929 AD, but his descendants took no time in getting a new one
constructed and functioning within a year. Elder DUTTA CHAUDHURY family members residing
in Andul have indicated that we used to worship Mother Durga in an "Atchala" structure


sometime before 1609. This is according to our family history handed down the generations by
the spoken word. Durga Puja used to be carried out through Tantra cult during the earlier days,
till it was stopped probably when Krishnananda Dutta Chaudhury became a fully fledged
Vaishnab due to the influence of Shri Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Shri Nityananda Prabhu.

Very few Dutta Chaudhury families continue to reside in Andul. New houses owned by
others have sprung up where Purushottama Dutta's descendants once used to live. Even
the original "Chaudhury Para Bus Stop" is now more familiarly known as Mukherjee Para
Bus Stop. One of the few original families that still live there is that of Bonobehari Dutta
Chaudhury and Kishan Dutta Chaudhury, whose descendants have preserved the tradition
of celebrating at Kashiswar's Thakur Dalan the annual Durga Puja in accordance with our
ancient traditions.
Though Tekari Dutta was the first ancestor to establish the Dutta Chaudhury zamindari at Andul
in the 14th century, Kashiswar is considered as the one who firmly established the family.
Harisharan Dutta Chaudhury (b/o Ramsharan and Gabindasharan) got a government job and
moved from Andul to a place called "Barada" in Muragachha Pargana". Muragachha Pargana,
near Sonarpur which is about 60 kilometres from Diamond Harbour, which nowadays falls within
the South 24 Parganas district.
So, Gabindasharan Dutta Chaudhury severed ties with Andul went over to a place called Badar
Rasa somewhere in South Calcutta to establish his residence It is believed that Badar Rasa
eventually expanded to become Gabindapur, which was named after Gabindasharan Dutta
Chaudhury. Afterward Ram Chandra Dutta, his descendants move to Chitpore. After Chitpore,
Madan Mohon Dutta moved to a place call, Jora-Shiv tola and finally, Shri Jagatram Dutta moved
to Nimtala Ghat Street and became the founder of the DUTTA family of HATKHOLA. The
Duttas of Hatkhola celebrate their Durga Puja and Kali Puja in their 'Thakur Dalan' from the year
of 1794 AD .So, the Duttas of Hatkhola are the off-shoot of Andul Dutta Chaudhuries. But
these Hatkhola Dutta members discontinued writing Chaudhury.
Shri Shyamal Dhon Dutta ( Solicitor High Court), from our Hatkhola Dutta, got out of his house,
due to some internal family quarrel and bought a ready-made house at 159, Balaram De Street
Calcutta 700006,from which they began to known as BALARAM DE STREET DUTTA BARI ,
is one of the off-shoot of our Hatkhola Dutta Family. This DUTTAs of Balaram De celebrating
Shri Shri Durga Puja from the year of 1870 AD. But now this Durga Puja is organised by 'Ghosh'

There are some BOOKs, which encircles our family ancestry. Those books being- (1) DATTA
VANSA MALA' by Kedarnath Dutta [Published: 1875 ], (2) 'AMAR DESHER KOTHA' by
Atulkrishna Dutta Chaudhury [Published: 1944 ], (3) KOLIKATA R ETIBRITTO' by PranKrishna
Dutta and (4) DUTTA CHAUDHURY CHRONICLES [full-family tree incl.] by Hemotpaul
Chaudhuri [e-published- 2016].

** E-Books are available, except for KOLIKATA R ETIBRITTO' by PranKrishna Dutta.



1) Madan Mohon Dutta - Kamdev Dutta Chaudhury had been to the holy city of Gaya to
complete the last rites (Pinda-daan) of his father Ratnakar Dutta Chaudhury. So,
Kamdev prayed to the Lord at the Vishnupada temple to give him the strength and
means to have a flight of stairs constructed so as to enable devotees to climb up the
mount and fulfill their obligations. He also prayed that someone else amongst his
descendants be able to construct the stairs in case he himself failed to get it done.
Kamdev's wish came to fruition when his descendant, Madan Mohan Dutta had a
staircase of 395 stone steps, rest homes for pilgrims, & facilities for the temple uphill
2) Raja Krishnananda Dutta Chaudhury The very first vaishnab of our family, who
used to worship Radha-Madhav in his Andul house, which he later took that to Puri.
Presently, this idol is kept in an ashram of Chotti, well-known as Chotti Radha-Madhav.
Krishnananda is the founder of the Chandul-Math.
3) Akshay Chandra Chaudhury The home tutor i.e. guru of the first Asian Nobel
laureate, Rabindranath Tagore.
4) Prabhabati (Dutta) Bose Mother of Subhas Chandra Bose.
5) Nistarini (Dutta) Basu Maternal grand-mother of Aurobindo Ghosh (well known as
Rishi Aurobindo).
6) Kedarnath Dutta Well known as Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur.
7) Bimalaprasad Dutta Well known as Srila Bhaktishidhanta Saraswati Thakur. He was
the founder of GAUDIYA MATH, Baghbazar, Calcutta.
8) Kaliprasad Dutta The Kalighat Temple at Calcutta was erected under the
patronage of the Kali Prasad Dutta with the help of Santosh Roy Chaudhury of the
well-known Sabarna Roy Chaudhury family of Barisha, Kolkata. Kali Prasad Dutta
had given Rs.25,000/- to Santosh.
9) Bashanta Chaudhury The legendary actor in Bengali Film Industry, Tollygaunge.
NOTE: Throughout my writing of our ancestry, I have taken reference from the e-book, DUTTA
CHAUDHURI CHRONICLES authored by my uncle, Shri Hemotpaul Chaudhuri (California,
(Bonobeharis grandson and 27th from Purushottam Dutta)
1st March, 2016


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