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AP Calculus AB :: 2006-2007 :: Shubleka Name______________________________

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Quiz Six: Applications of the Derivative

Problem One (10 points)

Suppose that f and g are both concave upward on  ,  . Under what condition(s) will the composite
function h  f g be concave upward ?

Problem Two (10 points)

Find a cubic function f ( x)  ax 3  bx 2  cx  d that has a local maximum value of 3 at -2 and a local
minimum value of 0 at 1.

Problem Three (10 points)

Let K (t ) be a measure of the knowledge you will gain by studying for the AP Calculus final exam for t
hours. Which do you think is larger, K (8)  K (7) or K (4)  K (3) ? Is the graph of K concave upward or
concave downward? Justify your reasoning.

Problem Four (10 points)

Sketch the graph of a function that satisfies all of the following:

f '(2)  0, f (2)  1, f (0)  0,

f '( x)  0 if 0  x  2, f '( x)  0 if x 2
f ''( x)  0 if 0  x  1 or if x  4
f ''( x)  0 if 1  x  4, lim f ( x)  1
x 

f ( x)  f (x)  x  R.

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