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Story behind the game:

Rivers of bloodbath, death of President Snow of the Capitol and President Coin of
District 13 and the death of most citizens of Panem was the result of the second rebellion. The
survivors decided to rebuild Panem to institute peace in behalf of the deceased people who fight
for freedom. A new set of Rules and Regulation were issued to equalize the living status of every
citizen. They extinct the extravagant and barbaric ways of living of citizens who dwells from
different districts. A school for every district re-opens for the wide learning of every child and
those who will soon be born.

25 years after the foundation of the new Panem, Willow Mellark, 25, together with Rye
Mellark, 22, the son and daughter of KatnissEverdeen and PeetaMellark, decided to recreate The
Hunger Games. The recreation of the game was commenced to erase the fear of the citizens from
the rebellion and the terror from the old Hunger Games. Every 25 years in the ruins of what was
once North America, the Capitol of the nation of Panem asks each of its thirteen districts to send
groups of teenage boys and girls to compete in the Hunger Games. To celebrate their triumph
against the Capitol in the second rebellion lead by the Mockingjay, The revised Hunger Games is
nationally televised to which "Group of Tributes" must fight with one another until all groups
raised their district banners to end the games.

2. Objectives:
The Team Building event held by CaJPIA this year aims to build the relationship of every
local chapter to other schools involved within the provincial chapter. It aims to promote good
connection and camaraderie of every school towards each other.

3. Committees:
a. Registration
b. Games

14 district mayors

3 black market representatives

3 mentors

c. Media and Documentation (includes posters and documentation after)

d. Restoration

4. Materials:
20 Bamboo
1 can of Paints each (Red, Blue, Black, Yellow)
20 Katya
15 Paint Brush
10 Straw
20 Scissors
3 packs of Cups
100 Clothes pin
3 Packaging tape
2 inches Bond Papers
10 Pens
10 Markers
5 Zesto Boxes
4 Planks
10 Ping Pong balls
4 Cartolina rolled
10 Manila paper
3 packs of balloons (with water inside)
2 8x11 plastics
500 - 800 pcs of POGS

5. Participants:
Which will have 20 groups composing of 10 members each

6. Venue:
Adventist University of the Philippines - Silang

7. Activities:

Jewels from the box.


Protect the Train.


Unraveling the Knots.


All Aboard.


Air Ball.


Marble Transportation.


Lumber Up.


Blind Square.


Concentric Circles.


Blindfolded Animals.


The Cornucopian Feast.


The Land Mines.

m. I was puzzled.
n. Flag/Banner Making

8. Mechanics:
Whole Game Mechanics
a. Each team must consist of 20 members known as tributes. They should pick 1 tribute to be
their leader which will be called as careers.
b. At the start of the game, each team is entitled with 10 tokens. They can use this token to
transact on every game or to buy the supply they needed for the final task.
c. The cities around Panem are known as districts. These 14 districts including capitol and the
risen district 13 offer different activities. To enter or join the districts activities with the
exception of capitol and district 13, you must stake tokens against your opponents. The

minimum stake is 5 tokens and the maximum stake is 15. The stake of both opposing teams
must be equal. The victor team will get the pooled tokens given by them as their reward. The
Capitol, known as the largest city in Panem, serves as the nations central seat of government.
It also caters banks, financial institutions and businesses. The Capitol offers loaning system
which the tributes can avail in case they run out of money within the game. They also sell the
materials needed to create their group flag/banner which are offered in a very expensive
price. District 13 on the other hand offers games which each team can play alone. They are
subject to pay 2 tokens in order to play the game. If they succeeded, they are entitled with
tokens as their price.
d. While the game is on-going, therell be mentors loitering around. Theyll offer you
sponsorship for supplies you need. But before they hand you the supplies, you must answer
correctly their given questions.
e. Same as mentors, therell be representatives from black markets roaming around. Theyll
offer you tokens in exchange of your most price possession.

After each team completed all the supplies they need, they will be creating their own teams
flag/banner together with a simple and short cheer for their team to be presented at the end of
the game.

Tributes are asked to wear the most comfortable clothes they can.
They must bring their own scarf/ big handkerchief for their blindfold.

Prices of good in the Capitol:

Bamboo - 50 tokens
Paints: (Red, Blue, Yellow) - 30 tokens each
Black - 40 tokens
Katya - 40 tokens
Paint Brush - 20 tokens
Cup of water - 15 tokens
Straw - 20 tokens
Scissors - 35 tokens

Loan System:
Loans are offered in the bank with 20% interest
Maximum loan amount is 50 tokens
District Activity Mechanics
DISTRICT 1s industry is making luxury items for Panem. For this game, theyll be offering the activity
entitled Jewels from the box.
1. Each team is entitles with one box upon their choice from the 5 boxes offered for them.
2. The boxes are filled with random thing which the tributes will use to decode message.
3. The message may either come from the first letter of every object or from the name of the object
4. The winning team will be the first team to decode the message of their chosen box.
5. The winning team known as victors will be awarded by the pooled tokens as their price.
DISTRICT 2s industry is masonry but they also manufactured weapons and make trains. For this game,
theyll be offering the activity entitled Protect the Train.
1. Each team is asked to fall in line with the careers as their front liners.
2. The front liner or the career is entitled with 5 clothes pin which he will pin on his both sleeves
and in front of his clothes.
3. The tributes except for the last one are entitled with 2 clothes pin each which are pinned on their
4. The back liner is entitled with 4 clothes pin which are pinned on his both sleeves and on the back
of his clothes.
5. They are given 5 minutes to take out pins from their opponents and to protect their teams pins
from being taken away.
6. The winning team will be the group with the most number of pins still on their clothes at the end
of 5 minutes.
7. The victors will be awarded with the pooled tokens.
DISTRICT 3s industry is general electronics of many type. For this game, theyll be offering the activity
entitled Unraveling the Knots.

1. Every tribute of the team stands in a circle and puts their right hand into the middle.
2. They will randomly hold someone elses hand.
3. After that they would put their left hand into the middle and hold the hand of another person.
4. Afterwards, they should entangle the knot without releasing anyones hand.
5. The fastest group to entangle will be the districts victor.
6. The victors will be awarded with the pooled tokens.
DISTRICT 4s industry is fishing. For this game, theyll be offering the activity entitled All Aboard.
1. The group is asked to fit inside the small area for 10 seconds.
2. When they succeed, they will decrease/shrink the area up to the smallest area possible.
3. The winning group will be the team standing on the smallest area which is smaller than their
4. The victor will be awarded with the pooled tokens.
DISTRICT 5s industry is power. For this game, theyll be offering the activity entitled Air Ball.
1. Each team is entitled with 2 planks.
2. They are to choose only 2 tributes as their team representative.
3. The chosen 2 tributes will maintain the ping pong balls up in the air by hitting it with the planks.
4. The team that will maintain the balls longer up in the air without the ball falling on the floor will
5. Each team only has 3 trials.
6. The victor will be awarded with the pooled tokens.
7. If no team can complete the task, the pooled tokens will remain on the hands of the district
DISTRICT 6s industry is transportation. For this game, theyll be offering the activity entitled Marble

1. Each team is entitled with 5 1-foot long half pipe and a marble.
2. The teams are given up to 5 minutes to plan before the game would start.
3. They have to transport the marble from the starting point which is 3 meters far to the finish line
by rolling the marbles on the pipe.
4. The rule is that they cant link the pipes together.
5. The distance of each pipe should be 2 inches away with each other,
6. Each team only has 3 trials.
7. The victor will be awarded with the pooled tokens.
8. If no team can complete the task, the pooled tokens will remain on the hands of the district
DISTRICT 7s industry is lumber. For this game, theyll be offering the activity entitled Lumber Up.
1. Each team is entitled with 1 packaging tape.
2. The goal is to transfer the packaging tape to the finish line.
3. The rule is that they have to only use the tip of their index finger to transfer the tape.
4. Pinching or grabbing is not allowed.
5. They are only allowed to balance the tape on top of the tip of their index finger.
6. Once the tape fall, the team will go back to the starting line again.
7. The winning team will be the first group to transfer the tape to the finish line.
8. The victors will be rewarded with the pooled tokens.
DISTRICT 8s industry is production of textiles. For this game, theyll be offering the activity entitled
Blind Square.
1. All the tributes playing are asked to blindfold themselves using the scarf they have.
2. The district Mayor will throw a rope on the ground next to them.
3. The task for them is to make a square using the full-length of the rope
4. The rule is no one is allowed to talk.
5. The winning team will be the fastest group to create the full length square.

DISTRICT 9s industry is grain. For this game, theyll be offering the activity entitled Concentric
1. Each team is given a sheet of paper and a pen.
2. Every tribute must write 2 characteristic about them. 1 truth and 1 false.
3. Group 1 will form a circle facing outwards.
4. Group 2 will form another circle surrounding group 1, facing them. Each tribute should face
someone not from his team.
5. Each tribute is given a minute or two to exchange their truth characteristics to the person in front
of them.
6. When the mayor shout MOVE, Group 1 have to move to their righto face another person.
7. When the mayor shout TRANSPOSE, Group 2 have to move to their righto face another
8. When the mayor shout SWITCH, the tribute will now exchange false characteristics about
9. Only the characteristics written on the given sheet given before the game started are the one to be
10. After the exchange of characteristics, the mayor will give 5 characteristics to group 1 about group
2 and group 1 will have to answer whether it is truth or false. This would be repeated to group 2
11. The group with the highest correct answer will win.
12. If both team have the same score, both will be given a clincher question as their tie breaker.
DISTRICT 10s industry is livestock. For this game, theyll be offering the activity entitled Blindfolded
1. Each team will be assigned as a specific animal.
2. Each tribute will be blindfolded
3. They will be placed on different locations
4. They will imitate the sound of their assigned animal until the whole group will meet on one
specific place.
5. The team who will be completed the fastest will win

DISTRICT 11s industry is agriculture. For this game, theyll be offering the activity entitled The
Cornucopian Feast.
1. Each team should assign 1 looker, 2 runners and 2 builders.
2. The mayor would show the figure to the looker for only ones.
3. The looker will tell runner 1 all the details about the figure.
4. Runner 1 will then relay the details to runner 2
5. Runner 2 will be the one to relay the details to the builders but in a different way. Runner 2 can
only say yes or no. the builders will be the one to figure it out by asking questions which are
answerable by yes or no about the figure.
6. If runner 2 cannot remember a detail, he can return to runner 1. Only runner 1 can go back to the
post of the looker if he forgets a detail.
7. The builders will arrange the figures as fast as they can with the use of the materials on their post.
8. The fastest team to finish will win.
DISTRICT 12s industry is coal. For this game, theyll be offering the activity entitled The Land
1. Each tribute is asked to blindfold themselves except for the careers.
2. The challenge is for all the tributes to walk from the starting post to the finish line with the
direction of their teams career.
3. The tributes are not allowed to talk; only the careers are allowed.
4. Once a tribute stepped on a landmine, their whole team will be given time penalty.
5. The fastest group to cross the landmine wins.
DISTRICT 13s industry is research and development. For this game, theyll be offering the activity
entitled I was puzzled.
1. The careers of each team can pick any difficulty of the mind games that they will answer.
2. They are only given specific minutes to answer the questions.
a. Easy 1 minute

b. Average 3 minutes
c. Hard 5 minutes
d. Hardest 8 minutes
3. If they answered correctly, theyll be given tokens as their rewards.
a. Easy -2 tokens
b. Average 3 tokens
c. Hard -5 tokens
d. Hardest 10 tokens

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