Annotations Blog

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Annotations Blog


How do we connect learning new ideas to students if they have no

background knowledge of the topic?


Of the six salient qualities, Learning About Students Lives was the one that
stuck out to me. I had a handful of teachers that showed an interest in my life
outside of their classroom and those are the teachers that inspired me to
become a teacher. They made me excited to come to school and showed that
they cared about me when times were good or bad.


Being Socioculturally Conscious can save a teacher from some phone calls
from parents and administration. My mentor teacher watches the CNN
Student News on Wednesdays in his classroom and they have been speaking
a lot about the crisis in Syria. He never informed the students that not all
Syrians are Muslims or terrorists. With that being said, there is a Syrian girl in
one of his classrooms that was being picked on because of some insensitive
students. He received a phone call from the girls parents and they were not
happy about their daughter being portrayed as a terrorist amongst her peers,
even if it was in a joking manner. My mentor teacher never even knew the girl
was Syrian, he just figured she was Hispanic.


This article is basically setting teachers up for success in their classrooms.

Not only will this have an effect on teachers, but students can also be
successful if teachers stick to the 6 salient points from this article.


This is the most relevant article Ive read in this class because it provides
information on what good teachers do and examples of it as well. I printed
this article out and put in my Useful for Teaching folder that I started two
semesters ago.

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